It isn’t wise to reach out to a guy who ghosted you .
He ghosted you for a reason.
It’s clear that he doesn’t like you as much as you like him.
He doesn’t respect you either.
By ghosting you, he demonstrated that lack of respect.
Continue reading Would You Try Reaching Out To A Guy Who Ghosted You? →
Receiving a rejection text from someone that you thought you were establishing a romantic connection with is gut-wrenching.
You were already thinking about what it would like to be her boyfriend, as you visualized how good she would look on your arm as your significant other.
Exhilarated, you had already talked to friends about her, and a few family members.
Alas, that exhilaration was short-lived.
Out of nowhere, you receive a rejection text from her.
Continue reading Do You Respond To Rejection Texts Or Just Move On Without Responding? →
These are guys who had dating options they believed to be more desirable than you.
This doesn’t make it right that they stand you up and ghost you.
That is rude and inconsiderate.
That being said, these guys have already done everything but verbally tell you that they are about to stand you up or ghost you .
Case in point, you are the one who has repeatedly asked to meet.
Continue reading I Keep Getting Stood Up Or Ghosted By Guys Who Court Me →
There were several hopes and dreams that you placed on this girl.
When she ghosted you, it shattered all of those aspirations.
The thought of her hanging out with you on weekends was shattered.
The thought of traveling with her to somewhere exotic while on vacation, shattered.
The thought of living with her with a cute adopted dog from an animal shelter, shattered.
Continue reading How To Get Over A Girl Who Ghosted You, When You See Her Every Day →
Girls aren’t used to rejection .
Throughout her life, she has been the one doing the rejecting.
She is the one that is pursued by a guy and asked out .
This is her background and what she knows.
She has hardly ever had to deal with the concept of rejection.
Continue reading Why Are Girls Afraid Of Rejection And Scared To Ask A Guy Out? →
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