Do Guys Find It Endearing That A Girl Just Wants To Spend Time With Him And Him Alone?

There are guys who find it endearing that a girl just wants to spend time with him and him alone, but there is a limit to this.

Do Guys Find It Endearing That A Girl Just Wants To Spend Time With Him And Him Alone?Girls who misread guys in these instances lead themselves into peril.

These are girls who take it too far with this behavior.

Basically, they expect the guy to spend time with them all the time.

This is where a guy draws the line, going from liking you to detesting you.

Know where the boundaries are.

Though a guy that likes you wants to spend a good amount of alone time with you, he doesn’t want to spend all of his free time with you.

He still wants to indulge in his hobbies, strive for his goals, and hang out with his friends.

This is why a balance is required.

A guy that gets irritated by you whenever you suggest spending alone time with him, is a guy that is signaling that you are taking this too far.

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In these moments, ask him why he is irritated and be open to listening without judgment.

If he isn’t forthcoming, ask him whether you are being too overbearing or taking up too much of his time.

Have an intelligent conversation with each other, and come to a compromise as to the frequency you spend time with each other.

Allocate the days and times that you spend time with each other.

Once this is established and adhered to, you avoid ever getting him irritated about spending time with you.

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Some people in relationships hesitate to have these candid discussions with their partners, fearing the specter of an argument, or the disruption of the status quo.

Nevertheless, these discussions are critical, as it sets expectations and puts you on the same page with each other.

By not having these discussions, resentment is bound to develop, and this ends in a calamitous finale to a relationship.

When a girl is so caught up on spending time alone with a guy, he gets the impression that she has lost her personality and independence.

Unbeknownst to her, she isn’t partaking in her favorite hobbies anymore.

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That sense of independence about her has been replaced with her overwhelming desire to spend time alone with him.

This saps the energy out of your relationship with him, as he watches the girl he once knew disappear into someone he no longer recognizes.

The qualities that made him fall for you in the first place have vanished.

All you want to do is spend time with him alone, and you become adverse to doing activities with him outside of that.

This gradually pushes him away.

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Never go overboard with spending alone time with a guy.

Doing so makes a relationship unbearable.

Whatever goodwill that was established at the early stages of the relationship is swamped and swallowed up by this overbearing atmosphere.

A durable relationship requires a healthy balance of alone time together, and time apart.

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