Category Archives: Attracting Girls

I Want To Date A Girl That I Think Is Out Of My League

I Want To Date A Girl That I Think Is Out Of My LeagueIn thinking that she is out of your league, you are fostering a defeatist attitude.

Meaning, you don’t have confidence.

Confidence is a quality in men that women highly desire.

In thinking that this girl is out of your league, you are putting her on a pedestal.

When you put a girl on a pedestal, she believes that you don’t think yourself worthy.

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If Women Tell You That They Prefer Dad Bods, Should That Stop You From Working Out?

If Women Tell You That They Prefer Dad Bods, Should That Stop You From Working Out?Working out is healthy and positive.

It should be an activity you do for the betterment of yourself.

Women that tell you that they prefer dad bods aren’t attracted to guys who let themselves go.

Don’t misconstrue what they mean when they tell you that they prefer dad bods.

Instead of assuming that this gives you permission to stop working out and stuff your face with all the fatty foods in existence, find out who these women have dated in the past.

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What Is A High Value Man In Our Society In Relation To Dating?

What Is A High Value Man In Our Society In Relation To Dating?A high value man is a man that is widely regarded as desirable.

He has social notoriety, wealth, good looks, wisdom, a strong personality, and competence.

He is someone women want to partner up with and men want to be.

A high value man doesn’t have to announce that he is.

The men that keep announcing that they are high value, aren’t.

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Should A Guy Stop Dating If He Loses His Job And Is Back On The Job Market?

Should A Guy Stop Dating If He Loses His Job And Is Back On The Job Market?As long as you have savings, and you are actively working on finding a new job, you don’t have to stop dating.

Obviously, there is a harsh reality that you currently don’t have a job.

As you go out on dates with women, what you do for a living is sure to come up.

She is going to ask about it.

For women, a man’s financial viability is a poignant factor.

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Would A Girl Date A Guy Who Doesn’t Drink But Is Happy To Go To Parties And Bars With Her?

Would A Girl Date A Guy Who Doesn't Drink But Is Happy To Go To Parties And Bars With Her?There is a wealth of girls who would date a guy who doesn’t drink.

Considering that you are happy to go to parties and bars with her, you are exemplifying that you are social.

To girls, this is the most important factor.

A guy that has social skills.

A guy that is comfortable in a crowd and navigates through it with ease.

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Do Pretty Women Have Inherently Worse Social Skills Due To Years Of Being Spoiled Over Their Looks?

Do Pretty Women Have Inherently Worse Social Skills Due To Years Of Being Spoiled Over Their Looks?As a rule, pretty women don’t inherently have worse social skills.

There are pretty women with great social skills and those without.

True, years of being spoiled over her looks does have an effect on some pretty women.

Nonetheless, a pretty woman that grows up in an environment like this had parents that used her beauty as their source of pride.

She wasn’t encouraged to be modest or to strive for academic or professional achievement.

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Do Opposites Really Attract When Looking For A Partner To Share Your Life With?

Do Opposites Really Attract When Looking For A Partner To Share Your Life With?Opposites do attract, to an extent.

There is a thrill in being with someone who doesn’t share the exact qualities that you do.

It’s akin to being blindfolded and given items with the responsibility of having to figure out what the item is.

An opposite is someone full of mysteries.

That is thrilling in the beginning.

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If You Aren’t Attracted To Overweight People, Are You Shallow And Fatphobic?

If You Aren't Attracted To Overweight People, Are You Shallow And Fatphobic?You are attracted to what you are attracted to.

The majority of people, male and female, aren’t attracted to overweight people.

That is the harsh reality of life.

If given a choice, the majority of men and women would choose a partner that is physically fit.

This goes for people who are fit and overweight.

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Do Girls Actually Want A Good Guy To Date And Share Their Lives With?

Do Girls Actually Want A Good Guy To Date And Share Their Lives With?It has been a hard road for you in the dating scene.

You have been good to girls you have dated in the past.

The closest thing to the perfect boyfriend.

Yet, you keep getting mistreated in these relationships.

It has gotten so bad that you are questioning whether girls actually want a good guy to date and share their lives with, and you are dejected that you have arrived at this question.

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Where Can I Find A Decent Girlfriend To Date And Share My Life With?

Where Can I Find A Decent Girlfriend To Date And Share My Life With?Think seriously about the sort of girlfriend you want, without ambiguity.

Envision a life with this girl and the activities you would want to partake in with her.

Write down what her qualities are.

Write the good with the bad.

Basically, don’t get caught up in only writing out everything you like about this girl, as you are doing this exercise on who you envision her to be.

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Are Most People That Work Out In Public Gyms Single And Available For Dating?

Are Most People That Work Out In Public Gyms Single And Available For Dating?Although you have been getting a vibe that people you see at the gym are single, most aren’t.

The gym is a place where people come to work out, but there are ulterior motives as well.

These are ulterior motives that aren’t plainly stated and are subconscious in nature.

That of visual stimulation and internal validation.

Undoubtedly, you have had several moments where you have caught someone staring at you as you were pumping iron, looking amazingly good in the moment.

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Do Women Find Guys With A Small Pot Belly Attractive In Regards To Dating?

Do Women Find Guys With A Small Pot Belly Attractive In Regards To Dating?The good news is that women aren’t as stuck on a small pot belly on a guy as you are worrying about.

Although six pack abs on a guy has seemingly become the rage in society, it isn’t a requirement.

There is so much more to you than your belly.

You have a personality and lifestyle that she looks to in determining whether she wants to date you.

This makes you multifaceted.

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How Can A Guy Have Personality, Charm, And Humor If He’s An Introvert?

How Can A Guy Have Personality, Charm, And Humor If He's An Introvert?An introvert can have personality, charm and humor.

These aren’t traits that are exclusive to extroverted guys.

An introverted guy is a human being who has hobbies, interests and talents.

All of these make him innately interesting.

There is one element that primarily separates an extroverted guy from an introverted guy, playing a formidable role in how you define yourself.

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Would A Woman Date A Guy Who Is Still Living At Home With His Parents?

Would A Woman Date A Guy Who Is Still Living At Home With His Parents?The younger the woman is, the likelier she is open to dating a guy who is still living at home with his parents.

A woman in her teenage years or in her early twenties is not as concerned about this factor.

At this stage in her life, she isn’t looking to settle down with a guy for marriage.

This makes her far more open to dating a guy who is still living at home with his parents than an older woman in her late twenties and beyond.

A younger woman is not so concerned with dating a guy for long-term commitment or marriage, given the stage at which she is in life and her minimal level of maturity.

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