Category Archives: Cheating

Is My Girlfriend Interested In Another Guy And Losing Her Feelings For Me?

Is My Girlfriend Interested In Another Guy And Losing Her Feelings For Me?A girlfriend that is interested in another guy isn’t as love hungry in her relationship with you.

She isn’t telling you that she loves you as much as she once did.

Girls are auditory in their love language, stimulated by what they hear.

When a girlfriend tells her boyfriend that she loves him, she is stimulated by the sound of the words coming out of her mouth, and hearing her boyfriend echo those words by telling her that he loves her too.

When a girlfriend isn’t telling you that she loves you as frequently as she once did, nor asking you whether you love her, this is significant.

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How To Be Faithful To Your Girlfriend And Maintain A Healthy Relationship

How To Be Faithful To Your Girlfriend And Maintain A Healthy RelationshipBeing faithful to your girlfriend is critical in any healthy relationship.

If you have a history of being unfaithful to your previous girlfriends, there is an innate problem within you that requires fixing.

When you are prone to cheating, it doesn’t matter how good of a girlfriend you have.

You are sure to cheat again.

Regardless of how kind she is to you, how loyal she is, or how much she pleases you in the bedroom, you are bound to cheat again.

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He Was Cheating On His Wife With Me And I Had No Idea. How Do I Get Out Of This Mental Hole?

He Was Cheating On His Wife With Me And I Had No Idea. How Do I Get Out Of This Mental Hole?Finding out that all this time you shared with him was nothing but a farce is a hard pill to swallow.

Unbeknownst to you, he had a wife this whole time.

He led you to believe that he was single.

This made you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down and fall for him emotionally.

Only to find out that he was cheating on his wife with you all along.

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My Girlfriend Is Online Late At Night And This Has Me Worried That She Is Cheating On Me

My Girlfriend Is Online Late At Night And This Has Me Worried That She Is Cheating On MeA girlfriend that is online late at night isn’t instantly a sign that she is cheating on you.

Granted, this is behavior that she hasn’t exhibited in the past.

Which is why it has grabbed your attention.

You don’t remember her to be someone who would be online late at night.

Not until now.

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Is Dating Even Worth It In This Day And Age Where People In Relationships Are Constantly Cheating?

Is Dating Even Worth It In This Day And Age Where People In Relationships Are Constantly Cheating?With all the cheating that goes on in relationships in this day and age, the thought of dating doesn’t seem worth it to you.

This makes sense.

You are constantly around people in relationships who are cheating on each other.

This goes for your friends, coworkers, and family members.

All of this has left you feeling hopeless, wondering whether dating is even worth it.

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