After We Went On 3 Dates, I Told Him I Wasn’t Interested, And Now, He Is Freaking Out, Acting Crazy?

After We Went On 3 Dates, I Told Him I Wasn't Interested, And Now, He Is Freaking Out, Acting Crazy?

Given how crazy he has been behaving since you told him you weren’t interested, you have dodged a bullet.

After 3 dates with him, you realized that he wasn’t the right romantic fit for you.

There were red flags that turned you off.

It was too much too soon.

Too much love bombing.

He was already proclaiming his love for you.

This made you anxious, and by the end of your third date with him, you had seen enough.

You were hoping he would take it well.

In delivering this news, you were respectful, and by the end of it, you were wishing him the best.

Regardless, he freaked out.

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He has deluged you with text messages and phone calls begging you for a change of heart.

He has taken it as far as telling you that he isn’t eating or sleeping, and that he has been so unproductive at work, he has had to take days off.

This isn’t funny.

A freak-out of this magnitude has left you legitimately worried.

This crazy behavior isn’t endearing at all.

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He has seemingly lost his mind, after just 3 dates.

His behavior has been so crazy, you have been having sleepless nights yourself.

You could have sworn you saw him outside your home staring up at your bedroom window one night.

Your personal safety and mental health has been a source of paranoia.

Although you have thought of blocking him across every platform, you are fearful that this wouldn’t be enough.

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He knows where you live and you are terrified that you are destined to be a victim in your own horror movie one day.

As a human being, your imagination can go crazy in moments like this.

Do yourself a favor.

Run a criminal history report on him to see whether he has a criminal past.

If he doesn’t, this decreases the likelihood that he is going to do anything to hurt you physically.

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Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be vigilant.

Do yourself a solid by getting a security system installed in your home and always keep your doors locked.

Avoid situations where you are alone and exposed.

Consider carpooling with friends to work, so that you frequently have people you trust around you when out in public.

Listen, this is most likely a little bit of overkill, but one can never be too cautious.

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As far as communication, avoid any form of it with him.

Communicating with him, even when it is to reiterate that you aren’t interested in him, has the opposite effect.

It encourages him to keep messaging you incessantly.

You don’t want that.

As long as you don’t communicate with him and take good personal safety measures, he is going to get over this and move on.

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Now, supposing he has a violent criminal record, this is greater cause for worry.

Consider taking classes in self-defense and acquiring a weapon for self-defense that you carry on your person wherever you go in public.

Hopefully, we are overthinking this and he moves on soon.

Until then, be smart and do everything in your power to protect your safety.

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