Do Tall Men Get Special Privilege When It Comes To Women Choosing A Mate?

Do Tall Men Get Special Privilege When It Comes To Women Choosing A Mate?

Tall men are a preference to women.

To that extent, he gets special privilege when it comes to women choosing a mate.

There is a caveat to this though.

He gets special privilege at face value.

This is a time where the woman is yet to talk to the tall man or go out on a sufficient number of dates with him.

Being tall, he catches her eye at the outset.

Women are drawn to tall men.

A tall man makes her feel protected and feminine.

This is a biological reaction.

It has existed since the dawn of human beings.

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This being said, a woman doesn’t choose a mate solely based on how tall he is.

A mate is a different ballgame.

A mate is someone she is exclusively dating and sharing her life with.

A lot more goes into the equation of choosing a mate than solely being influenced by how tall the man is.

The mistake that many tall men make is in being too complacent with the special privilege they have in the dating market.

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He knows that women prefer tall men.

Wherever he goes, he gets noticed.

Not only noticed, he is ogled.

Women stare at him with desire and short men stare with envy.

This is something that works against a lot of tall men.

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He becomes so complacent in how much initial attention he receives from women, he gets too full of himself, choosing to focus on the superficial aspects of himself as opposed to his personality.

This doesn’t make for a good mate.

Women who go out on a few dates with the tall guy pick up on this sooner or later.

She is fearful that he doesn’t have much of a personality, and what personality there is, isn’t sufficient.

He primarily relies on his tall height to get the ladies, and though he is capable of getting their attention and going out on dates, he isn’t the best candidate for a long-term relationship.

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Once a woman picks up on this, she ditches the tall guy and gets back out on the dating market.

Choosing a mate requires that a woman feels safe with a guy.

Safe with her emotions, aspirations and trust.

When she doesn’t feel that a tall man is capable of giving her that, she doesn’t want to choose him as a mate.

This is why you see lots of tall men having short-lived flings.

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The women who chose them come to realize that a deficiency in personality and empathy makes him an unsuitable long-term partner.

Ergo, if you are a short man, take heart.

Women aren’t monolithic in who they choose as a mate.

Not every woman you see in public who is paired up is walking hand in hand with tall mates.

They aren’t monolithic.

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There is nothing you can do about being short.

But there is something you can do about your attitude and approach to women.

Being bitter about being short doesn’t get you anywhere.

You only turn off women when you have this attitude.

Instead, have a positive attitude and showcase your best attributes.

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This is what attracts the right mate to you.

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