Category Archives: Family

Should I Cut Off Contact With My Verbally And Physically Abusive Parents Before Dating Someone?

Should I Cut Off Contact With My Verbally And Physically Abusive Parents Before Dating Someone?Having parents that are verbally and physically abusive is a negative influence in your life.

This affects you emotionally.

You have struggled with having to deal with this abuse through childhood and into adulthood.

This has significantly kept you from opening yourself up to dating someone with long-term relationship potential.

You have purposely dealt with romantic prospects as short-term dalliances, knowing that the verbal and physical abuse of your parents is constantly looming over your head.

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When Should A Date Disclose That They Have A Kid Or Kids?

When Should A Date Disclose That They Have A Kid Or Kids?Having a kid or kids is a huge piece of information.

It has to be disclosed at the very beginning.

Any guy that is talking to you should reveal that he has a kid or kids in the first full-on conversation with you.

This is common courtesy.

The men who don’t make this revelation in the first full-on conversation they have with a woman of romantic interest are not showing good character.

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Dating A Guy That Is Separated From His Wife And In The Process Of Getting A Divorce

Dating A Guy That Is Separated From His Wife And In The Process Of Getting A DivorceGiven that women are the ones who overwhelming file for divorce from a husband, he isn’t the one who wanted the divorce.

This means that he is emotionally compromised.

A man that is separated from his wife and in the process of getting a divorce has a lot on his mind.

It is rare that you will ever come across a man who tells you that the process is moving along swimmingly, and he is so excited over the prospect of divorcing his wife.

He didn’t want the divorce.

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Do Single Moms Have Dating Issues In Terms Of A Shrinking Dating Pool Compared To Women Without Kids?

Do Single Moms Have Dating Issues In Terms Of A Shrinking Dating Pool Compared To Women Without Kids?Single moms aren’t at a loss for finding men in the dating pool who are seeking partners.

This is especially true when the man is a single dad.

A single dad looks to a single mom as someone he has much in common with.

What he has in common with her are kids.

Having kids is such a different experience from not having kids.

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How Do I Convince My Parents Not To Be Miserable And Disappointed That I Don’t Want To Have A Partner And Children?

How Do I Convince My Parents Not To Be Miserable And Disappointed That I Don't Want To Have A Partner And Children?Your parents want to expand the family in wanting you to get a partner and have children.

For them, this is a biological and social imperative.

Parents are used to having their children propagate their legacy.

This is in having said children make families of their own.

Yes, your parents have visualized what it would be like to have your future children, their grandchildren, bouncing on their laps.

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