Why Doesn’t He Text Me In-Between Dates?

Why Doesn't He Text Me In-Between Dates?

You usually chat with him when he is setting up an upcoming date with you.

Once the date is set up, you don’t hear from him until the day of the date.

This has left you upset and puzzled.

The dates have been good.

You have enjoyed them.

Yet, he doesn’t text you in-between dates.

Why wouldn’t he want to keep the momentum going by initiating conversations with you in-between dates?

It has been so frustrating, you took it upon yourself to initiate text conversations.

You were hoping that in initiating text conversations, he would learn from it and start doing the same.

It didn’t work.

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You were the one who was doing all the initiating and you soon gave up on it.

Now you are back to square one.

He contacts you to set up a date and you don’t hear from him until the day of the date.

Although you have delighted in your dates with him, you are wondering whether they are worth your time.

Once they are over, you are left hanging, not hearing from him for an uncertain amount of time, and this is mental torment.

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You have given him too much leeway to act like this and he is taking full advantage of it.

Whenever you tell yourself that you are done with this, you end up agreeing to go on yet another date with him when he finally texts you to set one up.

You are your worst enemy.

The reason why he doesn’t text you in-between dates has to do with lackluster interest in you.

Although you have delighted in the dates you have been on with him so far, he isn’t following them up with conversations in-between dates.

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This means that he isn’t as into these dates as you are.

Sure, they are good enough to keep him wanting another date.

But you aren’t interesting enough for him to want to keep the conversation going in-between dates.

A guy who is genuinely interested would be elated to talk to you in-between dates, wanting to get to know more about you.

His mind is filled with follow-up questions.

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In your case, there is an absence of this.

No follow-up questions.


Unfortunately, the reality is, he isn’t as interested in you as you are in him.

He likes your company.

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That is why he is inclined to go on these dates with you.

You are fun enough, for now.

The problem with this approach is that it is only a matter of time before he stops contacting you to set up a new date.

Normally, when this happens, he has either found someone he would much rather go on dates with or he realizes that he would much rather play his video games on a Friday night than ask you out on another date.

Having been on several prior dates with you, he knows what to expect from you.

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The dates are predictable.

Finally, he is bored with it all and is more eager to go out on dates with someone new, hang out with friends or play his video games in lieu of asking you out on another date.

Basically, as long as you let him keep doing what he is doing, it won’t take long before you don’t hear from him at all.

Is this what you want?

He isn’t legitimately interested in you.

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It’s time for you to let him go for someone who actually wants to get to know you.

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