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Why Do Men Always Play With My Feelings Without Any Concern For Me?

Why Do Men Always Play With My Feelings Without Any Concern For Me?These are men who don’t have your best interests at heart.

They are all about themselves and what they can get out of dating you.

Unfortunately, you wear your heart on your sleeve.

These men know exactly what buttons to push to get you to do what they want.

They know when you want to hear sweet words that make you melt, and when you want to be held close, so that you feel safe.

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How Come Dads Only Care When Their Daughters Make Bad Choices In Dating But Not Their Sons?

How Come Dads Only Care When Their Daughters Make Bad Choices In Dating But Not Their Sons?Dads are unapologetically protective of their daughters.

They believe that when their daughters make bad choices in dating, the consequences are far more dire.

Traditionally, the father gives away his daughter to the man that is supposed to take over in providing for her and protecting her.

This would be the partner you choose.

If you make a bad choice in this partner, your dad feels an innate sense of responsibility.

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A Guy Changed His Dating Profile Pic Right After Our First Date

A Guy Changed His Dating Profile Pic Right After Our First DateAfter having such a great first date with him, you were taken aback when you saw that he changed his dating profile pic.

He has had the same profile pic since you matched with him a while ago.

The fact that he changed it right after the first date gave you pause, making you think that perhaps that first date didn’t go quite as well as you thought it did.

Yet, whenever you recall that first date in your mind, it was perfect.

He was conversational and there was lots of laughter.

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Would You Date Someone Who Still Lives With Their Ex-Partner?

Would You Date Someone Who Still Lives With Their Ex-Partner?It isn’t a good idea to date someone who still lives with their ex-partner.

No matter how innocuous the reason for their cohabitation, it is far too risky.

These are two people who have had intimate feelings for each other in the past.

As long as they are living under the same roof, there is too great of a risk that those feelings resurface.

It can happen at a time they least suspect it.

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Are All Good Girls Taken By Their 30s And No Longer In The Dating Market?

Are All Good Girls Taken By Their 30s And No Longer In The Dating Market?The median age for a woman to get married is between 28 and 29 years of age.

This means that by the time she is in her 30s, she is taken and no longer in the dating market.

This doesn’t mean that all good girls are taken by their 30s.

A few remain, but you have to know where to find them.

Assuming that you are looking for a woman who doesn’t have any kids yet and of good childbearing age, a woman that is a little younger than what you are used to dating isn’t a bad idea.

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Should I Be Worried That All Plans To Meet Up Are Initiated By Me And Never Her?

Should I Be Worried That All Plans To Meet Up Are Initiated By Me And Never Her?In the early stages of courtship, a girl is less inclined to initiate dates.

She usually lets the guy plan the meetups.

In doing this, she keeps herself from being too presumptuous or aggressive.

Yes, she believes that she is the one that should be pursued.

To this end, she doesn’t want to be the one that leads.

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Is Taking Too Long To Get Ready For A Date Ever An Issue In Relationships?

Is Taking Too Long To Get Ready For A Date Ever An Issue In Relationships?Taking too long to get ready for a date isn’t such an issue in relationships.

Basically, he becomes adaptable to how long it takes you to get ready for a date.

After taking you out on a few dates, he realizes what time frame it takes for you to get ready.

It takes a period of adjustment, given that he doesn’t know how long it takes you to get ready for a date in the first few dates he takes you on.

This means that if he keeps losing tables he books at restaurants on account of how long it has taken you to get ready for the first few dates, he adjusts.

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Do Guys Like It When A Girl Shows Her Jealous Side?

Do Guys Like It When A Girl Shows Her Jealous Side? On the contrary, guys aren’t big fans of a girl’s jealous side.

The only guys that like seeing that side of her are narcissists and players.

Regular guys don’t want the hassle that comes with seeing a girl’s jealous side.

When a guy is talking to a girl that has a jealous side, a case of anxiety sets in within him.

He knows what happens when her jealous side is triggered upon finding out that another girl wants him.

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Would You Be Concerned If Your Girlfriend Keeps Refusing To Hold Your Hand In Public?

Would You Be Concerned If Your Girlfriend Keeps Refusing To Hold Your Hand In Public?It is concerning when you have a girlfriend that is into PDA and is refusing to hold your hand in public.

In the early months of the relationship she was all about PDA, and now, she refuses to hold your hand in public.

Not only this.

She gets visibly uncomfortable whenever you make a move to kiss or hug her in public too.

This wasn’t how she used to be and you are wondering what on earth is going on.

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How Would You Feel If A Girl You Are Interested In Tells You She Has Social Anxiety?

How Would You Feel If A Girl You Are Interested In Tells You She Has Social Anxiety?Social anxiety is a disorder that causes someone to experience anxiety or fear in various environments.

These are environments where there are people.

No matter the number of people, there is an anxiety or fear of being critiqued, evaluated, and judged.

This anxiety and fear is present when she is speaking in public, meeting new people, or going out on dates.

It’s there when she is at a job interview, answering a question that has been asked of her at work or in a classroom, or talking to a store clerk.

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Do Men Ever Pretend To Have A Girlfriend That They Tell Mutual Friends About, In Order Make An Ex Jealous?

Do Men Ever Pretend To Have A Girlfriend That They Tell Mutual Friends About, In Order Make An Ex Jealous?Unfortunately, there are men who do pretend to have a girlfriend that they tell mutual friends about.

The intent is that the information gets back to you, his ex, and it makes you jealous.

This is a guy that was unhappy with the breakup and remains emotionally compromised by it.

In pretending to have a girlfriend, he wants you to get worried that he has moved on, and that this new girl in his life is reaping the rewards of having him as a boyfriend.

He is inclined to exaggerate profusely about this pretend girlfriend.

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How To Get A Guy You Like To Ask You Out And Spend More Time With You

How To Get A Guy You Like To Ask You Out And Spend More Time With YouA single guy that likes a girl, and isn’t shy, wants to ask her out.

The only thing that keeps him from doing it is if he doesn’t know how the girl feels about him.

He is far likelier to ask you out when you have exhibited clear signs of romantic interest towards him.

Sometimes, a girl thinks that she has been sending romantic signals a guy’s way, when in fact, those signs have been ambiguous at best.

You can’t have it both ways.

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Is It Challenging To Date A Girl Who’s A Vegetarian When You’re Not?

Is It Challenging To Date A Girl Who's A Vegetarian When You're Not?As a vegetarian, she is sensitive and conscious of what she puts into her body.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that she is a raging lunatic about the concept of eating meat.

Your task is to confirm that she isn’t.

Making this confirmation goes a long way in letting you know how challenging it will be to date her.

In the early stages of courtship, some girls will act as though they don’t mind that you eat meat, and this is disingenuous.

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I Want To Date A Girl That I Think Is Out Of My League

I Want To Date A Girl That I Think Is Out Of My LeagueIn thinking that she is out of your league, you are fostering a defeatist attitude.

Meaning, you don’t have confidence.

Confidence is a quality in men that women highly desire.

In thinking that this girl is out of your league, you are putting her on a pedestal.

When you put a girl on a pedestal, she believes that you don’t think yourself worthy.

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What’s The Best Approach If You See Your Ex In Public Or Run Into Him?

What's The Best Approach If You See Your Ex In Public Or Run Into Him?Even though the relationship ended on a bad note, civility in how you act is in order.

This doesn’t mean that you have to stop and talk to your ex.

The best approach if you see or run into your ex in public is to give him a quick and friendly smile acknowledging him, and keep going about your day.

It isn’t prudent to stop and force a conversation with him, or slow down to see whether he wants to have a conversation with you.

Keep in mind that regardless of how bad the relationship ended, it has ended.

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Would You Break Up With Someone Who Had A Terrible Laugh?

Would You Break Up With Someone Who Had A Terrible Laugh?A terrible laugh is no small feat in a relationship.

It can drive a partner crazy after a while, especially when it is a pet peeve.

Nevertheless, you should have known before getting into a relationship with this guy that his terrible laugh was a major pet peeve of yours.

That is what the courtship stage is for.

You are supposed to filter out the guys who aren’t compatible with you in the courtship stage.

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Why Is My Boyfriend So Insecure With His Looks And Personality?

Why Is My Boyfriend So Insecure With His Looks And Personality?For years, your boyfriend was made fun of for his looks and personality.

This was at home with his own family, at school, work, and the world at large.

Before your boyfriend met you he already had these personal insecurities.

I know what you are thinking.

Why does he continue to have these insecurities when he already has a girlfriend in you?

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Can Men And Women Be Close Friends Despite Their Gender Differences?

Can Men And Women Be Close Friends Despite Their Gender Differences?Men and women can be close friends with certain nonnegotiable caveats.

For a close friendship to happen, neither one must be attracted to the other.

Our gender differences play a weighty role in all of this.

As human beings, our biological impetus is to procreate, irrespective of how technologically advanced and progressive our society becomes.

When two people who are biologically designed to procreate are intent on building a platonic friendship, that biological instinct is an impeding factor.

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Is It Okay To Chase More Than One Woman That I Am Attracted To?

Is It Okay To Chase More Than One Woman That I Am Attracted To?It’s never a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket.

Chasing a few women simultaneously spreads the risk.

In doing this, you aren’t relying on any one woman to fall for you.

This gives you an abundance mindset, which makes you have a much better attitude.

If you are chasing only one woman, you are desperate for it to work out and this is stress-inducing.

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My Uni Crush Graduated And I Am So Sad That He Is Gone

My Uni Crush Graduated And I Am So Sad That He Is GoneIt’s natural to be sad when someone you have a crush on has gone.

He was your uni crush and so much of what got you up in the morning was the thought of seeing him around campus.

Now that he has graduated, it’s like there is a void where your heart used to be.

You wish you could turn back time and have him be around campus.

You wish he was in the same year as you.

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Should I Cut Off Contact With My Verbally And Physically Abusive Parents Before Dating Someone?

Should I Cut Off Contact With My Verbally And Physically Abusive Parents Before Dating Someone?Having parents that are verbally and physically abusive is a negative influence in your life.

This affects you emotionally.

You have struggled with having to deal with this abuse through childhood and into adulthood.

This has significantly kept you from opening yourself up to dating someone with long-term relationship potential.

You have purposely dealt with romantic prospects as short-term dalliances, knowing that the verbal and physical abuse of your parents is constantly looming over your head.

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How Many Dates Does A Guy Go On Before Declaring That A Girl Is His Girlfriend Or S.O.?

How Many Dates Does A Guy Go On Before Declaring That A Girl Is His Girlfriend Or S.O.?It takes about 2 to 3 months for a guy to declare that you are his girlfriend or S.O.

At an average of about a date a week, this comes to roughly 8 to 12 dates.

This being said, there are exceptions.

There are those who hit it off very quickly and make it official after less than a handful of dates.

Though exciting, this isn’t a good approach.

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Do Men Actually Regret Losing A Good Girl Who Treated Them Well?

Do Men Actually Regret Losing A Good Girl Who Treated Them Well?Lots of men regret losing a good girl.

That is why so many men come back to girls they have left in the past.

The grass always seems greener on the other side, until he realizes it isn’t.

Men who leave good girlfriends that treated them well are looking for excitement and variety.

He has taken his good girlfriend for granted and believes he can do better.

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I Have A Boyfriend But Have A Crush On Another Guy And I Feel A Little Jealous When I See Him With Another Girl

I Have A Boyfriend But Have A Crush On Another Guy And I Feel A Little Jealous When I See Him With Another GirlYou are losing feelings for your boyfriend.

This is why you have a crush on another guy.

Even though you don’t believe that you don’t love your boyfriend at this time, it is only a matter of time before this happens.

Right now, you don’t want to risk losing your boyfriend when there isn’t a sure thing waiting for you.

This crush is the guy you actually want.

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Why Do Men Assume Any Attractive Woman Has A Line Of Men She’s Rejecting Waiting To Court Her?

Why Do Men Assume Any Attractive Woman Has A Line Of Men She's Rejecting Waiting To Court Her?Men know that beauty in a woman is what they are drawn to.

An attractive woman is grabbing and holding a man’s attention.

The common man knows this.

When he goes to bars, it’s the attractive women that he sees his fellow men falling over themselves to buy drinks for.

When he visits the mall, it’s his fellow men he sees chasing or ogling after the attractive women who walk by with their department store bags of purchased items.

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Was A Female Bartender Showing An Actual Interest In Me, Or Doing It For Tips?

Was A Female Bartender Showing An Actual Interest In Me, Or Doing It For Tips?A female bartender gets oodles of attention from her male customers.

She knows how to talk to them with an intent to get as much of a tip as possible.

Yes, that means that she knows how to flirt with them.

She knows what gets them to give her tips and what doesn’t.

A female bartender that has an actual interest in you treats you differently than she does her other male customers.

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My Girlfriend Posted A Revealing Photo On Instagram And This Has Given Me Terrible Anxiety

My Girlfriend Posted A Revealing Photo On Instagram And This Has Given Me Terrible AnxietyThe revealing photo that your girlfriend posted on Instagram has triggered a terrible anxiety within you.

Unfortunately, you have had trust issues in the past with girls that you have dated.

Now, those trust issues have arisen on account of the revealing photo that your present girlfriend posted on Instagram.

So far, you have never had to contend with her posting revealing photos on Instagram.

This is her first occasion.

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Why Is It Hard To Find A Date As An Independent Woman? Do Men Want Women Who Are More Dependent?

Why Is It Hard To Find A Date As An Independent Woman? Do Men Want Women Who Are More Dependent?Having plenty of success in your education and career field means that you are an ambitious woman.

You are independent too.

You pay your own bills and have lofty goals.

With this much ambition and independence, you are drawn to men who have the same motivation and energy.

Guys with ambition and a track record of success in education and their professional careers.

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Is A Guy Offering To Pay For A Babysitter For A First Date Creepy Enough That It Warrants Not Talking To Him Ever Again?

Is A Guy Offering To Pay For A Babysitter For A First Date Creepy Enough That It Warrants Not Talking To Him Ever Again?A guy that is offering to pay for a babysitter for a first date with you is desperate.

This is especially true when you haven’t requested any help in this department.

Truthfully, you don’t care too much for this guy.

If he felt the need to offer to pay for a babysitter, it means that you haven’t been forthcoming in making yourself available to him for a date.

Meaning, you have been stringing this guy along.

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There Was No Kiss On Our First Date. Am I Friend-Zoned In Her Mind?

There Was No Kiss On Our First Date. Am I Friend-Zoned In Her Mind?There are plenty of women who don’t kiss on a first date.

A woman that doesn’t kiss you on a first date is not an indication that she has friend-zoned you.

Think back on how the first date went.

Was there a fair amount of laughter and easy-flowing conversation, or long moments of silence?

Was her body language loose or stiff?

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My Girlfriend Tested Me With A Fake Profile From A Fake Social Media Account

My Girlfriend Tested Me With A Fake Profile From A Fake Social Media AccountOnce you learned that your girlfriend had tested you with a fake profile, you were upset.

It spoke to her cynical nature, so that wasn’t surprising.

However, it didn’t change the fact that you were unhappy that she played this trick on you.

Using a fake social media account to pretend that she was someone else was a form of betrayal to you.

Funny enough, she was the one who was making you out to be the one who had betrayed her.

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Met A Really Nice Guy At An Event But Never Got His Details

Met A Really Nice Guy At An Event But Never Got His DetailsIt was disappointing when you realized that the really nice guy you had connected with in conversation at an event was gone.

You weren’t expecting that, as you thought you would see him again during the course of the event.

But, for whatever reason, you never came across him again.

This was so apropos to the bad luck you have had in meeting men you connect with romantically.

After all, you were seeing so many of the same people again as you walked about the event, and yet, you weren’t seeing him.

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When Should A Date Disclose That They Have A Kid Or Kids?

When Should A Date Disclose That They Have A Kid Or Kids?Having a kid or kids is a huge piece of information.

It has to be disclosed at the very beginning.

Any guy that is talking to you should reveal that he has a kid or kids in the first full-on conversation with you.

This is common courtesy.

The men who don’t make this revelation in the first full-on conversation they have with a woman of romantic interest are not showing good character.

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Does A Guy Like It If A Girl Makes The First Move?

Does A Guy Like It If A Girl Makes The First Move?Being that guys aren’t used to girls making the first move, it’s refreshing to be at the receiving end of a girl’s approach.

Keep in mind that he isn’t used to this.

Even highly attractive guys don’t get approached by anywhere near as many women as they attract.

Girls that are attracted to these guys send signals of romantic interest at them, but aren’t making the first move to talk to these guys all that often.

Knowing this, makes it easier for you to stick around through the first few awkward minutes of your approach, if you so happened to have approached a guy that is completely flustered by the approach.

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Would A Woman Date A Man Who Doesn’t Want To Sleep With Her?

Would A Woman Date A Man Who Doesn't Want To Sleep With Her?A woman is going to be suspicious about why you don’t want to sleep with her.

Her first thought is that you don’t find her physically attractive.

She doesn’t like this, as it makes her feel undesirable.

This is a huge hurdle for her to get over, even if she isn’t all that into sex either.

She wonders why she isn’t physically attractive enough to get you to want to sleep with her.

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What Is A Good Way To Approach A Girl At A Coffee Shop?

What Is A Good Way To Approach A Girl At A Coffee Shop?A girl at a coffee shop is working on her laptop while enjoying her favorite coffee drink.

If she isn’t working on her laptop, she is reading, or just taking some time out as she enjoys her favorite coffee drink.

She likes the relaxed atmosphere of a coffee shop.

This means that her guard is fairly down.

Meaning, she is not adverse to being approached.

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Do Men In Their 40s And 50s Find Women In Their Late 20s Attractive, Or Do These Women Look Too Young To Them?

Do Men In Their 40s And 50s Find Women In Their Late 20s Attractive, Or Do These Women Look Too Young To Them?Lots of men in their 40s and 50s find women in their late 20s attractive.

These women do not look too young to them.

The reason why most of these men hesitate to make any romantic moves on a woman in her late 20s is because they automatically assume that she would think them too old.

So, it isn’t so much that he doesn’t find the woman that is in her late 20s attractive, it is more so that he doesn’t think that the woman in her late 20s would find a man in his 40s and 50s to be attractive.

Men are primarily attracted to physical beauty in women.

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Feeling Sad I Let A Guy Treat Me Like Trash While Supposedly Courting Me

Feeling Sad I Let A Guy Treat Me Like Trash While Supposedly Courting MeIt never feels good to know that the guy that was supposedly courting you never really cared all that much for you.

You thought that you had a connection with him, but in the end, he seems to have been all about sex.

Obviously, you wanted more than that.

But alas, his lackluster behavior in how he went about communicating or taking you out on dates left you feeling like trash.

He didn’t communicate anywhere near as much as you wanted him to, nor did he take you out on dates anywhere near as much as you wanted him to.

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If Women Tell You That They Prefer Dad Bods, Should That Stop You From Working Out?

If Women Tell You That They Prefer Dad Bods, Should That Stop You From Working Out?Working out is healthy and positive.

It should be an activity you do for the betterment of yourself.

Women that tell you that they prefer dad bods aren’t attracted to guys who let themselves go.

Don’t misconstrue what they mean when they tell you that they prefer dad bods.

Instead of assuming that this gives you permission to stop working out and stuff your face with all the fatty foods in existence, find out who these women have dated in the past.

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What Does It Mean When The Person Only Responds With A Short Sentence When Texting?

What Does It Mean When The Person Only Responds With A Short Sentence When Texting?He only responds with short sentences because he isn’t excited enough to give you more than that.

You are slaving away in your text messages to him, typing out long drawn-out sentences.

This is a reflection of your excitement to chat with him.

When he only responds with short sentences, his excitement is nowhere near matching your own.

Now, this doesn’t mean that he isn’t interested in you.

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Do Girls Subconsciously Like Being Told What To Do By A Male Partner?

Do Girls Subconsciously Like Being Told What To Do By A Male Partner?Girls are genetically predisposed to like men who lead.

These are men who take charge and do what must be done to protect her and to provide.

This instinct is innate and profound.

There is a reason why girls are reputed to like bad boys, and have had this proclivity throughout the ages.

No, it’s not because they want to be mistreated and insulted by him.

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Is It A Red Flag For A Guy In His Twenties To Go Back To The Dating Pool As A Single Dad?

Is It A Red Flag For A Guy In His Twenties To Go Back To The Dating Pool As A Single Dad?As a guy in his twenties, going back to the dating pool as a single dad does make one curious.

The curiosity aspect has to do with why he is back in the dating pool so soon.

The average age for a first-time divorce is roughly 30 years old.

A guy in his twenties who is already back in the dating pool begs the question for why he is back in the dating pool this soon.

It is a red flag.

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What Would Be The Ideal Way To Approach A Girl In The Dating Scene?

What Would Be The Ideal Way To Approach A Girl In The Dating Scene?A girl in the dating scene already has her guard up.

She has been approached by one too many guys who didn’t know the ideal way to do it, turning her off in the process.

From cheesy pick up lines to overly aggressive and inappropriate touching, she has been through it all.

With such negative encounters, she lifts her guard up when she is in the dating scene.

To keep this guard up and the men away, she uses the cover of numbers.

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When You Are In A Long Distance Relationship And Feel Lonely

When You Are In A Long Distance Relationship And Feel LonelyIt’s natural to feel lonely when you are in a long distance relationship.

Human beings are biologically wired to be near one another.

There is a reason why human beings congregate in cities and towns.

There is a reason why even hardened prisoners dread having to deal with isolation as a form of punishment.

All human beings, good or bad, desire some form of companionship and closeness with others.

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Found Out That A Woman That Has Shown An Interest In Me In Class, Has A Boyfriend In The Same Class

Found Out That A Woman That Has Shown An Interest In Me In Class, Has A Boyfriend In The Same ClassAn attractive woman that has been giving you consistent eye contact in class is hard to ignore.

She has done this several times, including getting physically close to you.

All of this has been enjoyable to say the least, and your ego has soared, but you now know that she has a boyfriend.

In the same class.

This news was a shocker, given how much interest she has shown towards you in class.

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Why Would A Guy Reject You By Saying That He Doesn’t Like You, Yet, Gets Jealous When You Are Dating Someone Else?

Why Would A Guy Reject You By Saying That He Doesn't Like You, Yet, Gets Jealous When You Are Dating Someone Else?Guys have ravenous egos that constantly require feeding.

Even though he rejected you by saying he doesn’t like you, he still has an ego.

He loved the fact that you liked him.

That boosted and fed his ego.

He got jealous when he saw you were dating someone else because that meant you no longer had the feels for him.

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What Purpose Is There In Leading Me On When She Already Has A Boyfriend?

What Purpose Is There In Leading Me On When She Already Has A Boyfriend?In leading you on, she was encouraging you to keep talking to her, all the while knowing that it would never go anywhere.

You were fulfilling what was missing from her relationship with her boyfriend at the time.

She was getting what she wanted out of you.

Whether it was attention, compliments, laughter, empathy, adulation, sensitivity, etc.

You were providing her with what she wasn’t getting from her boyfriend.

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Dating A Guy That Is Separated From His Wife And In The Process Of Getting A Divorce

Dating A Guy That Is Separated From His Wife And In The Process Of Getting A DivorceGiven that women are the ones who overwhelming file for divorce from a husband, he isn’t the one who wanted the divorce.

This means that he is emotionally compromised.

A man that is separated from his wife and in the process of getting a divorce has a lot on his mind.

It is rare that you will ever come across a man who tells you that the process is moving along swimmingly, and he is so excited over the prospect of divorcing his wife.

He didn’t want the divorce.

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When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?

When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn't Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?He is using you for whatever attention and provisions you have been giving to him.

Bearing such a selfish intent, he has no interest in taking you seriously by asking you out.

He was fully aware about how far you lived when he decided to get involved with you romantically.

Yet, he is telling you that he hasn’t asked you out yet because you live kinda far.

Alas, this isn’t true at all.

Continue reading When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?

This Girl And I Have A Lot In Common. Should I Pursue A Relationship With Her?

This Girl And I Have A Lot In Common. Should I Pursue A Relationship With Her?Having a lot in common with a girl is a good foundation.

It makes it easier to connect with her on a number of levels, and reduces the chances of having deep-rooted disagreements that hurt romantic compatibility.

This being said, you shouldn’t be too fast to pursue a relationship with her.

Sometimes, people are disingenuous in the early stages of dating.

This is when she is pretending to have a lot in common with you, so as to get you to like her.

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Would You Date An OnlyFans Girl As A Serious Prospect For Lifelong Partnership?

Would You Date An OnlyFans Girl As A Serious Prospect For Lifelong Partnership?OnlyFans girls want love too, irrespective of what they do for a living.

That being said, the core of their occupation is centered on receiving male attention, and monetizing said attention.

Although the thought of dating an OnlyFans girl sounds exciting at first, think before acting.

The thrill of seeing her as someone that so many guys adore and fawn over won’t last forever.

That novelty does wear off.

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Is It Pathetic To Be Depressed Because I Never Get Male Attention?

Is It Pathetic To Be Depressed Because I Never Get Male Attention?Rather than looking at never getting male attention as pathetic, figure out why you get depressed over it.

First and foremost, you are comparing yourself to the popular girls.

The pretty girls with perfect bodies and captivating personalities.

You see how many male followers they have on social media, or how often they are stared at by men in public.

You obsess over this, and get depressed when you see that you don’t have anywhere near the number of male followers on your social media, nor receive anywhere near the amount of stares from men in public.

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What Is A High Value Man In Our Society In Relation To Dating?

What Is A High Value Man In Our Society In Relation To Dating?A high value man is a man that is widely regarded as desirable.

He has social notoriety, wealth, good looks, wisdom, a strong personality, and competence.

He is someone women want to partner up with and men want to be.

A high value man doesn’t have to announce that he is.

The men that keep announcing that they are high value, aren’t.

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What Does It Mean When A Guy Hurts You So Much, But Still Says That He Loves You?

What Does It Mean When A Guy Hurts You So Much, But Still Says That He Loves You?In telling you that he loves you, he knows that he has taken his hurtful words and behavior too far, and is now softening the tension.

He wants you to believe that he does love you, so that he gets you to stay and not consider leaving him.

Sadly, he is hurting you on account of his past trauma.

These are emotions that he has never resolved.

Unfortunately, he is using you to take out his anger and resentment.

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Should You Still Date Someone That Has A Horrendous Tattoo On His Body?

Should You Still Date Someone That Has A Horrendous Tattoo On His Body?That horrendous tattoo is present on his body every time you are with him physically.

It’s located somewhere on his body that can be covered by clothing.

But, you still get to see it when you are sleeping with him.

Since you already think that it is a horrendous tattoo, you are reminded of it whenever you see him naked.

That moment is sure to cause an irritation in you.

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Is He Actually Busy Or Not Interested In Me As Someone Of Romantic Potential?

Is He Actually Busy Or Not Interested In Me As Someone Of Romantic Potential?He is actually busy when he is not showing any online or social media activity while busy.

This is where he is stuck in an office meeting, class, conference, or social event for hours.

With no social media activity during the hours that he tells you that he is busy, you are that much closer to confirming that he is telling you the truth about being busy.

This is especially true when he is a guy that is extremely active online or on social media.

People who are often online for hours a day get addicted to the stimulus.

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Is My Girlfriend Interested In Another Guy And Losing Her Feelings For Me?

Is My Girlfriend Interested In Another Guy And Losing Her Feelings For Me?A girlfriend that is interested in another guy isn’t as love hungry in her relationship with you.

She isn’t telling you that she loves you as much as she once did.

Girls are auditory in their love language, stimulated by what they hear.

When a girlfriend tells her boyfriend that she loves him, she is stimulated by the sound of the words coming out of her mouth, and hearing her boyfriend echo those words by telling her that he loves her too.

When a girlfriend isn’t telling you that she loves you as frequently as she once did, nor asking you whether you love her, this is significant.

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Should You Avoid Looking At A Crush’s Story On Social Media So That You Don’t Seem Eager?

Should You Avoid Looking At A Crush's Story On Social Media So That You Don't Seem Eager?This is mute when you already have a rigid history of looking at your crush’s stories on social media.

If this is a pattern of behavior that has been established for a while, it won’t seem like you are eager.

When you come off as being eager is when you are obsessively looking at his stories throughout the day.

When you are consistently returning to his social media to look at his stories throughout your day, it looks suspicious.

It looks like you don’t have much of a life of your own.

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Do Most Guys End Up With The Girl They Want Or The Girl They Can Get?

Do Most Guys End Up With The Girl They Want Or The Girl They Can Get?Most guys end up with the girl they can get.

They go through quite a journey to get to this outcome.

Considering that men are visual by nature, they are primarily attracted to physical beauty in a woman.

The mass of women aren’t physically beautiful.

This means that the number of women that possess the one quality that men value the most in a partner are a minuscule percentage of the female population.

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Can You Like Someone And Still Date Other People That Are Romantic Prospects?

Can You Like Someone And Still Date Other People That Are Romantic Prospects?As long as you aren’t in an exclusive relationship with someone, everyone is fair game.

This being said, there are caveats.

The fact that you aren’t in an exclusive relationship with the guy you like is an indication that there is something awry.

This is especially true if you have already let it be known to the guy you like that you like him.

Yet, he hasn’t done anything about it.

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Should I Shoot My Shot The Next Time I See The Girl I Like?

Should I Shoot My Shot The Next Time I See The Girl I Like?The longer you wait without shooting your shot, the harder it will be to do it.

When you waste time, you get into your head too much.

Essentially, you end up overthinking and talking yourself out of it.

This is where you keep waiting for the perfect moment to shoot your shot and ask her out.

Even on the days it feels right to shoot your shot with her, you find a reason not to.

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Do Single Moms Have Dating Issues In Terms Of A Shrinking Dating Pool Compared To Women Without Kids?

Do Single Moms Have Dating Issues In Terms Of A Shrinking Dating Pool Compared To Women Without Kids?Single moms aren’t at a loss for finding men in the dating pool who are seeking partners.

This is especially true when the man is a single dad.

A single dad looks to a single mom as someone he has much in common with.

What he has in common with her are kids.

Having kids is such a different experience from not having kids.

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Ex Says He Wants To Keep Things The Same, Just Without The Boyfriend And Girlfriend Titles

Ex Says He Wants To Keep Things The Same, Just Without The Boyfriend And Girlfriend TitlesWhat your ex wants is secondary to what you want.

Try not to think too hard about what he wants, and succumbing to a desire to please him by acquiescing.

Rather, conscientiously consider what you want.

If you know that you don’t want to keep things the same, unless you have the boyfriend and girlfriend titles included, don’t ignore this.

Oftentimes, a girl ignores what she wants for that of an ex, so as to please him, given that she still has feelings for him.

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How To Get Rid Of Nervousness Before A Date With A Girl?

How To Get Rid Of Nervousness Before A Date With A Girl?Sadly, you are getting too wrapped up in the stories you are creating in your mind about the date.

When you are thinking too much about the date, you are creating scenarios in your mind that don’t exist.

In doing this, you are working against yourself without realizing it.

You are consumed with thinking about how the date with this girl will go.

As long as you remain consumed with these thoughts, you are opening yourself up to creating bad scenarios.

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I Found Out I Went On A Date With A Criminal. Why Is It So Hard To Find A Decent Man Nowadays?

I Found Out I Went On A Date With A Criminal. Why Is It So Hard To Find A Decent Man Nowadays?Sadly, you found out that you went out on a date with a criminal.

But, there were warning signs about him that you chose to ignore.

How many times did he say or do something that made you pause or flinch, but you chose to excuse it?

You excused these red flags by reminding yourself about all the great qualities about him that you like.

It was thrilling to be with this guy.

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What’s The Most Dates You Should Go On With Someone Without Having Sex?

What's The Most Dates You Should Go On With Someone Without Having Sex?This boils down to the sort of relationship you are mutually looking for.

A mutual desire for a casual or friends with benefits relationship is primarily dependent on sexual chemistry.

Sexual chemistry that is established quickly, leads to sex occurring quickly.

When there is an abundance of sexual chemistry established on the first date, it isn’t unusual for sex to occur soon.

Those who are looking for a casual or friends with benefits relationship are already mentally prepared to have sex early.

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Why Would A Guy Ask Me Out And Not Show Up For The Date?

Why Would A Guy Ask Me Out And Not Show Up For The Date?The thought of meeting him on a date was exciting to you.

The prior conversations you had with him were never one-sided or awkward.

You played your part in answering his questions in detail and introducing new topics to the conversations.

It was never hard for him to get a hold of you and indulge in lengthy conversations with you.

This is why you were befuddled when he was nowhere to be seen.

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I Don’t Have Game At My Age, And It’s Frustrating To Me

I Don't Have Game At My Age, And It's Frustrating To MeYou don’t have to have game to get women to like you.

Guys get far too stuck on pick up lines, thinking that those phrases will magically make a girl like them upon hearing them.

This isn’t realistic.

Girls are far too smart these days.

They know when you are spewing words at them that have been previously rehearsed and taken from some seedy pickup artist’s website or book.

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Does A Girl Like A Guy More When She Cannot Manipulate Him Easily?

Does A Girl Like A Guy More When She Cannot Manipulate Him Easily?Yes, a girl that knows she cannot manipulate a guy easily, likes him more.

He is so different from what she is used to, and this is refreshing.

She is so used to easily manipulating guys, given that guys are often desperate to please a woman.

These are yes-men, and she has met so many of them in the dating market.

These yes-men go along with whatever the woman says, believing that through their blind compliance, they get the woman to like them.

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Do Guys Curse A Lot In Front Of The Girl They Like?

Do Guys Curse A Lot In Front Of The Girl They Like?There are guys who curse a lot in front of the girl they like.

It’s done to make himself appear strong and aggressive.

Cursing is how he conveys a rebellious attitude and that he isn’t a conformist.

There is a level of expectation of decorum in society.

Society at large expects that there is a modicum of civility whenever there is discourse between individuals.

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How Would A Woman Feel If A Guy Takes Her To Shoot Guns For A Date?

How Would A Woman Feel If A Guy Takes Her To Shoot Guns For A Date?Shooting guns is a favorite pastime for several people, men and women included.

But not everyone.

A big misstep that guys make is in getting too caught up on how shooting guns makes them look macho.

No matter how much you have been praised by family and friends about your shooting prowess, don’t be misguided by this.

When you get lost in your bravado, it misleads you into thinking that you can impress a girl with it.

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Do Guys Become Friends With Girls They Are Not Attracted To?

Do Guys Become Friends With Girls They Are Not Attracted To?Guys aren’t all that inclined to make friends with girls they are not attracted to.

But there are cases where they do.

This is when he has gotten to know the girl for a while and has learned that he has much in common with her.

He believes that keeping her in his life as a friend is a positive addition to his life.

He isn’t physically attracted to her, but values her personality, humanity, and energy.

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Is It Possible To Get Over Your First Long-Term Relationship Quickly, Or Will You Have Lingering Thoughts About It For A While?

Is It Possible To Get Over Your First Long-Term Relationship Quickly, Or Will You Have Lingering Thoughts About It For A While?It’s natural to have lingering thoughts about your first long-term relationship after it ends.

Every fiber in your being wants to get over it quickly.

You don’t like having to deal with these lingering thoughts.

Whatever you do, thoughts of him enter your mind at the most inopportune times throughout your day.

There were so many firsts with him.

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Is It Weird To Enjoy Dating A Woman Who Only Wants To Talk About Herself?

Is It Weird To Enjoy Dating A Woman Who Only Wants To Talk About Herself?It isn’t weird to enjoy this, and there is a specific reason why.

A woman who only wants to talk about herself, saves you from having to come up with new topics of discussion.

When she is the one who is doing all of the talking, it absolves you from having to keep a conversation going.

She is doing all of the work.

Traditionally, as a man, the burden of performance to keep a conversation going is on you whenever you take girls out and court them.

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How To Not Feel Bad When Someone Doesn’t Like You As A Romantic Prospect

How To Not Feel Bad When Someone Doesn't Like You As A Romantic ProspectAs human beings, we naturally take it personally when someone doesn’t like us.

You wanted this guy to like you.

Predictably, you were already thinking about what it would be like to be his girlfriend and date him.

When you learned that he doesn’t like you, it was like a dagger to the heart.

You didn’t want to believe it at first.

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Would You Date Someone Who Was A Conservative In Their Political And Ideological Beliefs?

Would You Date Someone Who Was A Conservative In Their Political And Ideological Beliefs?Knowing whether you see eye to eye in politics and ideology with whoever you choose to date long term is vital.

Without doing this first, you risk getting into a relationship that eventually comes to a head.

There are people who have made the unfortunate misstep in letting their emotions speak for their common sense.

This is when they ignore that they have a wide difference in political and ideological viewpoints with the person they are dating.

The mindset is that their love for one another is enough to overcome any differences of opinion.

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Are Stretch Marks And Loose Skin On A Woman, A Deal Breaker For Guys?

Are Stretch Marks And Loose Skin On A Woman, A Deal Breaker For Guys?Stretch marks and loose skin is not a deal breaker for guys.

The guys who are looking for long-term relationships aren’t as stringent on dating a woman with a perfect body.

What she lacks in physical appearance, she makes up for in personality and conduct.

A man that is looking for a long-term partner knows that he can’t get too caught up on superficial requirements.

He wants a woman that is loyal, kind and trustworthy to be his second.

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If You Are Just In The Talking Stage With A Girl, Should You Text Each Other Every Day, And Should The Guy Always Text First?

If You Are Just In The Talking Stage With A Girl, Should You Text Each Other Every Day, And Should The Guy Always Text First?You should not text each other every day when you are just in the talking stage with a girl.

It’s too much too early.

Irrespective of how excited you are about each other.

Keeping your emotions tempered is vital.

If you get carried away with excitement and text each other every day, you run a risk of running out of gas.

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Would A Guy Be Happy If His Girlfriend Were To Gift Him Some Flowers?

Would A Guy Be Happy If His Girlfriend Were To Gift Him Some Flowers?A guy that loves and cares for his girlfriend, accepts flowers from her with gratitude.

He is happy that she is doing such a kind gesture in gifting him with some flowers.

You don’t have to worry that he won’t be receptive to the flowers you gift him.

This being said, guys aren’t as taken by a bouquet of flowers as women are.

Women love these gestures as they are romantic in nature and speak to her femininity.

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Should A Guy Stop Dating If He Loses His Job And Is Back On The Job Market?

Should A Guy Stop Dating If He Loses His Job And Is Back On The Job Market?As long as you have savings, and you are actively working on finding a new job, you don’t have to stop dating.

Obviously, there is a harsh reality that you currently don’t have a job.

As you go out on dates with women, what you do for a living is sure to come up.

She is going to ask about it.

For women, a man’s financial viability is a poignant factor.

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Should I Be Worried About My BF’s Female Friend That He Occasionally Texts?

Should I Be Worried About My BF's Female Friend That He Occasionally Texts?He has had a platonic relationship with this female friend before he ever started dating you.

That makes your BF believe that he is doing nothing wrong in occasionally texting her or replying to her text messages.

Right now, he doesn’t see this how you do.

He doesn’t recognize that there is an underlying worry on your part that this female friend could become a wedge between you and him.

I see why you are worried about the prospect of him and this female friend becoming an issue in the future, but there are a few things to consider.

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Can A Kiss On The Cheek Ever Be Romantic When You Are On A Date With A Guy?

Can A Kiss On The Cheek Ever Be Romantic When You Are On A Date With A Guy?You had a good date with this guy and already know that you really like him.

Although you thought the date went well, it ended with him giving you a kiss on the cheek.

This was somewhat alarming and perplexing.

A date that you thoroughly enjoyed seemed to end with a dud.

As you went home, you were consumed with thoughts of whether he sincerely likes you.

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What Do Guys Think Of Girls Who Don’t Have A Lot Of Friends?

What Do Guys Think Of Girls Who Don't Have A Lot Of Friends?A guy that finds you attractive enough won’t care about how many friends you have.

He primarily cares about your physical appearance.

The fact that you don’t have a lot of friends is not anything that he thinks about for any length of time.

Obviously, he is hoping that you are easy to talk to.

As long as you have decent conversational skills, he is satisfied.

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Is It Normal That I Started Doubting Myself And Lost Confidence After Rejection?

Is It Normal That I Started Doubting Myself And Lost Confidence After Rejection?It is normal to start doubting yourself and lose confidence after rejection.

You are human after all.

We are emotional creatures and we crave acceptance.

When we are rejected, it is as though whoever rejected us has told us that we are not good enough.

As human beings, we internalize this notion and it hurts.

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Why Do Guys Discuss Sex On The First Date They Have With A Girl They Are Interested In?

Why Do Guys Discuss Sex On The First Date They Have With A Girl They Are Interested In?By bringing up sex as a topic of discussion on a first date, he is gauging you.

He wants to find out how open you are to having sex with him soon.

Although he isn’t directly asking you to have sex with him, he is gauging how open you are to it.

This is his goal.

He doesn’t want to spend too much time taking you out on dates.

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How To Ask For A Female Coworker’s Phone Number Without Messing It Up

How To Ask For A Female Coworker's Phone Number Without Messing It UpBeing that she is a female coworker, there is a fear of crossing the line in asking for her phone number.

Notwithstanding, there are plenty of people who end up dating and getting into fruitful relationships who originally met at work.

Take solace in knowing that, so that you don’t think it too awkward to ask for her phone number.

When you think it too awkward to ask for her phone number, you end up messing things up in how you go about it.

Confidence is a significant factor to women.

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What Are The Signs A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings For You?

What Are The Signs A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings For You?In a familiar crowd, he treats you differently than he does everyone else.

He ignores you, choosing instead to give his attention to everyone else in the familiar crowd.

This is a sign that he is hiding his feelings for you.

He doesn’t want to give you his attention.

Even though you have done nothing that you know of to offend him, he chooses to ignore you.

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At What Age Should I Give Up On Dating And Let Go Of The Idea Of Finding A Partner?

At What Age Should I Give Up On Dating And Let Go Of The Idea Of Finding A Partner?After a history of bad luck in dating, it’s natural to become despondent.

This is where you think about giving up on dating altogether.

Having struggled in dating so much, you want to throw in the towel.

As all of this has been happening, you have been aging as the years have gone by.

At your current age, many of your peers have already had robust dating lives.

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Went On An Amazing Date, Was Asked On A Second, And Then Randomly Got Rejected By Him

Went On An Amazing Date, Was Asked On A Second, And Then Randomly Got Rejected By HimAt the time, he was excited about going on a second date with you.

He thought that the first date was amazing too and was looking forward to the prospect of seeing you again.

Yet, he ended up randomly rejecting you, making the second date a nonstarter, and you, befuddled.

Why did this happen?

He got clarity after the excitement of the amazing first date wore off.

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What Is Wife Material To Men Who Are Looking For A Life Partner?

What Is Wife Material To Men Who Are Looking For A Life Partner?A woman who is devoted and nonjudgmental is wife material to men.

She supports him through the ups and downs in life.

He knows he can rely on her to give him advice and trusts his judgment when he makes a decision.

A woman that is wife material is a woman he isn’t afraid of opening up to.

He isn’t fearful that she is going to judge him if he opens up to her and shows weakness.

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Is Financial Stability Essential For A Relationship With Someone That You Are Committed To?

Is Financial Stability Essential For A Relationship With Someone That You Are Committed To?Yes, financial stability is absolutely essential for a relationship.

Too many people in relationships rely on their feelings for each other to sustain them.

Even when they are dirt broke.

Like clockwork, these relationships fall apart in time, with finances being the number one reason for the breakup.

This goes for long-term relationships and marriage.

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How Do I Convince My Parents Not To Be Miserable And Disappointed That I Don’t Want To Have A Partner And Children?

How Do I Convince My Parents Not To Be Miserable And Disappointed That I Don't Want To Have A Partner And Children?Your parents want to expand the family in wanting you to get a partner and have children.

For them, this is a biological and social imperative.

Parents are used to having their children propagate their legacy.

This is in having said children make families of their own.

Yes, your parents have visualized what it would be like to have your future children, their grandchildren, bouncing on their laps.

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How To Tell A Person Has No Interest In You Anymore

How To Tell A Person Has No Interest In You AnymoreHe isn’t as consistent in how he communicates with you.

As someone who has no interest in you anymore, he doesn’t call or text you as much.

When he does, he doesn’t care about having substantive conversations with you.

The conversations become far more superficial in nature, and he doesn’t ask follow-up questions like he once did.

Rather, he has conversations that aren’t designed to go anywhere besides a dead-end.

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How Would You React If Your SO Tells You That He Has Had A Crush On Someone, While Dating You?

How Would You React If Your SO Tells You That He Has Had A Crush On Someone, While Dating You?Your SO didn’t have to tell you that he has had a crush on someone, but he did.

And by doing so, he was looking to come clean.

It is hard to see this when you get caught up over him having had a crush on someone else, while dating you.

Notwithstanding, it’s critical that you maintain control of your emotions.

Clearly, he felt guilty about having this crush and believed that he had to tell you about it.

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Can I Really Meet Anyone If I Am Not On Dating Apps Like Everyone Else?

Can I Really Meet Anyone If I Am Not On Dating Apps Like Everyone Else?Although it seems like everyone is on dating apps, that isn’t true.

There are a fair number of people who aren’t using dating apps as their primary source for meeting someone, if at all.

Yes, you can meet people outside of dating apps.

The world outside of dating apps is the real world, and there are lots of people in it everywhere you go.

It’s time to develop a far-reaching social mindset.

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When You Meet A Beautiful Woman, When Would Be The Right Time To Kiss Her?

When You Meet A Beautiful Woman, When Would Be The Right Time To Kiss Her?Even though you want more than anything to kiss her, don’t get ahead of yourself.

In getting ahead of yourself, you ruin a courtship that was promising.

As long as she is responding to your phone calls, text messages, and going out on dates with you, she is facilitating the courtship.

Try not to get lost in how beautiful of a woman she is.

She knows she is beautiful.

Continue reading When You Meet A Beautiful Woman, When Would Be The Right Time To Kiss Her?

At What Age Do Men No Longer See Women As Marriageable?

At What Age Do Men No Longer See Women As Marriageable?A man that is looking to have children, and has dating options, has a preference.

He wants to marry a woman who is at a good age to bear several children without complications.

He deems a woman marriageable based on this primary biological desire.

A woman’s peak reproductive years are from her late teens to her late-20s, with the optimal years being in her early to mid-20s.

Once she reaches the age of 30, her fertility starts to decline.

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Is It Okay To Hold Hands On The First Date Or Is It Too Forward?

Is It Okay To Hold Hands On The First Date Or Is It Too Forward?Holding hands on the first date is okay, as long as it is earned.

When you are hitting it off with a girl on a first date, it isn’t too forward to hold hands at an appropriate moment.

Nonetheless, you shouldn’t be too presumptuous about it.

Even though you are hitting it off with her, it doesn’t mean that you are permitted to hold hands with her whenever you deem appropriate.

Test the waters first by establishing good body language with her.

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A Guy Was Super Into Me, But Now, He’s Pulling Away From Me

A Guy Was Super Into Me, But Now, He's Pulling Away From MeHe was intrigued by you, and this stirred an excitement within him that was deeply intoxicating.

You were like a book that he was reading, turning each page with curiosity.

This was enthralling, keeping him on the edge of his seat.

That being said, he reached a page that gave him pause, making him uncomfortable.

Once this occurred, it was harder for him to keep turning the pages.

Continue reading A Guy Was Super Into Me, But Now, He’s Pulling Away From Me

How Come Some People Go Through Their 20s Never Having A Relationship, Dates, Or Sex At All?

How Come Some People Go Through Their 20s Never Having A Relationship, Dates, Or Sex At All?Not everyone in their 20s has the same personality and lifestyle.

An inactive social life, as an introvert, makes it less likely that you get into a relationship, find a date, or have sex.

It boils down to how introverted you are.

The more introverted and less social you are, the likelier you end up without ever having been in a relationship, had a date, or had sex.

Those in their 20s who are extroverted with an active social life are the ones who have the highest propensity to get into relationships, date, and have sex.

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Is It Too Early To Start Dating After Just One Month Of Getting Dumped?

Is It Too Early To Start Dating After Just One Month Of Getting Dumped?It isn’t too early to start dating when you have already completed the work on yourself emotionally.

A significant number of people start dating again without healing from their previous relationship, and this is a grave blunder.

It wasn’t a good feeling to get dumped, and given how sudden it was, it only made the whole ordeal worse.

Consider how you are feeling right now.

Have you done the work on yourself to heal from this breakup?

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We Are Not Exclusively Dating, But He Posted One Of The Photos From My Instagram Profile On His Story

We Are Not Exclusively Dating, But He Posted One Of The Photos From My Instagram Profile On His StoryPosting one of the photos from your Instagram profile on his story is a big step for him.

He doesn’t do this for just anyone.

He is sharing you with his followers, sending a subliminal message to them and to you that he is taking you seriously.

So far, his time with you has been fun, memorable, intriguing and impactful.

He likes how it has been.

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He Gave Me His Phone Number. Should I Ask Him Out On A Date?

He Gave Me His Phone Number. Should I Ask Him Out On A Date?Better to wait on him to ask you out on a date instead.

Use his phone number to open up a conversation and see what his effort is like moving forward.

Never fall into a trap of initiating contact all the time, or most of the time.

A guy gets joy and inspiration from playing the role of a pursuer.

When you are the one who is initiating contact all the time, you take that role from him.

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My Girlfriend Never Texts Me Unless I Text Her First To Open A Conversation

My Girlfriend Never Texts Me Unless I Text Her First To Open A ConversationA girlfriend that never texts you unless you text her first is indicating that she isn’t happy.

The relationship isn’t fulfilling her.

She has told you about what she is unhappy about and you never took it to heart.

Think back to the last contentious conversation you had with her.

Did she complain about the relationship?

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When Does A Guy Realize That He Wants More Than Just Sex With A Girl He Is Casually Dating?

When Does A Guy Realize That He Wants More Than Just Sex With A Girl He Is Casually Dating?This is a guy that is thinking long term about the girl and is no longer taking her lightly.

When it was all about having sex, he primarily thought about just that, sex.

He realizes that he wants more than just sex when sex is not the primary thought in his mind whenever he thinks about her.

Instead of being fixated on seeing her that week and having sex with her, he is thinking about cooking for her or watching a movie together.

Basically, the thought of having sex with her isn’t as prevalent.

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Who Should Pay When You Go Out On A Date With A Girl?

Who Should Pay When You Go Out On A Date With A Girl?Although modern society has excelled with gender equality, traditional roles in dating still persist.

When you go out on a date with a girl, you should pay for the date.

Even if she makes an attempt to split the bill at the end of the date, pay for it anyway.

Girls who bring out their pocketbooks to help pay for a date at the end of it, would much rather the guy pay.

She is being polite in gesturing to pay her share, but you mustn’t fall for it.

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Would You Date Someone Whose Place Of Residence Is A Pigsty?

Would You Date Someone Whose Place Of Residence Is A Pigsty?Like attracts like.

A person that has a pigsty for a home won’t mind dating someone else who has the same.

If anything, this has an effect of connecting the two, making them feel that they can be themselves.

There is no burden of performance to keep their places clean.

They each live in a pigsty, which relieves the pressure on either party to pretend that they are clean.

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Can A Woman Actually Be Interested In Another Man While Still Talking About Her Ex?

Can A Woman Actually Be Interested In Another Man While Still Talking About Her Ex?Sadly, this is a woman that remains emotionally attached to her ex.

She is still talking about him for this reason.

Although it feels as though she is interested in you, given how kind she is to you, she isn’t emotionally available.

Even when there are moments where she seems to be flirting with you, don’t take these moments too seriously.

In these moments she is using you as a temporary replacement for her ex.

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Is It Normal For A Guy To Ask You About Kids While Talking To You?

Is It Normal For A Guy To Ask You About Kids While Talking To You?A guy that asks you about kids with the sole intent of making conversation doesn’t get into much detail about it.

He is making small talk, but doesn’t care all that much for the topic.

Regardless of what you say in response, he doesn’t do much to relate to it in describing where he stands on the topic.

The topic of kids only came up due to external stimuli.

In this case, you were talking to him at a playground, park, schoolyard or anywhere that kids were present.

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Should You Need To Be Happy With Life, Outside Of Dating, To Have A Healthy Relationship With Someone?

Should You Need To Be Happy With Life, Outside Of Dating, To Have A Healthy Relationship With Someone?It’s critical that you are happy with life, outside of dating.

This makes you happy with who you are, independent of a relationship partner.

When you have this approach to life, it makes your romantic relationships so much healthier.

You aren’t relying on a partner to make you happy and keep you happy.

Outside of dating, you have established a lifestyle that makes you happy.

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I Asked A Girl Out In Person And She Said Yes. I DM Her Later And She Doesn’t Answer. Is She Interested Or Not?

I Asked A Girl Out In Person And She Said Yes. I DM Her Later And She Doesn't Answer. Is She Interested Or Not?When you asked this girl out in person and she said yes, she was in the moment.

In fact, it isn’t out of the question that she believed it at the time.

At that moment in time, it felt right to say yes to you.

Some time later, you sent her a DM to make plans for said date and thus far she hasn’t answered.

It’s no wonder that you are ruminating over whether she is interested or not.

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Is It Wrong To Still Want To Be With A Woman Who Isn’t Very Smart?

Is It Wrong To Still Want To Be With A Woman Who Isn't Very Smart?There is nothing inherently wrong with this.

Although she isn’t very smart, there are alternate qualities about her that you appreciate.

She doesn’t have the intellect to have a deeply intellectual conversation with you, but you don’t care about that.

While for many, intellectual conversation is an important factor in attraction, that has no bearing on what you like in this woman.

The initial hesitation you feel about wanting to be with a woman who isn’t very smart is in how you are judged by people.

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What Are Signs That A Person Doesn’t Find Another Person From The Opposite Sex Attractive, Without Directly Saying So?

What Are Signs That A Person Doesn't Find Another Person From The Opposite Sex Attractive, Without Directly Saying So?When a person doesn’t find another person from the opposite sex attractive, there is an absence of flirting.

This gets a little confusing when he gives you a compliment, but you mustn’t misconstrue his compliment as a sign of attraction.

A guy that doesn’t want to directly say that he isn’t attracted to you is deliberate in how he compliments you.

He avoids complimenting you with a sensual implication.

As in, he doesn’t compliment your eyes, hair, lips, legs, etc.

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Is Being An Emotional Man A Big Disadvantage In Dating?

Is Being An Emotional Man A Big Disadvantage In Dating?It depends on the moments you choose to be emotional and what you are being emotional about.

With this caveat, being an emotional man is not a big disadvantage in dating.

Women do want to see that the guy they are dating has emotions and is capable of reacting to external stimuli.

Should he have a death in the family, she wants to see that he is impacted.

He shows this through his emotions.

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Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend For His Bad And Disrespectful Behavior?

Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend For His Bad And Disrespectful Behavior?It’s critical that you tell him about what is bothering you before considering breaking up with him.

Have a conversation with him about his bad and disrespectful behavior, but do this with a diplomatic approach.

Were you to use an accusatory approach to this conversation, you put him on the defensive, and this keeps him from taking what you have to say to heart.

He is too caught up in defending himself when you use an accusatory approach.

With this frame of mind, he won’t be open to what you have to say.

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Is Photoshop A Good Way To Get Results And Rig The System To One’s Own Favor On Dating Apps?

Is Photoshop A Good Way To Get Results And Rig The System To One's Own Favor On Dating Apps?Photoshop isn’t a good way to get long-lasting results on dating apps.

Although you are desperate to make dating apps work in your favor, rigging the system isn’t worth it.

By manipulating your dating profile photos with photoshop to make yourself appear more handsome or fit, you are choosing to deceive the women on the dating app.

Even though you are successful in getting them to swipe right on your technologically enhanced photos, this won’t get you anywhere over the long term.

Undoubtedly, receiving all this attention from women as they swipe right on your manipulated photos is destined to make you feel good.

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Do Guys Like Girls Who Are Spoiled By Their Doting Parents?

Do Guys Like Girls Who Are Spoiled By Their Doting Parents?A guy’s concern, beyond a girl’s physical looks, is her behavior.

A girl that was spoiled by her doting parents isn’t an automatic red flag.

He doesn’t care all that much that she was spoiled.

What he cares about is how she treats him and others.

A worst example of a spoiled girl is the one that is so used to having her way that she has no consideration of others and lacks common decency.

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Would A Girl Date A Guy Who Doesn’t Drink But Is Happy To Go To Parties And Bars With Her?

Would A Girl Date A Guy Who Doesn't Drink But Is Happy To Go To Parties And Bars With Her?There is a wealth of girls who would date a guy who doesn’t drink.

Considering that you are happy to go to parties and bars with her, you are exemplifying that you are social.

To girls, this is the most important factor.

A guy that has social skills.

A guy that is comfortable in a crowd and navigates through it with ease.

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Would A Guy Date A Woman That Weighs More Than He Does?

Would A Guy Date A Woman That Weighs More Than He Does?There are lots of guys that would date a woman that weighs more than they do.

The next time you go out in public, take a look at the couples you see.

A significant number of the men are dating women that weigh more than they do.

Granted, there are instances where these women weighed less in the early stages of the relationship, and gained weight as the relationship progressed.

True, these cases do exist.

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Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About My Girlfriend’s Exes And Her Time With Them?

Why Can't I Stop Thinking About My Girlfriend's Exes And Her Time With Them?It’s natural to have a degree of jealousy when you think about the exes of a girl you are in a relationship with.

This doesn’t make you a bad guy or a bad boyfriend.

You are thinking about your girlfriend’s exes as a result of a sense of insecurity.

An insecurity that exists within your relationship with her.

Innately, you don’t believe that you meet all of her needs as her boyfriend.

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Do Guys Really Mind If A Woman Is Slightly Chubby But Active?

Do Guys Really Mind If A Woman Is Slightly Chubby But Active?Guys are all over the board with what they are attracted to.

There are guys who are attracted to women that are slim, stocky, athletic, chubby, etc.

You see, there is so much room for you as a chubby girl to attract a guy.

Keeping this in mind, being slightly chubby doesn’t make you undesirable to every guy.

The key is that you are confident in yourself and accept yourself for who you are.

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Is It Possible For A Man To Make A Woman Happier As Her Partner?

Is It Possible For A Man To Make A Woman Happier As Her Partner?A partner enables her to be happier.

Nevertheless, you mustn’t get into a relationship with a woman who is fully dependent on you for her happiness.

This is why you have to be privy of her dating history before choosing to date and commit to her.

A woman who has a history of dating men who become the entire focal point of her life, at the expense of everything else, is not a good candidate for a healthy long-term relationship.

Getting into a relationship with a woman with this approach to dating is setting yourself up for massive failure.

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Will There Ever Be A Time Where Women Are The Initiators And It Is More Common For Them To Make The First Move On Men?

Will There Ever Be A Time Where Women Are The Initiators And It Is More Common For Them To Make The First Move On Men?No matter how advanced and modern our society becomes, our biological nature remains constant.

Since the dawn of man, men have been the initiators.

They make the approach, ask for the date, court her, and put a ring on her finger.

This is in our biological makeup.

Although in this day and age, there are more women who are initiating the first move on men, these women are very much in the minority.

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How Many Times A Month Is Adequate To Meet Your Boyfriend In Person?

How Many Times A Month Is Adequate To Meet Your Boyfriend In Person?The idea is to have your own lives, while maintaining a healthy relationship as partners.

Some girls are too caught up in their emotions and get carried away with how many times a month they meet their boyfriend in person.

They are seeing each other each and every day, spending all their free time together.

This is too much.

No matter how much you get along with, and connect with your boyfriend, getting carried away with how often you meet him in person is asking for trouble.

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Do Pretty Women Have Inherently Worse Social Skills Due To Years Of Being Spoiled Over Their Looks?

Do Pretty Women Have Inherently Worse Social Skills Due To Years Of Being Spoiled Over Their Looks?As a rule, pretty women don’t inherently have worse social skills.

There are pretty women with great social skills and those without.

True, years of being spoiled over her looks does have an effect on some pretty women.

Nonetheless, a pretty woman that grows up in an environment like this had parents that used her beauty as their source of pride.

She wasn’t encouraged to be modest or to strive for academic or professional achievement.

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Was My Coworker Throwing Out Hints That He Is Single And Interested In Me?

Was My Coworker Throwing Out Hints That He Is Single And Interested In Me?You already know that you are attracted to your coworker.

This has been evident to you for a while.

Since then, you have purposely been looking for hints that he is single and interested in you too.

This is where you make yourself vulnerable to drawing the wrong conclusions, based on how you feel about him.

In doing so, you look at anything and everything he does with a keen eye, instantly assuming that your coworker is throwing out hints that he is single and interested in you at a whim.

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Why Do People Equate Being Single With Being Unhappy In Your Everyday Life?

Why Do People Equate Being Single With Being Unhappy In Your Everyday Life?It’s human nature to desire companionship.

To this extent, people equate being single with being unhappy.

Given that they know companionship is a salient factor of life, they can’t imagine that a single person would be happy.

Everyone has had moments in life where they felt lonely.

It wasn’t a good feeling for them.

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Should I Ask The Guy I Have Been Getting To Know If He Is Interested?

Should I Ask The Guy I Have Been Getting To Know If He Is Interested?Being that you are wondering whether you should ask him if he is interested, it has been a while.

You have been getting to know each other over a sustained period of time now.

The fact that you are at a crossroads, wondering whether you should ask him if he is interested, is a sign that you have heard enough to make an assessment.

You like what you have heard.

The conversations you have had with him have been enjoyable, and so has been the occasions where you have spent time together in person.

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I Said I Needed Some Space And He Got Mad, Even Though I Was Friendly About It

I Said I Needed Some Space And He Got Mad, Even Though I Was Friendly About ItHe wasn’t happy about your desire for some space.

By now, he has gotten used to getting your attention and personal energy.

In needing space, he sees it as a rejection of him, and is taking what you said personally.

He doesn’t see it how you see it.

Even though you were friendly about it, he doesn’t care about that.

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How To Get His Attention Back, Now That He Isn’t Texting Or Calling Me As Much As He Used To?

How To Get His Attention Back, Now That He Isn't Texting Or Calling Me As Much As He Used To?Losing his attention was predictable.

He got bored with the conversations he was having with you.

As a result, he chose to stop texting or calling you as much.

This isn’t uncommon.

People are prone to sticking with the same old topics of conversation, as it is so much easier to do this than having to come up with a different topic of conversation.

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Is She Interested Or Playing Games With Me And Leading Me On?

Is She Interested Or Playing Games With Me And Leading Me On?She is interested in you when she is constantly taking your calls and engaging with you.

In these moments, she is asking you personal questions and remembers the details of what you tell her.

This is proven when she is asking you a follow-up question in reference to a previous conversation that you had with her.

When this happens, you have evidence that she was thinking about what you had to say in the previous conversation, and wanted to get extra information in reference to what you said.

A girl that is thinking about a conversation she had with you, while apart, is thinking of you.

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How Do You Know If Someone Is Blushing Whenever You’re Around, Or If They Just Have Naturally Rosy Cheeks?

How Do You Know If Someone Is Blushing Whenever You're Around, Or If They Just Have Naturally Rosy Cheeks?Put yourself in situations where the person isn’t aware of your presence.

Observe him as he is talking to people in general, or doing a task.

Again, make sure that he isn’t aware of your presence.

Look at his cheeks as he is doing all of this to verify whether he is blushing.

Is he?

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Can True Love Exist Without Physical Attraction For The Person Of Interest?

Can True Love Exist Without Physical Attraction For The Person Of Interest?Physical attraction is a major component of relationships.

It’s rare that there is a complete absence of physical attraction in a relationship that has true love.

True love encompasses a wide berth of emotions.

It is a full acceptance of the person you are with.

A comprehension that this is a person that has won your heart, of whom you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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Do Girls Sometimes Ghost Guys They Like Out Of Insecurity, And If So, What Kind Of Insecurity Would That Be?

Do Girls Sometimes Ghost Guys They Like Out Of Insecurity, And If So, What Kind Of Insecurity Would That Be?Yes, there are girls who ghost guys they like out of insecurity.

An insecurity that comes from a fear that she doesn’t match up to him in looks, personality, lifestyle, status, etc.

Girls are just as frightened of rejection as men are.

When she has a perception that a guy is out of her league, she is prone to ghosting him.

This is especially true with girls that are shy or socially awkward.

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Do Opposites Really Attract When Looking For A Partner To Share Your Life With?

Do Opposites Really Attract When Looking For A Partner To Share Your Life With?Opposites do attract, to an extent.

There is a thrill in being with someone who doesn’t share the exact qualities that you do.

It’s akin to being blindfolded and given items with the responsibility of having to figure out what the item is.

An opposite is someone full of mysteries.

That is thrilling in the beginning.

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Why Would An Emotionally Unavailable Guy Go On A Dating App And Go On A Date With Me, Just To Cut Things Off And Reveal This After The Fact?

Why Would An Emotionally Unavailable Guy Go On A Dating App And Go On A Date With Me, Just To Cut Things Off And Reveal This After The Fact?He hadn’t accepted through and through that he is emotionally unavailable.

Guys aren’t adept at working through their emotions.

Instead of dealing with the emotional repercussions of a breakup, they ignore them.

Consequently, several get on a dating app to find someone new.

This is how he found you.

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If You Aren’t Attracted To Overweight People, Are You Shallow And Fatphobic?

If You Aren't Attracted To Overweight People, Are You Shallow And Fatphobic?You are attracted to what you are attracted to.

The majority of people, male and female, aren’t attracted to overweight people.

That is the harsh reality of life.

If given a choice, the majority of men and women would choose a partner that is physically fit.

This goes for people who are fit and overweight.

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I Texted Him With A “Thank You” After The First Date. He Said, “I Had A Good Time. I Will See You Around.” Does That Mean There’s No Second Date?

I Texted Him With A "Thank You" After The First Date. He Said, "I Had A Good Time. I Will See You Around." Does That Mean There's No Second Date?A second date is unlikely.

This doesn’t mean that he wasn’t into you.

Look back to how the first date went.

Was he energized?

Did he ask you questions that were well-thought-out and conducive to a healthy conversation?

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My Crush Wants To Hook Me Up With Her Friend. What Should I Do?

My Crush Wants To Hook Me Up With Her Friend. What Should I Do?Clearly, the one you like is your crush.

The same crush that wants to hook you up with her friend.

This is what happens when you have a crush and you don’t tell her about how you feel about her.

As far as she is concerned, you are a great guy that she believes would make a great boyfriend to her friend.

She has assessed your physical appearance and personality, and has concluded that her friend is a great match for you.

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How To Be Faithful To Your Girlfriend And Maintain A Healthy Relationship

How To Be Faithful To Your Girlfriend And Maintain A Healthy RelationshipBeing faithful to your girlfriend is critical in any healthy relationship.

If you have a history of being unfaithful to your previous girlfriends, there is an innate problem within you that requires fixing.

When you are prone to cheating, it doesn’t matter how good of a girlfriend you have.

You are sure to cheat again.

Regardless of how kind she is to you, how loyal she is, or how much she pleases you in the bedroom, you are bound to cheat again.

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Do You Consider It A Deal Breaker If Your Date Has Friends Of The Opposite Sex?

Do You Consider It A Deal Breaker If Your Date Has Friends Of The Opposite Sex?A date that has friends of the opposite sex is fraught with peril.

Your first instinct is to be weary that your date has so many names of members of the opposite sex on her phone.

Even worse when you see that she has more male friends on her social media than female friends.

The thing is, there is good reason to consider making it a deal breaker if a date has friends of the opposite sex.

It’s not that she is consciously intent on sleeping with these men.

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Do Girls Actually Want A Good Guy To Date And Share Their Lives With?

Do Girls Actually Want A Good Guy To Date And Share Their Lives With?It has been a hard road for you in the dating scene.

You have been good to girls you have dated in the past.

The closest thing to the perfect boyfriend.

Yet, you keep getting mistreated in these relationships.

It has gotten so bad that you are questioning whether girls actually want a good guy to date and share their lives with, and you are dejected that you have arrived at this question.

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Is There A Chance That He Likes Me, Or Am I Misreading His Behavior?

Is There A Chance That He Likes Me, Or Am I Misreading His Behavior?When you like a guy, you are susceptible to misreading his behavior.

Any behavior that is remotely connected to a sign of romantic interest, you jump at it.

You make the conclusion that he must like you.

This is what you are clamming for.

And this makes your brain want to interpret these so-called signs of romantic interest as such, wanting more than anything to be right.

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Why Do Some People From Dating Sites Refuse To Do A Video Chat Before Meeting In Person?

Why Do Some People From Dating Sites Refuse To Do A Video Chat Before Meeting In Person?Having matched with her on a dating site, you are curious about what she looks like.

Her pictures looked nice enough, but you aren’t going to be fooled by that anymore.

You have matched with several women in the past that you ultimately met in person, many of whom didn’t match how they appeared on their dating profile pictures.

There is nothing worse than the disappointment you feel when you meet with a match in person who has misrepresented what she looks like on her dating profile.

These matches have appeared on dates looking much heavier in build than they appeared on their dating profile pictures.

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I Have Been Single For Years And I Don’t Feel Attracted To Anyone. Why?

I Have Been Single For Years And I Don't Feel Attracted To Anyone. Why?The last relationship you were in left you emotionally devastated when it ended.

You have never quite gotten over it.

Although you believe that you have moved on, you haven’t.

There are moments that you are reminded of him and you get lost in those memories.

These moments of reflection are quickly followed up by regret, as you know that you permitted yourself to get lost in your thoughts about him.

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Is The Gym Where Guys Go To Pick Up Women With The Intent Of Dating Them?

Is The Gym Where Guys Go To Pick Up Women With The Intent Of Dating Them?A majority of guys go to the gym with the intention of working out.

A minority go to pick up women.

This minority of guys are fairly obvious with their intent.

They are not working out all that hard, doing few reps.

It doesn’t take long before their eyes wander about surveilling the gym floor like a lion looking for prey.

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He Was Cheating On His Wife With Me And I Had No Idea. How Do I Get Out Of This Mental Hole?

He Was Cheating On His Wife With Me And I Had No Idea. How Do I Get Out Of This Mental Hole?Finding out that all this time you shared with him was nothing but a farce is a hard pill to swallow.

Unbeknownst to you, he had a wife this whole time.

He led you to believe that he was single.

This made you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down and fall for him emotionally.

Only to find out that he was cheating on his wife with you all along.

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Anytime I Meet Any Man I Find Even A Bit Interesting, I Let Him Take Over My Entire Life. What’s Wrong With Me?

Anytime I Meet Any Man I Find Even A Bit Interesting, I Let Him Take Over My Entire Life. What's Wrong With Me?He takes over your entire life by filling a void within you.

Unfortunately, you don’t value yourself or your life all that much.

You are bored with yourself and your life.

You want someone to come into it so that there is a spark of life.

When any man who is a bit interesting is suddenly a candidate for dating, you are showing that you are desperate to be awakened from the monotony of your life.

Continue reading Anytime I Meet Any Man I Find Even A Bit Interesting, I Let Him Take Over My Entire Life. What’s Wrong With Me?

Are Friends With Benefits Relationships Only For The Under 30’s?

Are Friends With Benefits Relationships Only For The Under 30's?In reality, friends with benefits relationships can fit all ages.

The under 30’s have a somewhat different outlook to friends with benefits relationships than the over 30’s.

Under 30’s are in these relationships for sexual discovery and experimentation.

Being young, they are getting in tune with their sexuality, as far as how they regard their bodies and what they like in the bedroom.

They are honing their skills in how to go about receiving and giving sexual pleasure.

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I Have Big Career Goals And Want To Focus On My Career. Do I Have To Give Up On Dating, Marrying, And Creating A Family?

I Have Big Career Goals And Want To Focus On My Career. Do I Have To Give Up On Dating, Marrying, And Creating A Family?Having big career goals is a plus, given the financial rewards.

And yes, focusing on your career to get yourself up that corporate ladder is prudent.

But, there is no reason for you to give up on dating, marrying and creating a family for the sake of achieving your big career goals.

Lots of people achieve career success and get to date, marry and create families in tandem.

It’s about how you balance your time.

Continue reading I Have Big Career Goals And Want To Focus On My Career. Do I Have To Give Up On Dating, Marrying, And Creating A Family?

Have You Ever Made Friends With Someone You Met On A Dating Site That You Never Hit It Off With?

Have You Ever Made Friends With Someone You Met On A Dating Site That You Never Hit It Off With?People make friends with their matches all the time on a dating site.

These are people who don’t hit it off with a match but realize that they are better off as friends.

You are now in the same predicament.

This means you are in good company.

Keeping this in mind, you shouldn’t feel bad about only looking at a match as someone you are open to being friends with.

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How To Text Him First, After Not Talking To Each Other For 2 Months

How To Text Him First, After Not Talking To Each Other For 2 MonthsSpending 2 months without talking to each other has felt like an eternity to you.

You never wanted to reach a point where you were no longer talking to each other.

Naturally, being that you care about him, you were hoping that he would text you.

You waited by the phone for a while.

But, eventually, you realized that he wasn’t going to call and gave up on the idea.

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How Much Is The Average Amount Spent By A Guy When He Takes A Girl Out On A Date?

How Much Is The Average Amount Spent By A Guy When He Takes A Girl Out On A Date?On average, a guy spends between $50 to $100 on a girl that he takes out on a date.

The amount goes up as he goes on further dates with her.

This has much to do with the level of interest and trust he has in her growing that much more with each consequent date.

With each consequent date, the burden of performance increases as the stakes become palpable and he wants to impress her that much more.

Before he gets to this stage, he is cautious in how much he spends.

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Do Guys Find Tall Girls Unattractive And Choose Not To Date Them As A Result?

Do Guys Find Tall Girls Unattractive And Choose Not To Date Them As A Result?As a tall girl, it’s not surprising that you are thinking yourself as unattractive.

You have struggled to get guys to ask you out on dates.

Even though a few of them have seemingly been interested, even going as far as telling you that you should model, nothing has ever come of it.

This has you wondering whether guys find tall girls unattractive and choose not to date them as a result.

Here is the truth about all this.

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How Do You Balance Your Dominance And Submissiveness As A Female Who Is Navigating The Dating Market?

How Do You Balance Your Dominance And Submissiveness As A Female Who Is Navigating The Dating Market?This has you flummoxed.

You have a dominant and submissive side to your personality.

The dominant side comes out when you are feeling unsafe and need to assert yourself.

The submissive side comes out when you feel safe around someone.

Yet, even in scenarios where you feel safe, there are moments where your dominant side comes out and you are suddenly in a much more aggressive headspace.

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My Best Friend In Life Is Also Someone I Am In Love With

My Best Friend In Life Is Also Someone I Am In Love WithWhen you realize that you are in love with your best friend, it is jarring.

A riot of thoughts assail your mind about what this means.

You worry about whether this is going to hurt your friendship with him.

Having known him for several years, you are terrified of jeopardizing it in any way.

Yet, you can’t help the fact that you are in love with him.

Continue reading My Best Friend In Life Is Also Someone I Am In Love With

Where Can I Find A Decent Girlfriend To Date And Share My Life With?

Where Can I Find A Decent Girlfriend To Date And Share My Life With?Think seriously about the sort of girlfriend you want, without ambiguity.

Envision a life with this girl and the activities you would want to partake in with her.

Write down what her qualities are.

Write the good with the bad.

Basically, don’t get caught up in only writing out everything you like about this girl, as you are doing this exercise on who you envision her to be.

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Isn’t Saturday Evening Too Sacred Of A Time For A First Date?

Isn't Saturday Evening Too Sacred Of A Time For A First Date?Although a Saturday evening is a great time to spend with friends and your pastimes, it isn’t too sacred of a time for a first date.

Saturday evening is a time that most people have free.

This means that it would coincide with the free time of whoever has asked you out on a first date.

The idea of going out with someone is to get to know them.

When you make it difficult for him to sequester your time by making Saturday evening too sacred for a first date, you reduce the opportunities to socialize with him face to face.

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Would You Ever Date Someone Who’s 20, 30, Or Even 40 years Older Than You?

Would You Ever Date Someone Who's 20, 30, Or Even 40 years Older Than You?Dating someone that is 20, 30, or even 40 years older than you has its pros and cons.

Like any relationship, there are bound to be ups and downs.

What separates this relationship from the majority of relationships is the massive age gap.

The truth is, once you are dating someone who is as much as 20 years older than you, adding another decade or two to that age doesn’t make that much of a difference.

A 20 year gap is not that much different from a 30 or 40 year gap in the grand scheme of things.

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I Like Him So Much, But He Only Wants To Sleep With Me

I Like Him So Much, But He Only Wants To Sleep With MeClearly, you want more out of your relationship with him.

Notwithstanding, it’s far too dangerous to think that his behavior is going to change.

And unfortunately, being that you like him so much, you have set yourself up to be a victim to your emotions.

It’s uncanny what a compromised mind is capable of.

A mind that likes a guy so much, it borders on obsession.

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Why Is Online Dating So Difficult When It Was Supposed To Make Dating Easier On Everyone?

Why Is Online Dating So Difficult When It Was Supposed To Make Dating Easier On Everyone?You are frustrated with your tenure so far in online dating.

If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone in this grief.

There are people who are finding online dating difficult.

And yes, several of them thought that online dating was going to make their dating lives easier.

That hasn’t happened.

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I Cheated On My Long Distance Boyfriend And I Regret It So Much

I Cheated On My Long Distance Boyfriend And I Regret It So MuchA long distance relationship is a challenge to maintain.

So far, you thought that you had a great relationship with your long distance boyfriend.

That was until you cheated on him.

Now you don’t know what to think.

You continue to love and care for him, which is the reason why you regret cheating on him so much, as you struggle to think about anything else.

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I Often See A Beautiful Girl On Campus, But She Is Always Walking With Three Of Her Friends

I Often See A Beautiful Girl On Campus, But She Is Always Walking With Three Of Her FriendsThe idea of walking up to this beautiful girl on campus is intimidating to you.

With her three friends in tow, you are worried about how you would come off.

The last thing you want is to be self-conscious around her three friends, as you attempt to have a conversation with her.

Believe it or not, there are a throng of guys who possess the same fears you do in situations like this.

The reality that she is beautiful is already intimidating enough.

Continue reading I Often See A Beautiful Girl On Campus, But She Is Always Walking With Three Of Her Friends

If A Girl Invites You Over To Watch A Show, Is It An Invitation To Have Sex?

If A Girl Invites You Over To Watch A Show, Is It An Invitation To Have Sex?She isn’t thinking that she intends to have sex with you, even if she innately wants it.

Her fear is in coming off as sexually loose.

To this end, she believes that she has offered you an innocent invitation to watch a show with her.

As far as she wants to believe, this is a friendly invite.

The idea that she has an ulterior motive to have sex with you while you are at her place is far too presumptuous for her to acknowledge.

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My Boyfriend Makes Last Minute Dates, Making Me Feel Like I Am Not A Priority To Him

My Boyfriend Makes Last Minute Dates, Making Me Feel Like I Am Not A Priority To HimFeeling like you aren’t a priority to your boyfriend is never a good feeling.

In making last minute dates, you are left feeling like you were an afterthought.

Basically, the idea that something fell through with plans he had already made, leaving you as his backup plan, doesn’t make you feel good at all.

Last minute dates are no fun.

Many a time, you have already made plans too.

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Should I Get Back With My Ex-Girlfriend After Her Recent Breakup?

Should I Get Back With My Ex-Girlfriend After Her Recent Breakup?She is your ex-girlfriend for a reason.

It’s tempting to want to reunite with her when you have found no one else to replace her.

But, think with your head, not your heart.

Since the breakup, you have not been successful in getting over her.

On top of that, you weren’t happy to learn that she had moved on and gotten into a new relationship, while you remained single.

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Are Most People That Work Out In Public Gyms Single And Available For Dating?

Are Most People That Work Out In Public Gyms Single And Available For Dating?Although you have been getting a vibe that people you see at the gym are single, most aren’t.

The gym is a place where people come to work out, but there are ulterior motives as well.

These are ulterior motives that aren’t plainly stated and are subconscious in nature.

That of visual stimulation and internal validation.

Undoubtedly, you have had several moments where you have caught someone staring at you as you were pumping iron, looking amazingly good in the moment.

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Why Would A Muscular Guy Be Attracted To A Chubby Girl Like Me?

Why Would A Muscular Guy Be Attracted To A Chubby Girl Like Me?Being that you are a chubby girl, you have been at the receiving end of verbal abuse.

People have told you about how unattractive you are based on your chubbiness.

Those that didn’t have the courage to be so blunt, have insinuated their disdain over your weight with indirect phrases directed at you.

Your own family has made negative references to your chubbiness.

Even though they try to be kind about it, there have been indirect references made about your weight and you are smart enough to know exactly what was meant.

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How Old Is Too Old To Be A Sidepiece Of Someone You Are Casually Dating?

How Old Is Too Old To Be A Sidepiece Of Someone You Are Casually Dating?The woman’s intention is critical.

A woman with an intention to get into a committed relationship, who stays in a casual relationship as a sidepiece or side chick for over a year, is misguided.

Each day, month or year she stays in this casual relationship after the first year, is a day, month or year too long.

Initially, she entered a casual relationship with him without that much of an intent to be exclusive or have a long-term relationship.

In this vain, she thought she would be fine.

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Is It Mean To Tell A Person That They Are Not Pretty Or Handsome Enough For The Person They Are Currently Dating?

Is It Mean To Tell A Person That They Are Not Pretty Or Handsome Enough For The Person They Are Currently Dating?It is mean.

Telling a person that they are not pretty or handsome enough for the person they are currently dating is a reflection of your own insecurity.

Think about it.

There is no reason for you to say such a thing unless there are insecurities that you possess about yourself.

This is a person who is already in a relationship, which proves that they are desirable to someone.

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Isn’t Being A Player Only Sensible In A Man Or Woman’s 20s?

Isn't Being A Player Only Sensible In A Man Or Woman's 20s?When you are in your 20s as a man or woman, there is a general mentality that you are impervious to aging.

To that end, if you are a player, you play the field.

For the most part, men and women don’t date all that seriously in their 20s, especially in their early to mid 20s.

Being young, there is a feeling that there is no hurry to settle down and be with someone with the intent of being with them for the rest of your life.

You become a player, dating whoever you please.

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What To Answer When A Man Asks You About What You Would Like To Do On A First Date

What To Answer When A Man Asks You About What You Would Like To Do On A First DateLeave that to him.

In the early stages of courtship, a man should lead.

If you tell him what you would like to do on a first date, you take that leadership role from him.

This sets a stage where he doesn’t feel the need to put out too much effort to figure out what to do in terms of future activities with you.

By answering his question and making a suggestion on what you would like to do on a first date, he knows that he can always go back to that well.

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Should I Start Being Short With Him Or Just Keep Telling Him What Bothers Me When It Happens?

Should I Start Being Short With Him Or Just Keep Telling Him What Bothers Me When It Happens?Being short with him is never a solution.

All that does is make him defensive or force him to ignore what you are complaining about altogether.

I know that you get frustrated with him when something bothers you and he never seems to be receptive nor aware of it.

It’s like you are in a relationship with yourself.

He doesn’t seem to have the perception that you do when something goes wrong and you are hoping that he detects it.

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Do Women Find Guys With A Small Pot Belly Attractive In Regards To Dating?

Do Women Find Guys With A Small Pot Belly Attractive In Regards To Dating?The good news is that women aren’t as stuck on a small pot belly on a guy as you are worrying about.

Although six pack abs on a guy has seemingly become the rage in society, it isn’t a requirement.

There is so much more to you than your belly.

You have a personality and lifestyle that she looks to in determining whether she wants to date you.

This makes you multifaceted.

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How Can A Guy Have Personality, Charm, And Humor If He’s An Introvert?

How Can A Guy Have Personality, Charm, And Humor If He's An Introvert?An introvert can have personality, charm and humor.

These aren’t traits that are exclusive to extroverted guys.

An introverted guy is a human being who has hobbies, interests and talents.

All of these make him innately interesting.

There is one element that primarily separates an extroverted guy from an introverted guy, playing a formidable role in how you define yourself.

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Do Single Women Mind Being Hit On In Public By Guys That Are Attracted To Them?

Do Single Women Mind Being Hit On In Public By Guys That Are Attracted To Them?It’s all about the approach.

As long as the approach is done appropriately, single women don’t mind being hit on in public by a guy.

Where so many guys go wrong is in their approach.

There are guys who are rude about their approach.

Instead of being polite in how they open up the conversation, they are brash and rude towards the woman, exuding an arrogance that is unappealing.

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His Current Girlfriend Followed Me On Instagram And I Don’t Know Why

His Current Girlfriend Followed Me On Instagram And I Don't Know WhyKnowing that her current boyfriend is a guy you used to date, you are now someone on her radar.

In following you on Instagram, she is curious to see what your life is like.

This is where she gets to watch what you post and gain knowledge about how you think and live.

It isn’t unusual for a woman who is newly dating a guy to be curious about his exes.

The woman wants to get a better idea on what attracted her new boyfriend to said exes, believing that this gives her an upper hand.

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Is It Weird To Have Romantic Feelings For A Woman That’s Been Like A Sister To Me?

Is It Weird To Have Romantic Feelings For A Woman That's Been Like A Sister To Me?There was never an intent on your part to develop romantic feelings for her, but it has happened.

This isn’t weird.

When a man and woman have such a close relationship, that it is akin to that of siblings, it means that the two will naturally care for each other deeply.

For a good while, you cared about her like you would a sister, and this made sense.

Nonetheless, unbeknownst to you, the closer you got to her as a friend, there was an increased potential that you would develop romantic feelings for her.

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Why Does He Text Me If He Doesn’t Want To Actually Hang Out?

Why Does He Text Me If He Doesn't Want To Actually Hang Out?It gets so confusing after a while.

He keeps texting you but doesn’t want to actually hang out.

This is evident when there is never anything that is solidly set up.

You are left hoping that he will make himself available soon and make solid plans with you to actually hang out.

But, by the next text conversation, it’s as though nothing was ever mentioned about hanging out in the last text conversation.

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Why Do Men Downgrade After A Breakup In The Woman They Choose To Date?

Why Do Men Downgrade After A Breakup In The Woman They Choose To Date?Men don’t have anywhere near as many dating options as women do.

When they go through a breakup, they are going to settle for what they can get.

For the average guy, settling for a less attractive woman than the one he previously dated is his reality.

It’s not like he has a smartphone filled with the phone numbers of a plethora of attractive female dating prospects to choose from.

He doesn’t have anything close to that.

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My Girlfriend Is Online Late At Night And This Has Me Worried That She Is Cheating On Me

My Girlfriend Is Online Late At Night And This Has Me Worried That She Is Cheating On MeA girlfriend that is online late at night isn’t instantly a sign that she is cheating on you.

Granted, this is behavior that she hasn’t exhibited in the past.

Which is why it has grabbed your attention.

You don’t remember her to be someone who would be online late at night.

Not until now.

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If A Highly Successful Man Hasn’t Had A Girlfriend And He’s 32, Is That A Red Flag?

If A Highly Successful Man Hasn't Had A Girlfriend And He's 32, Is That A Red Flag?A highly successful man didn’t become highly successful without making sacrifices.

To be highly successful, he spent a lot of time working on his education and career.

This is a major sacrifice that the majority of people don’t make.

The majority of people don’t sacrifice this much time and effort to be successful.

As lazy human beings, we have a propensity to choose the path of least resistance as we go through life, doing the bare minimum to maintain a mediocre lifestyle.

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What Should I Wear When I Hang Out With My Crush Tomorrow?

What Should I Wear When I Hang Out With My Crush Tomorrow?Being that this is your crush, it’s likely that you want to impress him when you hang out with him tomorrow.

To this end, you give yourself the idea that you should wear something that catches his eye.

This is irrespective of how comfortable or uncomfortable you are in the outfit.

This is the wrong approach.

What matters most is your comfort while you are at this hangout with your crush.

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What To Think Of Dating Apps And How They Have Influenced Society Today?

What To Think Of Dating Apps And How They Have Influenced Society Today?Dating apps have influenced society in a major way.

They have changed the game of dating.

Society has never been in a position where love was a swipe away.

The smartphones we carry in our pockets connect us to dating apps that give us access to an endless amount of people with romantic potential.

This has never happened in history until the advent of the internet, which has put a modern spin on how we go about finding love.

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Do Guys Like Women Who Do Small Talk Or Women Who Do Meaningful Talk In Relationships?

Do Guys Like Women Who Do Small Talk Or Women Who Do Meaningful Talk In Relationships?Small talk is fun in relationships and have there place.

So does meaningful talk in relationships.

There is a place for either in a relationship.

A healthy relationship has a good dose of the two.

Small talk is good when the guy is in a fun environment and is looking to have lighthearted fun with the woman he is dating.

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Is Dating Even Worth It In This Day And Age Where People In Relationships Are Constantly Cheating?

Is Dating Even Worth It In This Day And Age Where People In Relationships Are Constantly Cheating?With all the cheating that goes on in relationships in this day and age, the thought of dating doesn’t seem worth it to you.

This makes sense.

You are constantly around people in relationships who are cheating on each other.

This goes for your friends, coworkers, and family members.

All of this has left you feeling hopeless, wondering whether dating is even worth it.

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How Do Guys Like To Be Loved When It Comes To Dating And Relationships?

How Do Guys Like To Be Loved When It Comes To Dating And Relationships?Guys don’t ask for much when it comes to how they like to be loved.

This means that what he does like bears a lot of weight.

A substantial need that guys have in dating and relationships is physical intimacy.

He wants to be physically intimate with the woman he is dating on a regular basis.

For men, physical intimacy from the woman he is dating is how she shows him that she loves him, claims him, and wants to be with no one else but him.

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Would A Woman Date A Guy Who Is Still Living At Home With His Parents?

Would A Woman Date A Guy Who Is Still Living At Home With His Parents?The younger the woman is, the likelier she is open to dating a guy who is still living at home with his parents.

A woman in her teenage years or in her early twenties is not as concerned about this factor.

At this stage in her life, she isn’t looking to settle down with a guy for marriage.

This makes her far more open to dating a guy who is still living at home with his parents than an older woman in her late twenties and beyond.

A younger woman is not so concerned with dating a guy for long-term commitment or marriage, given the stage at which she is in life and her minimal level of maturity.

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He Has Become Distant, But Says I Am Just Overthinking. Should I Believe Him?

He Has Become Distant, But Says I Am Just Overthinking. Should I Believe Him?You most certainly shouldn’t believe him.

Innately, you know that he has become distant and that isn’t without good reason.

He isn’t initiating texts and phone calls to the extent that he once did.

On top of this, he isn’t taking you out on dates as he once did.

Whenever he is with you, the affectionate hugs and physical closeness are no longer as frequent.

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I Think I Have Found The Perfect Guy, And I Don’t Want To Ruin It By Coming On Too Strong Or Being Weird In Any Way

I Think I Have Found The Perfect Guy, And I Don't Want To Ruin It By Coming On Too Strong Or Being Weird In Any WayAlthough you think you have found the perfect guy, it is far too early to get caught up on what could be.

Realistically, you don’t know this guy well enough to determine whether he is the right guy for you.

I know you are excited right now.

It makes sense.

It’s been a while since you have met a guy like this, and you are beside yourself with excitement.

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Would You Date Someone Who Cares About You But Is Emotionally Unavailable?

Would You Date Someone Who Cares About You But Is Emotionally Unavailable?To date someone who cares about you but is emotionally unavailable is to put yourself at emotional risk.

Being that this is someone that cares about you, you mislead yourself into believing it is worth it to date her.

When you do this, you conveniently put the fact that she is emotionally unavailable to the back of your mind.

This is where you are demonstrating that you want to focus on the positive elements of your relationship with her.

It makes you feel good to believe that she cares about you, and that in time, she is going to care about you all that much more and consequently become emotionally available to you.

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Would You Pursue A Girl In A Committed Relationship Who Is Showing An Interest In You?

Would You Pursue A Girl In A Committed Relationship Who Is Showing An Interest In You?Pursuing a girl in a committed relationship comes with complications.

Although you are attracted to this girl, don’t get carried away.

Even though you believe that she is showing signs of attraction towards you, this isn’t a greenlight to pursue her.

A girl in a committed relationship who has shown signs of interest in you is doing so because there is something missing in her relationship.

Her boyfriend isn’t giving her the attention she deserves.

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What Is A Guy’s Ideal Body Type In A Woman That He Wants To Date?

What Is A Guy's Ideal Body Type In A Woman That He Wants To Date?Guy’s are eclectic in the body types that they are attracted to in a woman.

Being that guys are less picky than girls, they have a tendency to be open to a wide range of body types on a woman.

Whether it be fat, stocky, average, slender, petite, and so on.

This being said, there are body types that are the most popular if given a choice for guys.

That of a girl with a slim waist and a healthy figure that is natural and feminine.

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When You Have A Quandary On Which Female To Choose To Date

When You Have A Quandary On Which Female To Choose To DateIt’s a quandary that has given you sleepless nights.

There are two females in your life that you are attracted to and getting along with.

They are amazing and you love being around them.

Every time you are hanging out with any one of them, you have a great time and don’t want it to end.

Yet, you know that you can’t date both of them, even though the thought has crossed your mind.

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Is It A Deal Breaker To Guys Who Like To Party And Drink Alcohol If A Girl Doesn’t Like To Do All That And Avoids Big Crowds?

Is It A Deal Breaker To Guys Who Like To Party And Drink Alcohol If A Girl Doesn't Like To Do All That And Avoids Big Crowds?Guys who like to party and drink alcohol won’t be unattracted to a girl who doesn’t do all that.

It isn’t a deal breaker to them.

Basically, he knows that you are a girl who isn’t prone to partying and drinking alcohol alongside him, and compartmentalizes.

When he is partying and drinking alcohol, he hangs out with people who participate in these activities.

But he isn’t partying and drinking alcohol 24/7.

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How Normal Is It For Every Woman You’ve Been Romantically Involved With To Go Scorched Earth On You After Parting Ways?

How Normal Is It For Every Woman You've Been Romantically Involved With To Go Scorched Earth On You After Parting Ways?These are women who are still emotionally attached to you.

When they go scorched earth on you after parting ways, they are acting out of emotion.

She never wanted to be broken up with.

She never wanted the relationship with you to end.

When it did, she was dumbfounded.

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A Guy I Have Been Out On Two Dates With Is Mad I Canceled Our Third Date Due To Not Feeling Well

How-Normal-Is-It-For-Every-Woman-Youve-Been-Romantically-Involved-With-To-Go-Scorched-Earth-On-You-After-Parting-WaysThis is a guy that was excited about meeting you for a third date.

The first two dates went well and he was looking forward to seeing you again.

The cancellation of the third date left him disappointed, making him mad.

You weren’t expecting this.

And now, you don’t know how to address it, struggling to figure out the right approach to resolving this.

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Why Do I Still Think Of This Guy From My Past, Even If I Love Someone New?

Why Do I Still Think Of This Guy From My Past, Even If I Love Someone New?This guy from your past had a profound emotional effect on you.

You didn’t realize at the time how strong that emotional effect was.

Now that you love someone new, it is hitting you.

You are still thinking about this guy from your past, despite the strong feelings you have for the new guy in your life.

You are thinking about this guy because he fulfilled an emotional component within you that the new guy in your life isn’t fulfilling in the relationship.

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How Far Overseas Would You Date Someone That You Establish A Connection With?

How Far Overseas Would You Date Someone That You Establish A Connection With?Dating someone that is overseas should never be taken lightly.

Many people get lost in the good emotions they feel when they connect with someone overseas romantically.

This is someone who was missing out on love where they live.

And finally finds an emotional connection with someone overseas.

This is where you are at right now in your life.

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What To Do When You Have A Boyfriend With A Wandering Eye Who Won’t Change This Behavior?

What To Do When You Have A Boyfriend With A Wandering Eye Who Won't Change This Behavior?A boyfriend with a wandering eye is never good.

No doubt, you have had several moments in the past where you have complained about his wandering eye.

When you initially spotted this behavior, you didn’t say anything, being that you didn’t want to be the quintessential jealous girlfriend.

That was the last thing you wanted.

You were so intent on being a good dutiful girlfriend in every way imaginable.

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Why Would A Woman Remove A Picture Of Her Boyfriend From Her Work Desk?

Why Would A Woman Remove A Picture Of Her Boyfriend From Her Work Desk?In having a picture of her boyfriend on her work desk, she was demonstrating that she cared about him.

She was proud of her relationship with him, and wanted the world to know.

That means that she wanted coworkers to see the picture of her boyfriend on her work desk.

This let everyone know that she was taken and in love.

Now that she has removed the picture of her boyfriend from her work desk, she is conveying unhappiness towards him.

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What Is A Turnoff To Guys That Girls Do Without Knowing That They Are Doing It?

What Is A Turnoff To Guys That Girls Do Without Knowing That They Are Doing It?It’s a turnoff to guys when a girl is too clingy.

This happens when a girl becomes emotionally attached to a guy as he is courting her.

She isn’t all that aware that she is doing it when it occurs because she is so wrapped up in how she feels about the guy.

Avoid becoming clingy with a guy, especially in the early stages of courtship.

Once a guy gets a sense that a girl is being clingy, it gives him a preview to what she would be like as a girlfriend.

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Is He Into Me If He Only Asks Me For Help With School-Related Stuff?

Is He Into Me If He Only Asks Me For Help With School-Related Stuff?There are cues to look for when you want to figure out whether he is into you.

Even though he only asks you for help with school-related stuff, this doesn’t mean that he isn’t into you.

It comes down to what he does when he is asking for your help with school-related stuff.

A guy who is asking for your help with school-related stuff, but is into you, is bound to give you cues.

Are you catching these romantic cues, or are they completely going over your head?

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Would You Be Friends With, Or Date Somebody That Has A Bisexual Lifestyle?

Would You Be Friends With, Or Date Somebody That Has A Bisexual Lifestyle?There is a wide difference between being friends with somebody that is bisexual over dating said person.

When you are a friend with a woman that is bisexual, it is a lot less complicated than when you are dating her.

As a friend of hers, her sexual orientation isn’t a factor.

Friendship is similar across sexual orientations.

We all look for the same qualities in a friend, whether that friend is straight or bisexual.

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Why Does My Boyfriend Keep His Exes On Instagram And Facebook As Friends, Even If He Doesn’t Talk To Them?

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep His Exes On Instagram And Facebook As Friends, Even If He Doesn't Talk To Them?In keeping his exes on Instagram and Facebook as friends, he is reluctant to disconnect from them.

This is especially the case when he is a guy that was already friends with them before getting into romantic relationships with them.

In this case, he already saw them as friends before becoming a boyfriend to them, and doesn’t want to lose that aspect of his relationship with them.

Regardless of the romance being over, he still wants to keep them as friends, just as he did before becoming a boyfriend to them.

Even though he isn’t talking to them at the moment, he is hoping they come back to rekindle the friendship he once shared with them.

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What Does It Mean When A Man That You Are Friends With, Says He Wants To Give You His All, When You Two Get Into A Relationship?

What Does It Mean When A Man That You Are Friends With Says He Wants To Give You His All When You Two Get Into A Relationship?This is a man who is intent on making you never regret deciding to get into a relationship with him.

In telling you that he wants to give you his all when you two get into a relationship, he wants to reassure you.

He knows that going from being a friend of yours to a boyfriend is a giant step.

He is fully aware of this.

To this end, he doesn’t want you to have any doubts about getting into a romantic relationship with him.

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A Coworker Said I Was In Her Dream. We Are Not Close. Is She Into Me?

A Coworker Said I Was In Her Dream. We Are Not Close. Is She Into Me?There is no reason to believe that this coworker is into you.

She said you were in her dream, but this doesn’t mean that you are desired by her.

Think about how often you have had dreams where someone you weren’t close to showed up out of nowhere.

That cashier that you see from time to time when you are shopping at the local grocery store.

That bus driver you see from time to time when you are taking the bus to work.

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