Category Archives: Crush

I Have A Boyfriend But Have A Crush On Another Guy And I Feel A Little Jealous When I See Him With Another Girl

I Have A Boyfriend But Have A Crush On Another Guy And I Feel A Little Jealous When I See Him With Another GirlYou are losing feelings for your boyfriend.

This is why you have a crush on another guy.

Even though you don’t believe that you don’t love your boyfriend at this time, it is only a matter of time before this happens.

Right now, you don’t want to risk losing your boyfriend when there isn’t a sure thing waiting for you.

This crush is the guy you actually want.

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Should You Avoid Looking At A Crush’s Story On Social Media So That You Don’t Seem Eager?

Should You Avoid Looking At A Crush's Story On Social Media So That You Don't Seem Eager?This is mute when you already have a rigid history of looking at your crush’s stories on social media.

If this is a pattern of behavior that has been established for a while, it won’t seem like you are eager.

When you come off as being eager is when you are obsessively looking at his stories throughout the day.

When you are consistently returning to his social media to look at his stories throughout your day, it looks suspicious.

It looks like you don’t have much of a life of your own.

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How Would You React If Your SO Tells You That He Has Had A Crush On Someone, While Dating You?

How Would You React If Your SO Tells You That He Has Had A Crush On Someone, While Dating You?Your SO didn’t have to tell you that he has had a crush on someone, but he did.

And by doing so, he was looking to come clean.

It is hard to see this when you get caught up over him having had a crush on someone else, while dating you.

Notwithstanding, it’s critical that you maintain control of your emotions.

Clearly, he felt guilty about having this crush and believed that he had to tell you about it.

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My Crush Wants To Hook Me Up With Her Friend. What Should I Do?

My Crush Wants To Hook Me Up With Her Friend. What Should I Do?Clearly, the one you like is your crush.

The same crush that wants to hook you up with her friend.

This is what happens when you have a crush and you don’t tell her about how you feel about her.

As far as she is concerned, you are a great guy that she believes would make a great boyfriend to her friend.

She has assessed your physical appearance and personality, and has concluded that her friend is a great match for you.

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What Should I Wear When I Hang Out With My Crush Tomorrow?

What Should I Wear When I Hang Out With My Crush Tomorrow?Being that this is your crush, it’s likely that you want to impress him when you hang out with him tomorrow.

To this end, you give yourself the idea that you should wear something that catches his eye.

This is irrespective of how comfortable or uncomfortable you are in the outfit.

This is the wrong approach.

What matters most is your comfort while you are at this hangout with your crush.

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