When your whole day is consumed with thoughts about how to get a girlfriend, you miss out on living a fun and interesting life.
Even in moments where you are doing fun activities, you won’t be fully invested in what you are doing, as you are constantly thinking about getting a girlfriend.
This prevents you from becoming better at doing these fun activities, which in of itself causes you to lose out on attracting girls to you.
As human beings, we have a constant fear of being alone.
It’s potent, ever-present, and persistent.
You have this fear.
To this effect, there have been several times in the past when you have chosen to date someone who wasn’t up to par with what you want in an ideal partner.
Where there are a plethora of members of the opposite sex, you give yourself the greatest exposure.
When you attend an event at a location where there are plenty of women attending, there are more opportunities for you to be seen by them, which increases the likelihood you find a date.
This is intimidating to some guys.
Putting yourself in a social venue where there are a bunch of girls is nerve-racking when you aren’t used to being in these type of venues.