Category Archives: Approaching

Is It Okay To Chase More Than One Woman That I Am Attracted To?

Is It Okay To Chase More Than One Woman That I Am Attracted To?It’s never a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket.

Chasing a few women simultaneously spreads the risk.

In doing this, you aren’t relying on any one woman to fall for you.

This gives you an abundance mindset, which makes you have a much better attitude.

If you are chasing only one woman, you are desperate for it to work out and this is stress-inducing.

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Does A Guy Like It If A Girl Makes The First Move?

Does A Guy Like It If A Girl Makes The First Move?Being that guys aren’t used to girls making the first move, it’s refreshing to be at the receiving end of a girl’s approach.

Keep in mind that he isn’t used to this.

Even highly attractive guys don’t get approached by anywhere near as many women as they attract.

Girls that are attracted to these guys send signals of romantic interest at them, but aren’t making the first move to talk to these guys all that often.

Knowing this, makes it easier for you to stick around through the first few awkward minutes of your approach, if you so happened to have approached a guy that is completely flustered by the approach.

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What Is A Good Way To Approach A Girl At A Coffee Shop?

What Is A Good Way To Approach A Girl At A Coffee Shop?A girl at a coffee shop is working on her laptop while enjoying her favorite coffee drink.

If she isn’t working on her laptop, she is reading, or just taking some time out as she enjoys her favorite coffee drink.

She likes the relaxed atmosphere of a coffee shop.

This means that her guard is fairly down.

Meaning, she is not adverse to being approached.

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What Would Be The Ideal Way To Approach A Girl In The Dating Scene?

What Would Be The Ideal Way To Approach A Girl In The Dating Scene?A girl in the dating scene already has her guard up.

She has been approached by one too many guys who didn’t know the ideal way to do it, turning her off in the process.

From cheesy pick up lines to overly aggressive and inappropriate touching, she has been through it all.

With such negative encounters, she lifts her guard up when she is in the dating scene.

To keep this guard up and the men away, she uses the cover of numbers.

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Will There Ever Be A Time Where Women Are The Initiators And It Is More Common For Them To Make The First Move On Men?

Will There Ever Be A Time Where Women Are The Initiators And It Is More Common For Them To Make The First Move On Men?No matter how advanced and modern our society becomes, our biological nature remains constant.

Since the dawn of man, men have been the initiators.

They make the approach, ask for the date, court her, and put a ring on her finger.

This is in our biological makeup.

Although in this day and age, there are more women who are initiating the first move on men, these women are very much in the minority.

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Is The Gym Where Guys Go To Pick Up Women With The Intent Of Dating Them?

Is The Gym Where Guys Go To Pick Up Women With The Intent Of Dating Them?A majority of guys go to the gym with the intention of working out.

A minority go to pick up women.

This minority of guys are fairly obvious with their intent.

They are not working out all that hard, doing few reps.

It doesn’t take long before their eyes wander about surveilling the gym floor like a lion looking for prey.

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Do Single Women Mind Being Hit On In Public By Guys That Are Attracted To Them?

Do Single Women Mind Being Hit On In Public By Guys That Are Attracted To Them?It’s all about the approach.

As long as the approach is done appropriately, single women don’t mind being hit on in public by a guy.

Where so many guys go wrong is in their approach.

There are guys who are rude about their approach.

Instead of being polite in how they open up the conversation, they are brash and rude towards the woman, exuding an arrogance that is unappealing.

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