Is It Weird To Specify A Hair Length Preference In A Dating Profile?

Is It Weird To Specify A Hair Length Preference In A Dating Profile?

There is a worry that in stating your physical preferences on a dating profile, you give off a bad impression.

Especially when that physical preference gets as specific as hair length.

It’s a fear of coming off as weird and shallow.

The last thing you want is to turn guys off based on a seemingly weird physical preference in hair length.

It isn’t weird.

You are on a dating app to find what you want in a partner.

A big factor in what you find attractive in a guy has to do with his length of hair.

You like it long or shoulder-length.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Everyone on a dating app has a physical preference, whether it be in ethnicity, body size, etc.

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You love long or shoulder-length hair on men.

Nothing wrong with that.

No one on a dating app has a justifiable right to regard you negatively when it comes to what you find attractive.

After all, they have their physical preferences in a partner too.

It’s not like you are judging them for what they are attracted to.

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You aren’t.

In specifying a hair length in your dating profile, you are showing that you have physical preferences in who you want to date, like everyone else.

In this vain, it isn’t weird to make this specification.

The only people who are compelled to call you shallow or criticize you about your physical preference are people who are insecure.

These are men who don’t have what you are specifying as a physical preference and are bitter about it.

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Should you receive a critical message from men like this, take a closer look at their pictures.

There are significant odds that he doesn’t have long or shoulder-length hair.

Customarily, these are guys who are balding.

Going bald is a weighty issue for a lot of men.

He feels less attractive and his self-esteem takes a dive.

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When he calls you out on a dating app for having a physical preference for men with long or shoulder-length hair, it is a reflection of his insecurity.

This is a guy who connects his sense of self-worth to how much hair he has on his head.

Now that he is balding, he has had a rough go of it in the dating world.

He has had trouble attracting women, and has had unsuccessful dates whenever he has gotten any woman to go out on a date with him.

What does he blame for this?

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His balding head.

In some cases, this is true.

But in numerous cases, his inability to attract women and his failed dates have much to do with his negative and unattractive personality.

It’s similar to guys who develop a nasty outlook and personality on account of being short in height.

He attributes his failure to attract women on his short height and completely ignores his nasty attitude.

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Although there are certainly women who aren’t attracted to short men, there are also women who are open to dating short men who have personality, charm and swagger.

Unfortunately, it’s convenient for short men with this negative attitude to blame their failure with women on their short height.

In your case, the men who are balding who send you nasty messages about your physical preference are tantamount to the mindset of a short man.

It’s about insecurity.

Don’t pay them any mind.

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Specify your hair length preference and don’t worry about being weird.

You aren’t on a dating app to assuage the sensitive feelings of balding men who are insecure.

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