Category Archives: Relationships

How Would You Feel If A Girl You Are Interested In Tells You She Has Social Anxiety?

How Would You Feel If A Girl You Are Interested In Tells You She Has Social Anxiety?Social anxiety is a disorder that causes someone to experience anxiety or fear in various environments.

These are environments where there are people.

No matter the number of people, there is an anxiety or fear of being critiqued, evaluated, and judged.

This anxiety and fear is present when she is speaking in public, meeting new people, or going out on dates.

It’s there when she is at a job interview, answering a question that has been asked of her at work or in a classroom, or talking to a store clerk.

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Is It Challenging To Date A Girl Who’s A Vegetarian When You’re Not?

Is It Challenging To Date A Girl Who's A Vegetarian When You're Not?As a vegetarian, she is sensitive and conscious of what she puts into her body.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that she is a raging lunatic about the concept of eating meat.

Your task is to confirm that she isn’t.

Making this confirmation goes a long way in letting you know how challenging it will be to date her.

In the early stages of courtship, some girls will act as though they don’t mind that you eat meat, and this is disingenuous.

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Why Is My Boyfriend So Insecure With His Looks And Personality?

Why Is My Boyfriend So Insecure With His Looks And Personality?For years, your boyfriend was made fun of for his looks and personality.

This was at home with his own family, at school, work, and the world at large.

Before your boyfriend met you he already had these personal insecurities.

I know what you are thinking.

Why does he continue to have these insecurities when he already has a girlfriend in you?

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How Many Dates Does A Guy Go On Before Declaring That A Girl Is His Girlfriend Or S.O.?

How Many Dates Does A Guy Go On Before Declaring That A Girl Is His Girlfriend Or S.O.?It takes about 2 to 3 months for a guy to declare that you are his girlfriend or S.O.

At an average of about a date a week, this comes to roughly 8 to 12 dates.

This being said, there are exceptions.

There are those who hit it off very quickly and make it official after less than a handful of dates.

Though exciting, this isn’t a good approach.

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Met A Really Nice Guy At An Event But Never Got His Details

Met A Really Nice Guy At An Event But Never Got His DetailsIt was disappointing when you realized that the really nice guy you had connected with in conversation at an event was gone.

You weren’t expecting that, as you thought you would see him again during the course of the event.

But, for whatever reason, you never came across him again.

This was so apropos to the bad luck you have had in meeting men you connect with romantically.

After all, you were seeing so many of the same people again as you walked about the event, and yet, you weren’t seeing him.

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Would A Woman Date A Man Who Doesn’t Want To Sleep With Her?

Would A Woman Date A Man Who Doesn't Want To Sleep With Her?A woman is going to be suspicious about why you don’t want to sleep with her.

Her first thought is that you don’t find her physically attractive.

She doesn’t like this, as it makes her feel undesirable.

This is a huge hurdle for her to get over, even if she isn’t all that into sex either.

She wonders why she isn’t physically attractive enough to get you to want to sleep with her.

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Do Girls Subconsciously Like Being Told What To Do By A Male Partner?

Do Girls Subconsciously Like Being Told What To Do By A Male Partner?Girls are genetically predisposed to like men who lead.

These are men who take charge and do what must be done to protect her and to provide.

This instinct is innate and profound.

There is a reason why girls are reputed to like bad boys, and have had this proclivity throughout the ages.

No, it’s not because they want to be mistreated and insulted by him.

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Would You Date An OnlyFans Girl As A Serious Prospect For Lifelong Partnership?

Would You Date An OnlyFans Girl As A Serious Prospect For Lifelong Partnership?OnlyFans girls want love too, irrespective of what they do for a living.

That being said, the core of their occupation is centered on receiving male attention, and monetizing said attention.

Although the thought of dating an OnlyFans girl sounds exciting at first, think before acting.

The thrill of seeing her as someone that so many guys adore and fawn over won’t last forever.

That novelty does wear off.

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Do Most Guys End Up With The Girl They Want Or The Girl They Can Get?

Do Most Guys End Up With The Girl They Want Or The Girl They Can Get?Most guys end up with the girl they can get.

They go through quite a journey to get to this outcome.

Considering that men are visual by nature, they are primarily attracted to physical beauty in a woman.

The mass of women aren’t physically beautiful.

This means that the number of women that possess the one quality that men value the most in a partner are a minuscule percentage of the female population.

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Would You Date Someone Who Was A Conservative In Their Political And Ideological Beliefs?

Would You Date Someone Who Was A Conservative In Their Political And Ideological Beliefs?Knowing whether you see eye to eye in politics and ideology with whoever you choose to date long term is vital.

Without doing this first, you risk getting into a relationship that eventually comes to a head.

There are people who have made the unfortunate misstep in letting their emotions speak for their common sense.

This is when they ignore that they have a wide difference in political and ideological viewpoints with the person they are dating.

The mindset is that their love for one another is enough to overcome any differences of opinion.

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Would A Guy Be Happy If His Girlfriend Were To Gift Him Some Flowers?

Would A Guy Be Happy If His Girlfriend Were To Gift Him Some Flowers?A guy that loves and cares for his girlfriend, accepts flowers from her with gratitude.

He is happy that she is doing such a kind gesture in gifting him with some flowers.

You don’t have to worry that he won’t be receptive to the flowers you gift him.

This being said, guys aren’t as taken by a bouquet of flowers as women are.

Women love these gestures as they are romantic in nature and speak to her femininity.

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Should I Be Worried About My BF’s Female Friend That He Occasionally Texts?

Should I Be Worried About My BF's Female Friend That He Occasionally Texts?He has had a platonic relationship with this female friend before he ever started dating you.

That makes your BF believe that he is doing nothing wrong in occasionally texting her or replying to her text messages.

Right now, he doesn’t see this how you do.

He doesn’t recognize that there is an underlying worry on your part that this female friend could become a wedge between you and him.

I see why you are worried about the prospect of him and this female friend becoming an issue in the future, but there are a few things to consider.

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What Is Wife Material To Men Who Are Looking For A Life Partner?

What Is Wife Material To Men Who Are Looking For A Life Partner?A woman who is devoted and nonjudgmental is wife material to men.

She supports him through the ups and downs in life.

He knows he can rely on her to give him advice and trusts his judgment when he makes a decision.

A woman that is wife material is a woman he isn’t afraid of opening up to.

He isn’t fearful that she is going to judge him if he opens up to her and shows weakness.

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Is Financial Stability Essential For A Relationship With Someone That You Are Committed To?

Is Financial Stability Essential For A Relationship With Someone That You Are Committed To?Yes, financial stability is absolutely essential for a relationship.

Too many people in relationships rely on their feelings for each other to sustain them.

Even when they are dirt broke.

Like clockwork, these relationships fall apart in time, with finances being the number one reason for the breakup.

This goes for long-term relationships and marriage.

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Should You Need To Be Happy With Life, Outside Of Dating, To Have A Healthy Relationship With Someone?

Should You Need To Be Happy With Life, Outside Of Dating, To Have A Healthy Relationship With Someone?It’s critical that you are happy with life, outside of dating.

This makes you happy with who you are, independent of a relationship partner.

When you have this approach to life, it makes your romantic relationships so much healthier.

You aren’t relying on a partner to make you happy and keep you happy.

Outside of dating, you have established a lifestyle that makes you happy.

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Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About My Girlfriend’s Exes And Her Time With Them?

Why Can't I Stop Thinking About My Girlfriend's Exes And Her Time With Them?It’s natural to have a degree of jealousy when you think about the exes of a girl you are in a relationship with.

This doesn’t make you a bad guy or a bad boyfriend.

You are thinking about your girlfriend’s exes as a result of a sense of insecurity.

An insecurity that exists within your relationship with her.

Innately, you don’t believe that you meet all of her needs as her boyfriend.

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Is It Possible For A Man To Make A Woman Happier As Her Partner?

Is It Possible For A Man To Make A Woman Happier As Her Partner?A partner enables her to be happier.

Nevertheless, you mustn’t get into a relationship with a woman who is fully dependent on you for her happiness.

This is why you have to be privy of her dating history before choosing to date and commit to her.

A woman who has a history of dating men who become the entire focal point of her life, at the expense of everything else, is not a good candidate for a healthy long-term relationship.

Getting into a relationship with a woman with this approach to dating is setting yourself up for massive failure.

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How Many Times A Month Is Adequate To Meet Your Boyfriend In Person?

How Many Times A Month Is Adequate To Meet Your Boyfriend In Person?The idea is to have your own lives, while maintaining a healthy relationship as partners.

Some girls are too caught up in their emotions and get carried away with how many times a month they meet their boyfriend in person.

They are seeing each other each and every day, spending all their free time together.

This is too much.

No matter how much you get along with, and connect with your boyfriend, getting carried away with how often you meet him in person is asking for trouble.

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Why Do People Equate Being Single With Being Unhappy In Your Everyday Life?

Why Do People Equate Being Single With Being Unhappy In Your Everyday Life?It’s human nature to desire companionship.

To this extent, people equate being single with being unhappy.

Given that they know companionship is a salient factor of life, they can’t imagine that a single person would be happy.

Everyone has had moments in life where they felt lonely.

It wasn’t a good feeling for them.

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If A Girl Invites You Over To Watch A Show, Is It An Invitation To Have Sex?

If A Girl Invites You Over To Watch A Show, Is It An Invitation To Have Sex?She isn’t thinking that she intends to have sex with you, even if she innately wants it.

Her fear is in coming off as sexually loose.

To this end, she believes that she has offered you an innocent invitation to watch a show with her.

As far as she wants to believe, this is a friendly invite.

The idea that she has an ulterior motive to have sex with you while you are at her place is far too presumptuous for her to acknowledge.

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My Boyfriend Makes Last Minute Dates, Making Me Feel Like I Am Not A Priority To Him

My Boyfriend Makes Last Minute Dates, Making Me Feel Like I Am Not A Priority To HimFeeling like you aren’t a priority to your boyfriend is never a good feeling.

In making last minute dates, you are left feeling like you were an afterthought.

Basically, the idea that something fell through with plans he had already made, leaving you as his backup plan, doesn’t make you feel good at all.

Last minute dates are no fun.

Many a time, you have already made plans too.

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Is It Mean To Tell A Person That They Are Not Pretty Or Handsome Enough For The Person They Are Currently Dating?

Is It Mean To Tell A Person That They Are Not Pretty Or Handsome Enough For The Person They Are Currently Dating?It is mean.

Telling a person that they are not pretty or handsome enough for the person they are currently dating is a reflection of your own insecurity.

Think about it.

There is no reason for you to say such a thing unless there are insecurities that you possess about yourself.

This is a person who is already in a relationship, which proves that they are desirable to someone.

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Should I Start Being Short With Him Or Just Keep Telling Him What Bothers Me When It Happens?

Should I Start Being Short With Him Or Just Keep Telling Him What Bothers Me When It Happens?Being short with him is never a solution.

All that does is make him defensive or force him to ignore what you are complaining about altogether.

I know that you get frustrated with him when something bothers you and he never seems to be receptive nor aware of it.

It’s like you are in a relationship with yourself.

He doesn’t seem to have the perception that you do when something goes wrong and you are hoping that he detects it.

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Do Guys Like Women Who Do Small Talk Or Women Who Do Meaningful Talk In Relationships?

Do Guys Like Women Who Do Small Talk Or Women Who Do Meaningful Talk In Relationships?Small talk is fun in relationships and have there place.

So does meaningful talk in relationships.

There is a place for either in a relationship.

A healthy relationship has a good dose of the two.

Small talk is good when the guy is in a fun environment and is looking to have lighthearted fun with the woman he is dating.

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He Has Become Distant, But Says I Am Just Overthinking. Should I Believe Him?

He Has Become Distant, But Says I Am Just Overthinking. Should I Believe Him?You most certainly shouldn’t believe him.

Innately, you know that he has become distant and that isn’t without good reason.

He isn’t initiating texts and phone calls to the extent that he once did.

On top of this, he isn’t taking you out on dates as he once did.

Whenever he is with you, the affectionate hugs and physical closeness are no longer as frequent.

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What To Do When You Have A Boyfriend With A Wandering Eye Who Won’t Change This Behavior?

What To Do When You Have A Boyfriend With A Wandering Eye Who Won't Change This Behavior?A boyfriend with a wandering eye is never good.

No doubt, you have had several moments in the past where you have complained about his wandering eye.

When you initially spotted this behavior, you didn’t say anything, being that you didn’t want to be the quintessential jealous girlfriend.

That was the last thing you wanted.

You were so intent on being a good dutiful girlfriend in every way imaginable.

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Why Would A Woman Remove A Picture Of Her Boyfriend From Her Work Desk?

Why Would A Woman Remove A Picture Of Her Boyfriend From Her Work Desk?In having a picture of her boyfriend on her work desk, she was demonstrating that she cared about him.

She was proud of her relationship with him, and wanted the world to know.

That means that she wanted coworkers to see the picture of her boyfriend on her work desk.

This let everyone know that she was taken and in love.

Now that she has removed the picture of her boyfriend from her work desk, she is conveying unhappiness towards him.

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Would You Be Friends With, Or Date Somebody That Has A Bisexual Lifestyle?

Would You Be Friends With, Or Date Somebody That Has A Bisexual Lifestyle?There is a wide difference between being friends with somebody that is bisexual over dating said person.

When you are a friend with a woman that is bisexual, it is a lot less complicated than when you are dating her.

As a friend of hers, her sexual orientation isn’t a factor.

Friendship is similar across sexual orientations.

We all look for the same qualities in a friend, whether that friend is straight or bisexual.

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