Category Archives: Courtship

If A Guy Did You Wrong In The Past, Should You Give Him Another Chance At Courting You?

If A Guy Did You Wrong In The Past, Should You Give Him Another Chance At Courting You?Regardless of what he says to you to make amends, it doesn’t change the fact that he did you wrong.

It’s tempting to give him another chance when he is a charmer.

He has a way with words, and knows what to say to make you feel special, safe, and reassured.

On top of this, you still think he is attractive, and it’s not like you have been having much luck in the dating market of late.

You want to believe that he is remorseful for the wrong he did, and intent on doing better, if were to decide to give him another chance at courting you.

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What Does It Mean When You Like Someone But Haven’t Felt Your Heart Beating For Them?

What Does It Mean When You Like Someone But Haven't Felt Your Heart Beating For Them?In the past, when you have liked someone, you felt your heart beat for them.

There was a palpable excitement that you felt.

Since that feeling, you have surmised that this is how you should feel whenever you like someone.

That feeling gives you an emotional high, and you want to experience it whenever you like someone new.

This being said, human beings have an internal safeguard that protects them when it comes to past hurt in love and romance.

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If A Potential Male Partner Has A Mental Illness, Should That Be A Deal-Breaker?

If A Potential Male Partner Has A Mental Illness, Should That Be A Deal-Breaker?A potential male partner with a mental illness isn’t a deal-breaker.

As human beings, we are all mentally ill to varying degrees.

That being said, if a man has received a diagnosis that confirms mental illness, this has to be taken seriously.

Do your due diligence to learn more about his mental illness.

It doesn’t matter that he seems normal in his overall temperament and composure.

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Would Dating Be More Fun If Us Women Just Enjoyed The Ride And Stopped Worrying About If We’re Being Played Or Not?

Would Dating Be More Fun If Us Women Just Enjoyed The Ride And Stopped Worrying About If We're Being Played Or Not?When you worry about whether you are being played or not, your instincts are keeping you safe.

That is what your instincts are supposed to do.

Sadly, there are guys who play women.

You have no control over that.

All you have control over is establishing that you don’t get played by one of these guys.

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I Asked A Girl To Be My Girlfriend After Three Dates. She Said It’s Too Soon And Is Starting To Fade Away

I Asked A Girl To Be My Girlfriend After Three Dates. She Said It's Too Soon And Is Starting To Fade AwayShe is starting to fade away, realizing that you are ahead of her emotionally.

When you asked her to be your girlfriend after three dates, she was taken by surprise, and has had to go through a mental realignment since then.

She isn’t used to getting into exclusive relationships with guys after only three dates.

A lifetime of dating has taught her that more time is required for her to get to know you better.

Only then is she equipped with the information that is required for her to determine whether you are trustworthy.

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