Can You Fall In Love Without Being In A Relationship With Someone First?

Lots of people fall in love without being in a relationship with that person first.

Can You Fall In Love Without Being In A Relationship With Someone First?When they have been interacting with this person on a daily or consistent basis, love sneaks up on them without warning.

This happens with people who work together, especially on challenging projects.

When the individuals go through challenges in their work relationship that requires they work together to resolve, there is a stronger bond and connection that develops.

This occurs as they get to know each other while working on the challenging project.

The challenging project is a relevant threat that requires the two parties to work together over a consistent period of time to resolve, which consequently instigates a poignant bond between them.

This is why people bond after a traumatic event.

They have a mutual incident that connects them, setting them apart from people who can’t relate to that incident.

This is how a good number of people fall in love with someone they aren’t in a relationship with.

Besides this, when two people are best friends, it’s not out out of the question for someone to fall in love.

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As your best friend they know you almost as well as your family members do.

As your best friend, they have seen you at your best and at your worst.

Amid all of this, they stuck around.

They know details about you that you aren’t comfortable sharing with just anyone.

Yet, they still accept you.

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They were there for you when you had a health issue and supported you.

When you were having a rough time with your family or having a family emergency, they never left your side.

This is a best friend that you have come to trust over time.

Now you realize that this relationship is no longer platonic, given that you can’t help but think about this friend all the time.

You imagine what it is like to kiss them or hold them close to you.

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You stop yourself from thinking like this, but it is hard, as these images repeatedly show up in your mind unexpectedly.

Also, falling in love with someone without being in a relationship with them happens when you have liked someone for a long time, and have created stories about this person in your head.

You use your imagination to envision what it is like to be with this person.

Barely knowing this person, you create this person’s persona in your mind, and conjure your ideal partner.

You don’t have any real proof that this person is how you have imagined, but you are attracted to them and that tricks you into filling in the blanks in your mind.

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The longer this persists, the deeper and more profound the stories you create.

Sooner or later, you fall in love with a persona you barely know, as the brain is now incapable of separating fact from fiction.

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