Rich men have the best that life has to offer.
He drives the expensive cars, eats the expensive gourmet meals, lives in expensive gated neighborhoods, wears expensive designer clothes, etc.
With all of this goodness, it only makes sense that he wants a very pretty girl by his side.
Men who have achieved wealth and success in life were significantly motivated by the potential of getting to date very pretty girls.
Continue reading Do Very Pretty Girls Have Ample Rich Men After Them? →

The signs were already there that she wasn’t very smart.
It’s not like she was quoting Shakespeare to you during your first encounter with her.
There were telltale signs that she wasn’t very smart.
Yet, you decided to date her regardless.
Continue reading Have You Ever Dated Someone Who Wasn’t Very Smart? →

Most men like it when they are the protector in a relationship.
To that extent, he wants to be taller than the woman.
A tall man is taller than most women, including taller women.
Thereby, he doesn’t find himself in too many situations where the woman is taller than him.
Continue reading Do Most Tall Men Like Shorter Women Instead Of Taller Women? →

There have been several moments where you have stared at him in awe at your workplace.
These moments have been reciprocated with him staring back at you.
At several points in time, you thought that he was about to make a move on you.
He didn’t.
Continue reading How To Get Over A Workplace Crush →

There are a plethora of turnoffs out there as far as dating purposes go, and turnoffs are generally similar from person to person.
The biggest turnoffs are far more cerebral in nature as opposed to irritating.
Yes, it’s annoying to sit across from a guy and listen to him at a date chewing with his mouth open.
That said, this is more so an irritating turnoff than a cerebral one.
Continue reading What Is Your Biggest Turnoff In A Person As Far As Dating Purposes Go? →
Making Logical Sense Of Dating And Relationships