Category Archives: Age & Dating

Are All Good Girls Taken By Their 30s And No Longer In The Dating Market?

Are All Good Girls Taken By Their 30s And No Longer In The Dating Market?The median age for a woman to get married is between 28 and 29 years of age.

This means that by the time she is in her 30s, she is taken and no longer in the dating market.

This doesn’t mean that all good girls are taken by their 30s.

A few remain, but you have to know where to find them.

Assuming that you are looking for a woman who doesn’t have any kids yet and of good childbearing age, a woman that is a little younger than what you are used to dating isn’t a bad idea.

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Do Men In Their 40s And 50s Find Women In Their Late 20s Attractive, Or Do These Women Look Too Young To Them?

Do Men In Their 40s And 50s Find Women In Their Late 20s Attractive, Or Do These Women Look Too Young To Them?Lots of men in their 40s and 50s find women in their late 20s attractive.

These women do not look too young to them.

The reason why most of these men hesitate to make any romantic moves on a woman in her late 20s is because they automatically assume that she would think them too old.

So, it isn’t so much that he doesn’t find the woman that is in her late 20s attractive, it is more so that he doesn’t think that the woman in her late 20s would find a man in his 40s and 50s to be attractive.

Men are primarily attracted to physical beauty in women.

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Is It A Red Flag For A Guy In His Twenties To Go Back To The Dating Pool As A Single Dad?

Is It A Red Flag For A Guy In His Twenties To Go Back To The Dating Pool As A Single Dad?As a guy in his twenties, going back to the dating pool as a single dad does make one curious.

The curiosity aspect has to do with why he is back in the dating pool so soon.

The average age for a first-time divorce is roughly 30 years old.

A guy in his twenties who is already back in the dating pool begs the question for why he is back in the dating pool this soon.

It is a red flag.

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I Don’t Have Game At My Age, And It’s Frustrating To Me

I Don't Have Game At My Age, And It's Frustrating To MeYou don’t have to have game to get women to like you.

Guys get far too stuck on pick up lines, thinking that those phrases will magically make a girl like them upon hearing them.

This isn’t realistic.

Girls are far too smart these days.

They know when you are spewing words at them that have been previously rehearsed and taken from some seedy pickup artist’s website or book.

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At What Age Should I Give Up On Dating And Let Go Of The Idea Of Finding A Partner?

At What Age Should I Give Up On Dating And Let Go Of The Idea Of Finding A Partner?After a history of bad luck in dating, it’s natural to become despondent.

This is where you think about giving up on dating altogether.

Having struggled in dating so much, you want to throw in the towel.

As all of this has been happening, you have been aging as the years have gone by.

At your current age, many of your peers have already had robust dating lives.

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At What Age Do Men No Longer See Women As Marriageable?

At What Age Do Men No Longer See Women As Marriageable?A man that is looking to have children, and has dating options, has a preference.

He wants to marry a woman who is at a good age to bear several children without complications.

He deems a woman marriageable based on this primary biological desire.

A woman’s peak reproductive years are from her late teens to her late-20s, with the optimal years being in her early to mid-20s.

Once she reaches the age of 30, her fertility starts to decline.

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How Come Some People Go Through Their 20s Never Having A Relationship, Dates, Or Sex At All?

How Come Some People Go Through Their 20s Never Having A Relationship, Dates, Or Sex At All?Not everyone in their 20s has the same personality and lifestyle.

An inactive social life, as an introvert, makes it less likely that you get into a relationship, find a date, or have sex.

It boils down to how introverted you are.

The more introverted and less social you are, the likelier you end up without ever having been in a relationship, had a date, or had sex.

Those in their 20s who are extroverted with an active social life are the ones who have the highest propensity to get into relationships, date, and have sex.

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Are Friends With Benefits Relationships Only For The Under 30’s?

Are Friends With Benefits Relationships Only For The Under 30's?In reality, friends with benefits relationships can fit all ages.

The under 30’s have a somewhat different outlook to friends with benefits relationships than the over 30’s.

Under 30’s are in these relationships for sexual discovery and experimentation.

Being young, they are getting in tune with their sexuality, as far as how they regard their bodies and what they like in the bedroom.

They are honing their skills in how to go about receiving and giving sexual pleasure.

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Would You Ever Date Someone Who’s 20, 30, Or Even 40 years Older Than You?

Would You Ever Date Someone Who's 20, 30, Or Even 40 years Older Than You?Dating someone that is 20, 30, or even 40 years older than you has its pros and cons.

Like any relationship, there are bound to be ups and downs.

What separates this relationship from the majority of relationships is the massive age gap.

The truth is, once you are dating someone who is as much as 20 years older than you, adding another decade or two to that age doesn’t make that much of a difference.

A 20 year gap is not that much different from a 30 or 40 year gap in the grand scheme of things.

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If A Highly Successful Man Hasn’t Had A Girlfriend And He’s 32, Is That A Red Flag?

If A Highly Successful Man Hasn't Had A Girlfriend And He's 32, Is That A Red Flag?A highly successful man didn’t become highly successful without making sacrifices.

To be highly successful, he spent a lot of time working on his education and career.

This is a major sacrifice that the majority of people don’t make.

The majority of people don’t sacrifice this much time and effort to be successful.

As lazy human beings, we have a propensity to choose the path of least resistance as we go through life, doing the bare minimum to maintain a mediocre lifestyle.

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