I Really Miss Him And Want To See Him But Don’t Want To Ask To?

Being that you miss him and want to see him, the onus is on you to contact him and ask him out to do an activity with you.

I Really Miss Him And Want To See Him But Don't Want To Ask ToIf you don’t want to ask, you don’t miss him as much as you are making it seem.

Be candid with yourself about how much you care about him.

Do you care about him on a deep level?

Should this be the case, set your ego aside.

This is how it has to work.

When let your ego keep you from asking him to meet you for a date, time is wasted.

Before you know it, the rapport you once had with him is completely extinguished, never to return.

Once the rapport is lost, he has moved on mentally and doesn’t care about seeing you altogether.

Any shot you had with him is totally over.

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Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that waiting on him to ask to see you is bound to happen, given that guys are usually the pursuers.

In your case, there are no guarantees that he is going to do this.

In thinking like this, it is much harder for you to make any proactive moves as time goes by.

Time is of the essence.

With each day that passes without you taking any action, you are receding further and further into the recesses of his psyche.

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Let go of your ego.

Stop holding on to a futile hope that he is going to come around and ask to see you.

Be proactive and ask for a date.

This moves things forward, giving you insight on where he stands as far as whether he wants to see you again.

It takes the guesswork out.

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When you stay in a constant state of not knowing, you do yourself a disservice.

A common fear that women have when asking a guy out is that of coming off as too desperate or needy.

Don’t overthink it.

It’s only one request to meet up, nothing extra.

If he refuses your first request, you shouldn’t keep asking over and over again.

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This is when you would be acting desperate and needy.

Making one request for a meetup, or a date, isn’t being desperate or needy.

It is being assertive and proactive.

This is the best mindset to have.

If you don’t act now, you are wasting precious time waiting on him to take action.

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You are watching his every move, comment, and gesture.

This is what you use to deduce whether he misses you too.

The hope is that he does, and that a request for a date from him is imminent as a result.

Unfortunately, you are creating too many scenarios in your mind that aren’t real.

For example, he smiles at you today, and you take that as a sign that he is going to ask you out soon.

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This is where you wait and wait, but nothing happens.

That smile never meant anything after all.

Never handicap yourself in this fashion.

Make a proactive move on him by asking him out on a date, and get this done.

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