My Boyfriend Is A Super Nice Person, So Why Didn’t His Last Relationships Last?

My Boyfriend Is A Super Nice Person, So Why Didn't His Last Relationships Last?

Being a super nice person is no guarantee that a relationship lasts.

Compatibility is a major component in lasting relationships.

Not everyone dates someone who has lasting compatibility with them.

Do you know who these past girlfriends dated before him?

A girl who isn’t used to dating super nice guys and has a history of dating bad boys, sometimes has compatibility issues with dating a super nice guy, making the prospect of a long-term relationship slim.

A super nice guy isn’t what she is used to.

She might have chosen to give him a chance at first, being tired of a history of dating bad boys who would cheat on her.

A few months in, she gets bored, realizes that she misses the bad boy, and chooses to end her relationship with the super nice boyfriend.

You, on the other hand, have a different approach.

Maybe you have had a history of dating bad boys too.

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After endless mistreatment at their hands, you decided to give dating a super nice guy a shot and you have come to love it.

Or maybe you don’t have a history of dating bad boys.

All you have ever dated are nice guys and thus, you are currently in your wheelhouse with this new boyfriend who is super nice.

Every girl is different.

A super nice boyfriend doesn’t work for every girl.

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It works for you and that is what matters most.

Something else to think about is your boyfriend’s experience in relationships.

Being a super nice person, he probably hasn’t had anywhere near as many dates as bad boys do.

With less experience in dating, your super nice boyfriend probably got into relationships he shouldn’t have, just to have a girlfriend.

He never vetted these girls.

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The moment they showed interest in him, he quickly went for a committed relationship.

A super nice guy who has little experience with dating girls and doesn’t have as many opportunities to do so, goes with what he can get.

These girls don’t always have the best of intentions.

Some probably chose to take advantage of his niceness for a while by being his girlfriend, until they found someone better suited to their tastes.

Then they dumped him and moved on.

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Unfortunately, people prey on those who are deemed super nice.

It happens in every avenue in life, whether it be among family, friends, work colleagues or romantic prospects.

Super nice people are deemed prey by some and are taken advantage of.

Although your boyfriend was probably either a victim of girls who chose to either go back to the bad boys or girls who just wanted to take advantage of his niceness, he isn’t entirely absolved from responsibility in these short-lived relationships.

A super nice person has a propensity to become overly needy or overly attached once they are in a relationship.

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Being that he has little experience with women, he latches onto a new girlfriend, making her his world and losing his individuality by so doing.

When the clinginess is too much, it is too overbearing for some girls and they leave.

Hopefully, this isn’t who you are with.

It’s something to look out for though.

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