What To Expect When Seeing A Guy After 5 Months Of Not Talking?

When you haven’t talked to each other in 5 months, it’s paramount to avoid setting too many expectations on this meeting.

What To Expect When Seeing A Guy After 5 Months Of Not Talking?You had previously hit it off and then something happened that led to the end of the relations.

Don’t place too much emphasis on the chemistry that you previously shared.

It’s been 5 months and things do change.

The chemistry isn’t certain to still be there.

With this in mind, approach this meeting with an open mind and steer clear of placing too many expectations or preconceptions on it.

You don’t know how this is going to unfold.

It can go well, or you realize that there is no real chemistry anymore.

Approach this as though you are freshly meeting this guy.

Come in with a curiosity about him and an openness to get to know him anew.

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If you were to go by what you experienced with him 5 months ago, you are susceptible to making a major mistake.

It’s conceivable he is no longer the person you remember, and has changed.

Looking back, you never had enough of an opportunity to get to know the other side of him.

What you know of him is what you remember, but there is much more to him than you were privy to during that time.

Approach this with a sense of discovery and curiosity.

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Avoid looking at him as you did 5 months ago.

As I mentioned earlier, you have no real idea what has happened in the last 5 months.

You also don’t know what alternate sides there are to him.

Ask fresh questions and be attentive to what he has to say.

Now, if you are seeing this guy after 5 months of not talking, you must learn what his motives are.

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Has he recently gotten out of a relationship?

Is he using you as a rebound?

Resist the temptation to do anything intimate with him too soon, and avoid becoming too emotionally attached this early.

These last 5 months didn’t transpire in a vacuum.

The last thing you want to be is a filler.

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The girl he calls, having lost his girlfriend and as a result of loneliness.

You are not the first person who has reconnected with someone from their past after several months, completely out of the blue.

It’s not too farfetched to think that he was in a relationship over the last 5 months.

A relationship that ended lately.

Now that he is single again, he is attempting to reconnect with people from his past so as to avoid loneliness.

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In these circumstances, the guy attempts to reconnect with the closest woman from his past relationships, besides the one he just lost out on.

That would be you.

Unfortunately, a guy with this motive is not going to stick around.

The moment his old girlfriend calls him back, he is leaving you.

Keep this in mind as you consider reconnecting with this guy.

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Before it goes any further, learn what his motives are.

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