Would You Stay In A Relationship If Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want You To Have Male Friends?

Would You Stay In A Relationship If Your Boyfriend Doesn't Want You To Have Male Friends?

As a man, your boyfriend knows how men think.

He believes that your single male friends are romantically interested in you.

The truth is, he is right.

Lots of single men who have women as “platonic” friends won’t turn down an opportunity to sleep with her if she presents it.

Although this isn’t news you welcome, the reality is that a significant number of your single male friends are open to sleeping with you.

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If you conduct an experiment and call up a few of your single male friends, offering a single night to hook up, several of them are taking you up on your offer.

Your boyfriend is a man who knows that men think like this.

You, on the other hand, believe that there is nothing to worry about in having single male friends.

You believe that your male friends are nothing more than platonic male friends and that they have no sexual interest in you.

This is wrong.

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Several of these men are open to the idea of sleeping with you were you to make such an offer.

Your boyfriend knows that your single male friends are lying in wait.

He knows that the moment he gets into a fight with you and you go running to one of them for emotional support, his relationship with you is in jeopardy.

I know that you don’t ever see yourself cheating on your boyfriend with any of your male friends, but that isn’t a realistic thought.

The future is unknown.

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If you get into a fight with your boyfriend in the future and seek emotional support from a male friend, you expose yourself to the temptation to cheat while you are in an emotionally vulnerable state.

Even if you choose to go to your female friends for emotional support after a fight, your sad state catches the attention of your male friends.

In the vulnerable emotional state that you are in, you are giving in and spilling the beans about the fight to this male friend.

Being emotionally vulnerable, you are craving affection.

Something as simple as getting a hug of support and affection from a male friend has the potential to lead to more.

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Yes, you are human, and thereby, susceptible to all of this.

Your male friend won’t pass on a chance to hug you and give you emotional comfort during a difficult time with your boyfriend, nor is he hesitating should that hug lead to a kiss or more.

Although this isn’t information you want to hear, it’s the reality of male and female relationships.

Your boyfriend sees your male friends as opportunists who are prepared to sleep with you should you provide them that opening.

There is validity to your boyfriend’s concerns.

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A fair compromise with your boyfriend is to strictly have male friends that are already in romantic relationships.

Develop a couples’ friendship between you and your boyfriend, and your male friends and their girlfriends.

This reduces the prospect of infidelity and quells your boyfriend’s anxiety.

Without a compromise like this, your boyfriend won’t ever feel completely secure knowing that you are regularly chatting with and hanging out with male friends that he doesn’t know, and without him present.

You have a decision to make.

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Staying in this relationship requires compromise.

Otherwise, you should end it.