Telltale Signs A Guy Is Attracted To A Girl

Telltale Signs A Guy Is Attracted To A Girl

A guy makes a lot of eye contact when he is attracted to a girl.

He is staring at the girl and looking to see whether she stares back at him.

When she does, he smiles or acknowledges her, if he is confident.

This is a telltale sign that he is attracted to the girl.

He wants to see whether his smile is reciprocated.

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Should she stare back at him and smile in tandem, it lets him know that she is showing initial signs of attraction towards him.

At this point, he is wondering about approaching the girl or making a move on her.

He hesitates to do that at that moment, and observes her further.

He intends to stare at her again in a few moments, so as to see whether she returns the stare and couples that with a smile.

Since guys are the ones who approach women, they want to be positive that a woman is attracted to them before risking an approach.

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This means that he is looking for signs of attraction coming from her.

If she isn’t initiating telltale signs of attraction towards him on her own volition, he puts it upon himself to send her signs of attraction.

He wants her to reciprocate those signs more than once to get a good idea on whether she is attracted to him.

That is what he is watching for now.

He has already initiated eye contact with her and smiled.

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She has responded by doing the same.

He now wants confirmation through repetition that she is attracted to him.

So, he waits a few moments and stares at her again, waiting to see whether she stares back at him once again and matches his smile.

If this happens, he is ready to make his move.

He approaches her and opens a conversation with her.

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As he talks to her, he gets a read on her personality and observes her body language.

When he gets a read on her personality and body language, and deems that she is receptive to the conversation, he flirts with her.

A telltale sign that he is attracted to her.

He flirts with her by complimenting her beauty, intellect, etc.

He compliments her on something he has noticed about her, whether it be physical or psychological.

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Just as when he was staring at her before he chose to walk over to her and initiate a conversation, he is looking for reciprocation.

When he flirts with her, he wants her to respond to it.

He wants her to blush at the compliment he gives her, or give him a compliment in return.

As long as he gets a positive response to the flirt, he is encouraged to sustain the conversation.

This is when he gets physically closer to the girl.

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He enters her personal space, wanting to break through the gap between them so as to create a more intimate conversation.

A telltale sign that he is attracted to the girl.

As long as she doesn’t step back or recoil from the intrusion, he knows that the attraction persists, which makes it likely that the conversation is going to end with personal contact information being exchanged and a future romantic date planned.