Category Archives: Mixed Signals

What Purpose Is There In Leading Me On When She Already Has A Boyfriend?

What Purpose Is There In Leading Me On When She Already Has A Boyfriend?In leading you on, she was encouraging you to keep talking to her, all the while knowing that it would never go anywhere.

You were fulfilling what was missing from her relationship with her boyfriend at the time.

She was getting what she wanted out of you.

Whether it was attention, compliments, laughter, empathy, adulation, sensitivity, etc.

You were providing her with what she wasn’t getting from her boyfriend.

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Do Girls Sometimes Ghost Guys They Like Out Of Insecurity, And If So, What Kind Of Insecurity Would That Be?

Do Girls Sometimes Ghost Guys They Like Out Of Insecurity, And If So, What Kind Of Insecurity Would That Be?Yes, there are girls who ghost guys they like out of insecurity.

An insecurity that comes from a fear that she doesn’t match up to him in looks, personality, lifestyle, status, etc.

Girls are just as frightened of rejection as men are.

When she has a perception that a guy is out of her league, she is prone to ghosting him.

This is especially true with girls that are shy or socially awkward.

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