Should I Expect My Boyfriend To Text Me A Good Morning?

Should I Expect My Boyfriend To Text Me A Good Morning?

It’s upsetting to you when your boyfriend doesn’t text you a good morning.

You like to know that the first thought he had when he woke up was of you.

Waking up to that makes you feel good.


It’s so incredibly romantic and you are a romantic at heart.

That being said, your boyfriend isn’t in the habit of texting you a good morning.

It makes you feel like he isn’t thinking about you as much as you think about him.

You don’t believe that it is too much to ask for.

After all, you have friends who have told you that their boyfriends text them a good morning on a regular basis.

You want the same.

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All this being said, you do worry that you are being too picky.

Besides the absence of good morning texts from him, he is a good boyfriend on several aspects.

To get upset over the fact that he doesn’t text you a good morning almost seems a little petty, given how well he treats you in a number of areas.

Well, you are on the right track with this train of thought.

A boyfriend who treats you right in other areas is showing that he does think about you and care for you.

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Though you love receiving good morning texts, the lack of them does in no way indicate that your boyfriend doesn’t think about you often.

Again, you have the evidence each and every day in how he treats you.

He treats you well.

Keep this in mind as you grapple with this issue.

Some guys show they care in other ways.

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They aren’t always the type of guys that text a good morning to their girlfriend.

They are the guys who would much rather take their girl out on a Friday night and treat her, making her feel like a princess.

You have probably noticed that he isn’t a good texter overall.

This isn’t his strong suit.

It’s no surprise that he doesn’t send good morning texts.

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Nonetheless, you want to receive good morning texts from him.

Go about it through leading by example.

Each morning, send him a text letting him know you love him and wishing him a good day.

Whenever he lags in responding to a morning message you sent him, don’t get upset.

It takes a while for him to get acclimated to this.

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Sending him morning messages habitually, gets him accustomed to exchanging text messages with you first thing in the morning.

Once he gets acclimated to this, he will start surprising you by sending you good morning texts before you have had a chance to send him any text at all.

This method requires patience and diligence, but it pays off.

As long as he is being a good boyfriend to you in other areas, it is worth it to be patient enough with this exercise until he gets used to the idea of exchanging morning text messages with you.

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