Why Is Ghosting So Common In Modern Dating?

Why Is Ghosting So Common In Modern Dating?

Thanks to the advancement of technology through social media and dating sites, people have more dating options than ever.

Back in the old days, people were relegated to dating those that grew up with them in their local towns and communities.

With the internet, a person’s dating options are no longer relegated to a high school sweetheart or the person that sits next to them at work.

With a smartphone, and a dating app or social media application, she has the power to welcome an endless number of romantic suitors.

She has so many more dating options than her female ancestors ever did.

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With this much scope, it is no wonder she ghosts.

After all, she hasn’t lost much in ghosting you, considering how many matches she has waiting in her message inbox, thanks to the dating app she is signed up on.

Not to mention, she has a litany of DMs from men who have found her social media profile online and want more than anything for her to respond to their messages.

Ghosting is so common in modern dating, given that people are no longer limited in their dating options.

There is far too much temptation for her to check out the messages that are filling up her inbox on a dating app or on her social media.

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I know that it is so aggravating to be in yet a new situation where you have taken to liking a girl, only to have her ghost you.

The thing is, you are setting yourself up for heartache when you put all of your eggs in one basket in the world of modern dating.

The common girl in the modern society we live in has some kind of online presence, whether that be on a dating app, social media app, community website, business or professional website, forum, gaming website, etc.

She has a virtual presence somewhere online.

As long as she is online in any capacity, there is an ever-present risk that she catches a guy’s attention, whether it be through a like or email on a dating app; a follow request, comment, or Direct Message on a social media or business website; or a live chat request on a leisure gaming or entertainment website.

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Now that the internet is a part of our everyday living and zeitgeist, there is forever the likelihood that a random guy finds her online and wants to connect.

This is the reality we live in.

When you take an interest in a girl, and it is the early stages of getting to know her, you do yourself a disservice by not keeping your dating options open.

Dating is a numbers game, and in modern day society, it has become more of a numbers game than it has ever been at any stage in human history.

To win in the dating game, play it right.

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When it is this early, never put all of your eggs in one basket.

Talk to multiple girls of interest at a time.

Yes, it sounds intimidating or daunting, but it is to your benefit.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, but do take multiple bites out of the apple.

By having a handful of girls that you are simultaneously talking to, you are at a healthy advantage.

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Ghosting is here to stay.

Meaning, you are bound to be ghosted again in the foreseeable future.

Notwithstanding, the next time it happens, it won’t bother you anywhere near the level that it has in the past, thanks to having a manageable number of girls of romantic interest that you are simultaneously talking to.

This keeps your dating options open, and saves you from the constant aggravation and heartache that comes with getting ghosted.