Do Very Pretty Girls Have Ample Rich Men After Them?

Do Very Pretty Girls Have Ample Rich Men After Them?

Rich men have the best that life has to offer.

He drives the expensive cars, eats the expensive gourmet meals, lives in expensive gated neighborhoods, wears expensive designer clothes, etc.

With all of this goodness, it only makes sense that he wants a very pretty girl by his side.

Men who have achieved wealth and success in life were significantly motivated by the potential of getting to date very pretty girls.

In society, the burden of performance to be financially successful in life is primarily on men.

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Men are judged by their status.

Status is about popularity, career success, wealth, etc.

Rich men know that accruing wealth is attractive to women.

Achieving this level of financial success boosts his status and makes him appealing to women at large, especially the very pretty ones.

Given that he has the wealth, and has elevated his status, he wants a very pretty girl alongside him.

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A very pretty girl further accentuates his level of success in life.

A rich man knows that the woman he has as a partner, that everyone gets to see with him in public, is a reflection of how successful he is in life.

The prettier the woman, the more successful he appears to be to people at large.

Rich men want that very pretty girl on their arm as a sign of their success.

It boosts his ego to see how everyone at a party reacts when he walks in with the prettiest girl at the party.

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The other men at the party want to be him and the women they are with want to be with him.

It is such a dopamine rush to have this effect on people by having the prettiest girl on his arm wherever he goes.

Similar to his sleek expensive car or mansion, she is a reflection of how successful he is in life.

Being rich, he wants the best that life has to offer.

He knows that very pretty girls are hard to get.

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Average men with regular jobs can only dream of dating the prettiest girls.

With his riches, what is mostly a fantasy for average men, is a reality for him, and this means a lot to him.

It’s vindicating.

All that studying he did at university to get a professional degree, get into the real world, and toil until he attained his wealth, was all worth it.

The prettiest girls are his reward for all that sacrifice and hard work.

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Very pretty girls know that they attract all men.

Yet, she wants to have the most accomplished man.

The man with the highest status.

A rich man has that status.

He drives his expensive cars and wears his expensive designer clothes in order to send the signal out into the world that he is rich.

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He knows that wealth is a quality that lots of women desire in a man, including the prettiest ones.

The prettiest girls want to maximize the power of their looks by attracting the most successful men.

The richest men want to be rewarded for their success by attracting the prettiest girls.

Once the two meet and date, it is a win-win for either party.