I’m Confused. Do I Like Him Or Not? How Do I Figure This Out?

When you know that you want to spend the majority of your free time with him, and think about him throughout the day, you like him.

I'm Confused. Do I Like Him Or Not? How Do I Figure This Out?What he wants out of life is important to you.

This is where you are invested in him achieving his goals.

The thought of him getting into a romantic relationship with someone else scares you.

Living without him present in your life makes you feel nauseous.

There is such deep sadness when you think about the possibility of losing him to someone else, or not having him in your life.

When you have these emotions, it’s obvious that you value your relationship with him.

Basically, you like him, and there is no confusion.

When none of these feelings are present, and there is confusion, you are in a relationship with this guy for the sake of it, but emotionally unavailable to him.

There is something else going on in your life that either takes precedence over this guy, or takes a substantial amount of your emotional energy.

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A previous relationship that you have never completely let go of is a factor.

This was a previous relationship that ended without closure.

Unfortunately, the guy you are confused about was a rebound relationship.

You didn’t want to deal with the emotional repercussions of the previous relationship that never had closure, so you chose to get into a new relationship with the new guy.

This was done without letting yourself heal emotionally.

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By getting into a new relationship too prematurely, you never gave yourself closure.

Somewhere in your consciousness, you are hoping that your old boyfriend comes back into your life.

The rebound relationship that you have with this new guy was done to cover up your unhappiness and kill time.

Being in a relationship for the sake of it and emotional unavailability are potent factors.

There is another.

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This is a guy that you had reservations about before choosing to date him.

He had a few personality traits that bothered you, but you chose to ignore those, intent on focusing on what you liked about him.

As time progressed, you observed a greater number of personality traits that were poor, over those that weren’t.

Yet, you chose to keep ignoring them.

You were telling yourself that the romantic connection would prevail, regardless of the ever-expanding red flags you were witnessing in his personality.

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The motivation is one of desperation.

You want to connect with someone so badly.

It had been a while since you dated anyone and you desperately wanted things to work out with him.

As a result, you ignored the big warning signs in his personality, as you latched on to the few good elements about him.

At this moment in time, you have let this go on for too long and this has led to the confusion you are going through.

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But it’s time to stop lying to yourself.

When the negatives in a relationship outweigh the cons, the relationship is not worth saving.

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