Category Archives: Does He Like Me?

Is He Actually Busy Or Not Interested In Me As Someone Of Romantic Potential?

Is He Actually Busy Or Not Interested In Me As Someone Of Romantic Potential?He is actually busy when he is not showing any online or social media activity while busy.

This is where he is stuck in an office meeting, class, conference, or social event for hours.

With no social media activity during the hours that he tells you that he is busy, you are that much closer to confirming that he is telling you the truth about being busy.

This is especially true when he is a guy that is extremely active online or on social media.

People who are often online for hours a day get addicted to the stimulus.

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Can You Like Someone And Still Date Other People That Are Romantic Prospects?

Can You Like Someone And Still Date Other People That Are Romantic Prospects?As long as you aren’t in an exclusive relationship with someone, everyone is fair game.

This being said, there are caveats.

The fact that you aren’t in an exclusive relationship with the guy you like is an indication that there is something awry.

This is especially true if you have already let it be known to the guy you like that you like him.

Yet, he hasn’t done anything about it.

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Do Guys Curse A Lot In Front Of The Girl They Like?

Do Guys Curse A Lot In Front Of The Girl They Like?There are guys who curse a lot in front of the girl they like.

It’s done to make himself appear strong and aggressive.

Cursing is how he conveys a rebellious attitude and that he isn’t a conformist.

There is a level of expectation of decorum in society.

Society at large expects that there is a modicum of civility whenever there is discourse between individuals.

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How To Not Feel Bad When Someone Doesn’t Like You As A Romantic Prospect

How To Not Feel Bad When Someone Doesn't Like You As A Romantic ProspectAs human beings, we naturally take it personally when someone doesn’t like us.

You wanted this guy to like you.

Predictably, you were already thinking about what it would be like to be his girlfriend and date him.

When you learned that he doesn’t like you, it was like a dagger to the heart.

You didn’t want to believe it at first.

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How To Tell A Person Has No Interest In You Anymore

How To Tell A Person Has No Interest In You AnymoreHe isn’t as consistent in how he communicates with you.

As someone who has no interest in you anymore, he doesn’t call or text you as much.

When he does, he doesn’t care about having substantive conversations with you.

The conversations become far more superficial in nature, and he doesn’t ask follow-up questions like he once did.

Rather, he has conversations that aren’t designed to go anywhere besides a dead-end.

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Is It Normal For A Guy To Ask You About Kids While Talking To You?

Is It Normal For A Guy To Ask You About Kids While Talking To You?A guy that asks you about kids with the sole intent of making conversation doesn’t get into much detail about it.

He is making small talk, but doesn’t care all that much for the topic.

Regardless of what you say in response, he doesn’t do much to relate to it in describing where he stands on the topic.

The topic of kids only came up due to external stimuli.

In this case, you were talking to him at a playground, park, schoolyard or anywhere that kids were present.

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Was My Coworker Throwing Out Hints That He Is Single And Interested In Me?

Was My Coworker Throwing Out Hints That He Is Single And Interested In Me?You already know that you are attracted to your coworker.

This has been evident to you for a while.

Since then, you have purposely been looking for hints that he is single and interested in you too.

This is where you make yourself vulnerable to drawing the wrong conclusions, based on how you feel about him.

In doing so, you look at anything and everything he does with a keen eye, instantly assuming that your coworker is throwing out hints that he is single and interested in you at a whim.

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Should I Ask The Guy I Have Been Getting To Know If He Is Interested?

Should I Ask The Guy I Have Been Getting To Know If He Is Interested?Being that you are wondering whether you should ask him if he is interested, it has been a while.

You have been getting to know each other over a sustained period of time now.

The fact that you are at a crossroads, wondering whether you should ask him if he is interested, is a sign that you have heard enough to make an assessment.

You like what you have heard.

The conversations you have had with him have been enjoyable, and so has been the occasions where you have spent time together in person.

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Is There A Chance That He Likes Me, Or Am I Misreading His Behavior?

Is There A Chance That He Likes Me, Or Am I Misreading His Behavior?When you like a guy, you are susceptible to misreading his behavior.

Any behavior that is remotely connected to a sign of romantic interest, you jump at it.

You make the conclusion that he must like you.

This is what you are clamming for.

And this makes your brain want to interpret these so-called signs of romantic interest as such, wanting more than anything to be right.

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I Like Him So Much, But He Only Wants To Sleep With Me

I Like Him So Much, But He Only Wants To Sleep With MeClearly, you want more out of your relationship with him.

Notwithstanding, it’s far too dangerous to think that his behavior is going to change.

And unfortunately, being that you like him so much, you have set yourself up to be a victim to your emotions.

It’s uncanny what a compromised mind is capable of.

A mind that likes a guy so much, it borders on obsession.

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