How Can I Handle The Insecurities I Have When It Comes To Approaching Women?

When it comes to approaching women, avoid thinking too hard about the approach, so that you prevent your insecurities from welling up within you.

How Can I Handle The Insecurities I Have When It Comes To Approaching Women?This is where you are thinking about the approach so long and hard, you end up discouraging yourself from doing it.

This is when your insecurities set in.

The more you think about the approach, the more you create stories in your mind of how this plays out.

Unfortunately, you create negative scenarios in your mind, given that you are unsure about this approach.

You are fearful of freezing.

The thought alone of freezing upon approaching her terrifies you enough to avoid approaching her altogether.

This is where you are thinking longer and harder about the woman in question.

Your mind creates stories about her too.

For one, you tell yourself that she is too pretty for you, and that she is going to think that you are a creep for approaching her.

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You tell yourself that she has a boyfriend.

Furthermore, she doesn’t seem to be in a good mood and it is best to practice caution by not approaching her.

As you think about her, the stories you are creating in your mind intensify.

As the stories are created in your mind, you hesitate longer.

The longer you hesitate, the nervousness intensifies.

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You have literally created all of these insecurities within the space of a few seconds to a few minutes.

And, you have been standing there for hours.

The weight of that sense of time alone makes it that much harder for you to approach her.

Your mind becomes your worst enemy when it comes to approaching women.

It is what creates those insecurities in the first place.

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This being said, recognize that you have a lot of control over your mind.

You are the one in charge of it.

You are the one in charge of where it goes as far as your thoughts are concerned, and how it reasons.

When you grasp how much power and control you have over your mind, you get to rein it in and keep it in check.

When you are in front of that woman and you want to approach, your mind habitually invites these stories into your consciousness.

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This is when you exercise control of it.

Stop your mind from creating those stories by acknowledging that those thoughts are nothing but mere images that aren’t real.

If your mind is clear, you are in a much better position to handle your insecurities.

There wouldn’t be any to speak of at that moment because your mind is clear.

This is the moment that you quickly move in to talk to this woman.

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Time is of the essence.

The longer you wait, the more time you give your mind to return with all those stories.

Your control over it becomes more difficult the longer you wait.

So don’t.

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