Men are traditionally the ones who initiate the talking.
A woman expects this.
If you are into a woman and you are waiting on her to initiate a conversation with you, you risk never getting to talk to her at all.
By the time you realize it, she has moved on and is no longer giving you the signs of interest that she was giving you in the past.
Regardless of whether you think it fair or unfair that men are expected to initiate conversation with a woman, don’t expect this traditional norm to change.
Girls aren’t prone to making the first move on guys.
She considers that too aggressive and desperate.
Girls want to be pursued, and a guy who initiates conversation with her is someone she deems confident.
Confidence is a powerful characteristic that women love in men.
So when it comes to initiating the talking, don’t look to the woman to do it.
Take control of your dating life by being bold and stepping up to talk to a girl you are attracted to.
This is how it has always been.
Regardless of how technologically advanced we have become as a society, traditional norms in dating hasn’t changed.
Women want the man to initiate conversation.
She likes the idea of being desired by a man.
It makes her feel feminine.
All of this being said, there are women out there who do initiate talking.
These are women who are highly extroverted, and with dynamic personalities.
They are easy to talk to and easy to find commonalities with.
Women who have the courage to initiate conversation with a guy are few, but they do exist.
However, these aren’t the most attractive women in general.
These are women whose powerful personalities make up for their lack of outward beauty.
Though not good looking, she has tremendous social skills.
The reality is, guys want to date the pretty girl.
I am assuming that this is what you want too.
Well, the pretty woman is the least likely to initiate a conversation with you.
Unlike the average looking woman who doesn’t get all that much attention from men and uses her exceptional social skills to initiate conversations with men she is attracted to, the pretty woman doesn’t have to do any of this.
The pretty woman never has to tap into her social skills whenever she is looking to attract men.
She attracts men regardless.
The pretty women doesn’t have to work anywhere near as hard as the few average looking women who initiate conversations with guys.
She is pretty, and given that men are visual in how how they generate romantic interest in a woman, she gets approached anyway.
She never has to initiate the talking.
Assuming you prefer dating pretty women, get used to having to be the one who initiates conversations with them.
Any guy that takes a stubborn view of wanting the pretty woman to approach him and initiate a conversation is setting himself up for failure.
The pretty woman won’t care.
She already has all these men approaching her and initiating conversations with her.
She doesn’t notice that you are waiting on her to initiate a conversation, considering all the attention she is already getting from men at large on account of her beauty.