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What Is The Likelihood Of A Sexual Relationship Becoming A Romantic Relationship?

What Is The Likelihood Of A Sexual Relationship Becoming A Romantic Relationship?

A relationship that is based on sexual desire rarely turns to one of romance.

The whole reason why the sexual relationship occurred in the first place was based on a desire for nothing but sex with each other.

Neither party was looking for anything serious, at least, neither one made it clear that they wanted anything serious.

With this mindset, the stage was set for either party to solely regard the relationship as sexual in makeup.

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How Do I Date When I Feel So Hopeless About Having No Dating Experience At 31?

How Do I Date When I Feel So Hopeless About Having No Dating Experience At 31?

Women aren’t asking you about your dating experience as they socialize with you.

They are asking you about your interests and such.

The only reason why a woman would know that you have no dating experience at 31 is if you tell her.

Although you have no dating experience, there is no prerequisite for you to shout it to the rooftops as you are talking to a woman.

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Is She Dropping Hints Of Interest, Or Am I Reading Into Things?

Is She Dropping Hints Of Interest, Or Am I Reading Into Things?

A girl that is dropping hints of interest makes eye contact with you, and does so time and time again.

Regardless of how busy she is, she finds moments to look at you and stare.

Should you so happen to catch her gaze, she either holds the gaze for a few extra seconds, or looks away.

A girl that is confident holds the gaze for a few extra seconds.

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