I Lied About My Age To A Guy I Matched With On A Dating Site

I Lied About My Age To A Guy I Matched With On A Dating Site

In many ways, you don’t feel your age.

Your personality is vivacious and energetic.

There are loads of outdoor activities you love to do.

Whether it be hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, running, dancing, swimming, or rock climbing, you are all over it.

You don’t feel your age at all.

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People your age have already slowed down somewhat, preferring to spend a beautiful weekend at home as opposed to getting out and doing an outside activity while enjoying a gorgeous scenery.

Not you.

You are active and full of life.

To this end, you didn’t think it a big deal to lie about your age on a dating site.

You took several years off of your real age in your profile.

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It wasn’t done in malice.

The truth is, you want to attract a guy with the energy and exuberance you have.

You don’t want to spend beautiful weekends stuck on a couch at home watching a TV show with a partner that is out of shape and too complacent with monotony.

You want to be out in the world, taking it all in, and basking in how amazing life is.

Men your age aren’t all that energetic.

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It’s as though they have been beaten down by life.

A mortgage and kids has done that to them.

But not you.

You aren’t beat down by life.

If anything, as you have gotten older, you have become that much more drunk with life, wanting to experience as much of it as possible.

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The motivation behind lying about your age on a dating site was not to lure an unsuspecting younger man into a lair of deceit.

You genuinely believe a man that is years younger than you has the lifestyle that you want in a potential partner.

A lifestyle of activity and adventure.

All of this being said, you did do the wrong thing in lying about your age on a dating site.

Although you believe your intentions were good, it doesn’t change the fact that you lied about your age.

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A man that is looking to match with someone around the age that you inputted in your profile, has chosen that match preference for a reason.

I know that you want to justify this match by believing that he is about to be shocked at how energetic you are, despite the age difference.

After all, you believe you have more energy than some women who are around his age, and years younger than you.

That is all well and good, but he does have his reasons for his match preferences in age.

Imagine a scenario where a man enters a height of 6 feet or taller in his dating profile, when in fact, he is 5 feet tall.

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Imagine matching with this man and getting to know him through conversation for a period of time.

He is adorable and charming.

Finally, filled with anticipation, you set up a face to face meeting with each other.

Think about how disappointed and upset you are at the sight of a man at 5 feet tall, as opposed to 6 feet or taller, as he portrayed himself to be on his dating profile.

You are crushed.

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This is the equivalent of the current situation you are in.

Although you don’t think shaving off several years from your actual age is a big deal, it could be to him.

Why put yourself through a whirlwind of a romance with a younger man, only for him to learn what your true age is, and break your heart by letting you go?

You don’t know whether dating a woman your age is a deal breaker to him.

Despite how young you look, it won’t change the reality that you are several years older than the age you have stated in your dating profile.

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It’s time to come clean.

Tell him your true age.

Furthermore, change the age you have listed in your profile to the right one.

It isn’t impossible to attract a younger man on a dating site should that be what you want.

There are a stunning number of men who are open to matching with older women on dating sites, having never had that experience before in their real world dating history.

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On top of this, the outside world bears plenty of opportunity too.

By joining interest groups that meet up to participate in the outside activities you love to do, you are bound to meet younger men, some of whom develop an interest in you, thanks to your energetic personality.

An interest that easily leads to a number of them asking you out on a date.