Category Archives: Texting

What Does It Mean When The Person Only Responds With A Short Sentence When Texting?

What Does It Mean When The Person Only Responds With A Short Sentence When Texting?He only responds with short sentences because he isn’t excited enough to give you more than that.

You are slaving away in your text messages to him, typing out long drawn-out sentences.

This is a reflection of your excitement to chat with him.

When he only responds with short sentences, his excitement is nowhere near matching your own.

Now, this doesn’t mean that he isn’t interested in you.

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If You Are Just In The Talking Stage With A Girl, Should You Text Each Other Every Day, And Should The Guy Always Text First?

If You Are Just In The Talking Stage With A Girl, Should You Text Each Other Every Day, And Should The Guy Always Text First?You should not text each other every day when you are just in the talking stage with a girl.

It’s too much too early.

Irrespective of how excited you are about each other.

Keeping your emotions tempered is vital.

If you get carried away with excitement and text each other every day, you run a risk of running out of gas.

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My Girlfriend Never Texts Me Unless I Text Her First To Open A Conversation

My Girlfriend Never Texts Me Unless I Text Her First To Open A ConversationA girlfriend that never texts you unless you text her first is indicating that she isn’t happy.

The relationship isn’t fulfilling her.

She has told you about what she is unhappy about and you never took it to heart.

Think back to the last contentious conversation you had with her.

Did she complain about the relationship?

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How To Get His Attention Back, Now That He Isn’t Texting Or Calling Me As Much As He Used To?

How To Get His Attention Back, Now That He Isn't Texting Or Calling Me As Much As He Used To?Losing his attention was predictable.

He got bored with the conversations he was having with you.

As a result, he chose to stop texting or calling you as much.

This isn’t uncommon.

People are prone to sticking with the same old topics of conversation, as it is so much easier to do this than having to come up with a different topic of conversation.

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How To Text Him First, After Not Talking To Each Other For 2 Months

How To Text Him First, After Not Talking To Each Other For 2 MonthsSpending 2 months without talking to each other has felt like an eternity to you.

You never wanted to reach a point where you were no longer talking to each other.

Naturally, being that you care about him, you were hoping that he would text you.

You waited by the phone for a while.

But, eventually, you realized that he wasn’t going to call and gave up on the idea.

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Why Does He Text Me If He Doesn’t Want To Actually Hang Out?

Why Does He Text Me If He Doesn't Want To Actually Hang Out?It gets so confusing after a while.

He keeps texting you but doesn’t want to actually hang out.

This is evident when there is never anything that is solidly set up.

You are left hoping that he will make himself available soon and make solid plans with you to actually hang out.

But, by the next text conversation, it’s as though nothing was ever mentioned about hanging out in the last text conversation.

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