Category Archives: Attracting Guys

Why Do Men Assume Any Attractive Woman Has A Line Of Men She’s Rejecting Waiting To Court Her?

Why Do Men Assume Any Attractive Woman Has A Line Of Men She's Rejecting Waiting To Court Her?Men know that beauty in a woman is what they are drawn to.

An attractive woman is grabbing and holding a man’s attention.

The common man knows this.

When he goes to bars, it’s the attractive women that he sees his fellow men falling over themselves to buy drinks for.

When he visits the mall, it’s his fellow men he sees chasing or ogling after the attractive women who walk by with their department store bags of purchased items.

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Why Is It Hard To Find A Date As An Independent Woman? Do Men Want Women Who Are More Dependent?

Why Is It Hard To Find A Date As An Independent Woman? Do Men Want Women Who Are More Dependent?Having plenty of success in your education and career field means that you are an ambitious woman.

You are independent too.

You pay your own bills and have lofty goals.

With this much ambition and independence, you are drawn to men who have the same motivation and energy.

Guys with ambition and a track record of success in education and their professional careers.

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Is It Pathetic To Be Depressed Because I Never Get Male Attention?

Is It Pathetic To Be Depressed Because I Never Get Male Attention?Rather than looking at never getting male attention as pathetic, figure out why you get depressed over it.

First and foremost, you are comparing yourself to the popular girls.

The pretty girls with perfect bodies and captivating personalities.

You see how many male followers they have on social media, or how often they are stared at by men in public.

You obsess over this, and get depressed when you see that you don’t have anywhere near the number of male followers on your social media, nor receive anywhere near the amount of stares from men in public.

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Do Guys Become Friends With Girls They Are Not Attracted To?

Do Guys Become Friends With Girls They Are Not Attracted To?Guys aren’t all that inclined to make friends with girls they are not attracted to.

But there are cases where they do.

This is when he has gotten to know the girl for a while and has learned that he has much in common with her.

He believes that keeping her in his life as a friend is a positive addition to his life.

He isn’t physically attracted to her, but values her personality, humanity, and energy.

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Are Stretch Marks And Loose Skin On A Woman, A Deal Breaker For Guys?

Are Stretch Marks And Loose Skin On A Woman, A Deal Breaker For Guys?Stretch marks and loose skin is not a deal breaker for guys.

The guys who are looking for long-term relationships aren’t as stringent on dating a woman with a perfect body.

What she lacks in physical appearance, she makes up for in personality and conduct.

A man that is looking for a long-term partner knows that he can’t get too caught up on superficial requirements.

He wants a woman that is loyal, kind and trustworthy to be his second.

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What Do Guys Think Of Girls Who Don’t Have A Lot Of Friends?

What Do Guys Think Of Girls Who Don't Have A Lot Of Friends?A guy that finds you attractive enough won’t care about how many friends you have.

He primarily cares about your physical appearance.

The fact that you don’t have a lot of friends is not anything that he thinks about for any length of time.

Obviously, he is hoping that you are easy to talk to.

As long as you have decent conversational skills, he is satisfied.

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What Are Signs That A Person Doesn’t Find Another Person From The Opposite Sex Attractive, Without Directly Saying So?

What Are Signs That A Person Doesn't Find Another Person From The Opposite Sex Attractive, Without Directly Saying So?When a person doesn’t find another person from the opposite sex attractive, there is an absence of flirting.

This gets a little confusing when he gives you a compliment, but you mustn’t misconstrue his compliment as a sign of attraction.

A guy that doesn’t want to directly say that he isn’t attracted to you is deliberate in how he compliments you.

He avoids complimenting you with a sensual implication.

As in, he doesn’t compliment your eyes, hair, lips, legs, etc.

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Do Guys Like Girls Who Are Spoiled By Their Doting Parents?

Do Guys Like Girls Who Are Spoiled By Their Doting Parents?A guy’s concern, beyond a girl’s physical looks, is her behavior.

A girl that was spoiled by her doting parents isn’t an automatic red flag.

He doesn’t care all that much that she was spoiled.

What he cares about is how she treats him and others.

A worst example of a spoiled girl is the one that is so used to having her way that she has no consideration of others and lacks common decency.

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Would A Guy Date A Woman That Weighs More Than He Does?

Would A Guy Date A Woman That Weighs More Than He Does?There are lots of guys that would date a woman that weighs more than they do.

The next time you go out in public, take a look at the couples you see.

A significant number of the men are dating women that weigh more than they do.

Granted, there are instances where these women weighed less in the early stages of the relationship, and gained weight as the relationship progressed.

True, these cases do exist.

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Do Guys Really Mind If A Woman Is Slightly Chubby But Active?

Do Guys Really Mind If A Woman Is Slightly Chubby But Active?Guys are all over the board with what they are attracted to.

There are guys who are attracted to women that are slim, stocky, athletic, chubby, etc.

You see, there is so much room for you as a chubby girl to attract a guy.

Keeping this in mind, being slightly chubby doesn’t make you undesirable to every guy.

The key is that you are confident in yourself and accept yourself for who you are.

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I Have Been Single For Years And I Don’t Feel Attracted To Anyone. Why?

I Have Been Single For Years And I Don't Feel Attracted To Anyone. Why?The last relationship you were in left you emotionally devastated when it ended.

You have never quite gotten over it.

Although you believe that you have moved on, you haven’t.

There are moments that you are reminded of him and you get lost in those memories.

These moments of reflection are quickly followed up by regret, as you know that you permitted yourself to get lost in your thoughts about him.

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Do Guys Find Tall Girls Unattractive And Choose Not To Date Them As A Result?

Do Guys Find Tall Girls Unattractive And Choose Not To Date Them As A Result?As a tall girl, it’s not surprising that you are thinking yourself as unattractive.

You have struggled to get guys to ask you out on dates.

Even though a few of them have seemingly been interested, even going as far as telling you that you should model, nothing has ever come of it.

This has you wondering whether guys find tall girls unattractive and choose not to date them as a result.

Here is the truth about all this.

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Why Would A Muscular Guy Be Attracted To A Chubby Girl Like Me?

Why Would A Muscular Guy Be Attracted To A Chubby Girl Like Me?Being that you are a chubby girl, you have been at the receiving end of verbal abuse.

People have told you about how unattractive you are based on your chubbiness.

Those that didn’t have the courage to be so blunt, have insinuated their disdain over your weight with indirect phrases directed at you.

Your own family has made negative references to your chubbiness.

Even though they try to be kind about it, there have been indirect references made about your weight and you are smart enough to know exactly what was meant.

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What Is A Guy’s Ideal Body Type In A Woman That He Wants To Date?

What Is A Guy's Ideal Body Type In A Woman That He Wants To Date?Guy’s are eclectic in the body types that they are attracted to in a woman.

Being that guys are less picky than girls, they have a tendency to be open to a wide range of body types on a woman.

Whether it be fat, stocky, average, slender, petite, and so on.

This being said, there are body types that are the most popular if given a choice for guys.

That of a girl with a slim waist and a healthy figure that is natural and feminine.

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Is It A Deal Breaker To Guys Who Like To Party And Drink Alcohol If A Girl Doesn’t Like To Do All That And Avoids Big Crowds?

Is It A Deal Breaker To Guys Who Like To Party And Drink Alcohol If A Girl Doesn't Like To Do All That And Avoids Big Crowds?Guys who like to party and drink alcohol won’t be unattracted to a girl who doesn’t do all that.

It isn’t a deal breaker to them.

Basically, he knows that you are a girl who isn’t prone to partying and drinking alcohol alongside him, and compartmentalizes.

When he is partying and drinking alcohol, he hangs out with people who participate in these activities.

But he isn’t partying and drinking alcohol 24/7.

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What Is A Turnoff To Guys That Girls Do Without Knowing That They Are Doing It?

What Is A Turnoff To Guys That Girls Do Without Knowing That They Are Doing It?It’s a turnoff to guys when a girl is too clingy.

This happens when a girl becomes emotionally attached to a guy as he is courting her.

She isn’t all that aware that she is doing it when it occurs because she is so wrapped up in how she feels about the guy.

Avoid becoming clingy with a guy, especially in the early stages of courtship.

Once a guy gets a sense that a girl is being clingy, it gives him a preview to what she would be like as a girlfriend.

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