Category Archives: Body Language

Do Guys Like It When A Girl Shows Her Jealous Side?

Do Guys Like It When A Girl Shows Her Jealous Side? On the contrary, guys aren’t big fans of a girl’s jealous side.

The only guys that like seeing that side of her are narcissists and players.

Regular guys don’t want the hassle that comes with seeing a girl’s jealous side.

When a guy is talking to a girl that has a jealous side, a case of anxiety sets in within him.

He knows what happens when her jealous side is triggered upon finding out that another girl wants him.

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Would You Be Concerned If Your Girlfriend Keeps Refusing To Hold Your Hand In Public?

Would You Be Concerned If Your Girlfriend Keeps Refusing To Hold Your Hand In Public?It is concerning when you have a girlfriend that is into PDA and is refusing to hold your hand in public.

In the early months of the relationship she was all about PDA, and now, she refuses to hold your hand in public.

Not only this.

She gets visibly uncomfortable whenever you make a move to kiss or hug her in public too.

This wasn’t how she used to be and you are wondering what on earth is going on.

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Would You Break Up With Someone Who Had A Terrible Laugh?

Would You Break Up With Someone Who Had A Terrible Laugh?A terrible laugh is no small feat in a relationship.

It can drive a partner crazy after a while, especially when it is a pet peeve.

Nevertheless, you should have known before getting into a relationship with this guy that his terrible laugh was a major pet peeve of yours.

That is what the courtship stage is for.

You are supposed to filter out the guys who aren’t compatible with you in the courtship stage.

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What Are The Signs A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings For You?

What Are The Signs A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings For You?In a familiar crowd, he treats you differently than he does everyone else.

He ignores you, choosing instead to give his attention to everyone else in the familiar crowd.

This is a sign that he is hiding his feelings for you.

He doesn’t want to give you his attention.

Even though you have done nothing that you know of to offend him, he chooses to ignore you.

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Is Being An Emotional Man A Big Disadvantage In Dating?

Is Being An Emotional Man A Big Disadvantage In Dating?It depends on the moments you choose to be emotional and what you are being emotional about.

With this caveat, being an emotional man is not a big disadvantage in dating.

Women do want to see that the guy they are dating has emotions and is capable of reacting to external stimuli.

Should he have a death in the family, she wants to see that he is impacted.

He shows this through his emotions.

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I Said I Needed Some Space And He Got Mad, Even Though I Was Friendly About It

I Said I Needed Some Space And He Got Mad, Even Though I Was Friendly About ItHe wasn’t happy about your desire for some space.

By now, he has gotten used to getting your attention and personal energy.

In needing space, he sees it as a rejection of him, and is taking what you said personally.

He doesn’t see it how you see it.

Even though you were friendly about it, he doesn’t care about that.

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How Do You Know If Someone Is Blushing Whenever You’re Around, Or If They Just Have Naturally Rosy Cheeks?

How Do You Know If Someone Is Blushing Whenever You're Around, Or If They Just Have Naturally Rosy Cheeks?Put yourself in situations where the person isn’t aware of your presence.

Observe him as he is talking to people in general, or doing a task.

Again, make sure that he isn’t aware of your presence.

Look at his cheeks as he is doing all of this to verify whether he is blushing.

Is he?

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How Do You Balance Your Dominance And Submissiveness As A Female Who Is Navigating The Dating Market?

How Do You Balance Your Dominance And Submissiveness As A Female Who Is Navigating The Dating Market?This has you flummoxed.

You have a dominant and submissive side to your personality.

The dominant side comes out when you are feeling unsafe and need to assert yourself.

The submissive side comes out when you feel safe around someone.

Yet, even in scenarios where you feel safe, there are moments where your dominant side comes out and you are suddenly in a much more aggressive headspace.

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