Category Archives: Long Distance

When You Are In A Long Distance Relationship And Feel Lonely

When You Are In A Long Distance Relationship And Feel LonelyIt’s natural to feel lonely when you are in a long distance relationship.

Human beings are biologically wired to be near one another.

There is a reason why human beings congregate in cities and towns.

There is a reason why even hardened prisoners dread having to deal with isolation as a form of punishment.

All human beings, good or bad, desire some form of companionship and closeness with others.

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When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?

When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn't Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?He is using you for whatever attention and provisions you have been giving to him.

Bearing such a selfish intent, he has no interest in taking you seriously by asking you out.

He was fully aware about how far you lived when he decided to get involved with you romantically.

Yet, he is telling you that he hasn’t asked you out yet because you live kinda far.

Alas, this isn’t true at all.

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I Cheated On My Long Distance Boyfriend And I Regret It So Much

I Cheated On My Long Distance Boyfriend And I Regret It So MuchA long distance relationship is a challenge to maintain.

So far, you thought that you had a great relationship with your long distance boyfriend.

That was until you cheated on him.

Now you don’t know what to think.

You continue to love and care for him, which is the reason why you regret cheating on him so much, as you struggle to think about anything else.

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How Far Overseas Would You Date Someone That You Establish A Connection With?

How Far Overseas Would You Date Someone That You Establish A Connection With?Dating someone that is overseas should never be taken lightly.

Many people get lost in the good emotions they feel when they connect with someone overseas romantically.

This is someone who was missing out on love where they live.

And finally finds an emotional connection with someone overseas.

This is where you are at right now in your life.

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