Can You Really Get Out Of The Friend Zone With Someone You Like Romantically?

Yes, you can get out of the friend zone, but doing so requires avoiding certain pitfalls.

Can You Really Get Out Of The Friend Zone With Someone You Like Romantically?Avoid becoming too close of a friend to a girl that you are already attracted to and romantically interested in.

Too often, guys put themselves in a trap when they become too good of a friend to a girl that they like romantically.

At this stage, he runs the risk of the girl not being able to see him as a romantic prospect, and solely as a friend.

To get out of the friend zone, maintain a certain aloofness when it comes to being a girl’s friend.

Don’t be too available to her.

Have a busy life of your own.

It’s alright to turn her down from time to time when she asks to hang out.

Avoid answering all her texts immediately.

Ignore some of them.

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This keeps your interaction with her on your own terms, not on hers.

With this approach, the girl gets the impression that your time is limited.

With this impression, she learns to value the time that she does get to hang out or chat with you.

Maintain a good level of sexual tension with her.

Have risque conversations that tease her sexually, but in a goodhearted way.

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Make dirty jokes.

Talk about what you like to do in bed.

You don’t have to get so detailed of course.

There is a fine line between being titillating and being vulgar.

The goal here is to get her comfortable talking about intimate topics with you.

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The more you open her up to talking about sex or intimate topics that she is into, the more you set her mind into that mode of thinking.

Be smart when you do this.

Every conversation shouldn’t be about sexual topics.

Maintaining sexual tension sets you apart from all of her guy friends who are playing it safe by only talking to her about safe platonic topics, so as not to offend her.

Being consistently unavailable to her, and maintaining sexual tension, gets you out of the friend zone with her.

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As long as she plays along, you are making her that much more comfortable talking to you in this frame.

She doesn’t talk to her platonic guy friends like this.

By keeping this sexual tension going between you, coupled with a deficit of availability, she gets the impression that your time is tight, and this motivates her to get you to fit her into your schedule.

This is especially true if you occasionally mention the names of a number of girls who so happen to be in your social circle, as you talk to her.

This girl could be a coworker too.

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Make sure that it is a girl she doesn’t know personally, nor have any connection with.

Speak well of the girl.

Talk about an activity you did with this girl recently, or a conversation you had with her that was interesting and fun.

Every now and then, bring this girl’s name up in your conversations and briefly talk about her.

This makes her curious about the girl, and all of a sudden, she is asking you questions about her.

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Once she is doing this, she is showing that she is beginning to like you and is worried that this girl is going to win you over as a boyfriend.

With this fear as a motivation, she is suddenly initiating an increasing number of sexually-themed conversations with you, where she is full-on flirting.

It’s obvious that she is working so much harder to get your attention and make you like her.

At this stage, ask her out without delay, and you are going to get a yes from her.

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