Category Archives: Casual To Serious

When Does A Guy Realize That He Wants More Than Just Sex With A Girl He Is Casually Dating?

When Does A Guy Realize That He Wants More Than Just Sex With A Girl He Is Casually Dating?This is a guy that is thinking long term about the girl and is no longer taking her lightly.

When it was all about having sex, he primarily thought about just that, sex.

He realizes that he wants more than just sex when sex is not the primary thought in his mind whenever he thinks about her.

Instead of being fixated on seeing her that week and having sex with her, he is thinking about cooking for her or watching a movie together.

Basically, the thought of having sex with her isn’t as prevalent.

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How Old Is Too Old To Be A Sidepiece Of Someone You Are Casually Dating?

How Old Is Too Old To Be A Sidepiece Of Someone You Are Casually Dating?The woman’s intention is critical.

A woman with an intention to get into a committed relationship, who stays in a casual relationship as a sidepiece or side chick for over a year, is misguided.

Each day, month or year she stays in this casual relationship after the first year, is a day, month or year too long.

Initially, she entered a casual relationship with him without that much of an intent to be exclusive or have a long-term relationship.

In this vain, she thought she would be fine.

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Isn’t Being A Player Only Sensible In A Man Or Woman’s 20s?

Isn't Being A Player Only Sensible In A Man Or Woman's 20s?When you are in your 20s as a man or woman, there is a general mentality that you are impervious to aging.

To that end, if you are a player, you play the field.

For the most part, men and women don’t date all that seriously in their 20s, especially in their early to mid 20s.

Being young, there is a feeling that there is no hurry to settle down and be with someone with the intent of being with them for the rest of your life.

You become a player, dating whoever you please.

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