Do You Ever Feel Like Getting Into A Relationship, Then You Realize You’re Happier Single?

Yes, it does happen to a few people, and is especially true if you have had bad relationships in the past, or you are around people who are currently in bad relationships.

Do You Ever Feel Like Getting Into A Relationship, Then You Realize You're Happier Single?You instantly tell yourself that you don’t want to go back to that sort of relationship.

It’s no surprise you feel like this, given how inattentive and selfish your partner was.

The ungratefulness of your past partner besieges your thoughts, as you recall how much he rarely acknowledged the nice things you did for him.

Further unsettling memories deluge your mind, such as how callous he was in flirting with girls right in front of you.

With all these memories flooding back into your consciousness, you realize that getting into a new relationship isn’t that great of an idea.

You know of friends and family that are currently in difficult relationships.

Time and time again, you hear their complaints about their partners.

He is so annoying.

He never listens to me.

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She wants to go shopping all day.

She is obsessed with complaining about her boss.

He is such a pig.

He cares about himself and no one else.

He never cleans up after himself.

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She won’t stop bugging me about putting the seat down in the bathroom.

She says nasty things about me to her friends.

You hear all these complaints day in and day out.

By the time you are by yourself and about to tuck yourself into bed, you are exhaling in relief that you didn’t fall into the trap of getting into a relationship.

With this many miserable couples, you would much rather stay single.

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There is nothing wrong with staying single if you believe that it would work best for you.

This being said, don’t permit negative past experiences or all the negativity that you hear from friends and family about relationships affect your decision-making.

Deciding to stay single because of all of the negativity that you have experienced or continue to witness among those you know, is being too presumptuous.

Don’t do that.

Dating is a risk, but it is a worthwhile risk if you want to be with someone.

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Dating is part of a process that leads you to the person that works best for you.

That person isn’t going to be perfect, and is certain to have flaws.

The relationship won’t be stress-free either.

Nonetheless, that is part of the fun.

So much of life is about experiences and how those experiences better us as people.

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When you learn from past experiences, you are more equipped to make better choices in your future partners.

When you learn from the mistakes that your friends and family are making in partners, you make better choices in your future partners.

It doesn’t mean that your next relationship will be the one that works.

It isn’t unusual to have to go through a few more relationships before meeting the one that works best for you.

However, you do get there eventually, as long as you are prudent in your choices and realistic in your outlook.

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