How Do You Change Who You Attract?

How Do You Change Who You Attract?

In continuing to attend the same social hangouts, you are bound to keep attracting the same kind of men.

Your nightlife is too habitual.

It’s human nature to attend the same social hangouts, given that we are already familiar with them, and there is a degree of comfort that comes with that.

This sameness is hurting any chance you have to change who you attract.

Given the comfort you feel whenever you are at these perennial social hangouts, the thought of completely overhauling where you socialize on your free time is uncomfortable.

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It doesn’t make it any easier when your friends are repeatedly asking you to attend the same social hangouts.

After all, they have found a comfort zone in these perennial social hangouts too.

Nevertheless, changing who you attract requires that you make a change in where you hang out on your free time.

Suggest a new social venue to your friends, and a few of them are sure to take you up on it.

That said, considering that human beings are creatures of habit, there is a high probability that the few that agree to these suggestions won’t be consistent with it.

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Yes, they are falling back to patronizing the same social hangouts as before in a few weeks.

This means that it is now up to you to attend these new social venues on your own.

If this is too intimidating, think about making new friends who are open to the idea of spending some of their free time at these new hangouts.

There are often opportunities to make new friends in our lives that we don’t take advantage of because we are happy with the friend group that we already have.

In your case, you have to expand your friend group and make new friends.

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The next time a coworker of yours, that you are only acquainted with but not friends with, is about to go to lunch, go with them.

The next time there is a happy hour at work where several coworkers are attending, go to it.

Whenever someone at work invites you to a birthday party, go to it.

These are all openings for you to build a stronger rapport with these fellow coworkers and stimulate new friendships with them.

These are friendships that help in expanding your social reach.

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No longer are you stuck having to go wherever your usual group of friends want to go to on a free weekend or Friday night.

You have these new friends who are ready to go to a new social hangout with you, as well as show you where they often go to on a free weekend or Friday night.

These are new social venues where it is possible for you to attract a different type of man.

One that is a much better match for you than what you are used to.

Furthermore, there are other ways to expand your network of friends that increases the chances for you to change who you attract.

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Join interest groups around activities that you love to do.

Think about the activities that you love to do.

Activities such as hiking, cycling, sculpting, photography, interior design, scrapbooking, jogging, dancing, rock climbing, horseback riding, baking, cooking, travel, etc.

There are bound to be interest groups that cater to activities that you love to do.

This is fertile ground where you have an outlet to make new friends who have the ability to expose you to new parts of town on a free weekend or Friday night.

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Not to mention, meeting men in these interest groups that you so happen to find attractive, gives you an added benefit.

These are men that you already have an activity of interest in common with.

People who have an activity in common typically have other things in common.

Without even having to go out with a new group of friends on a free weekend or Friday night, you may have already attracted the right man for you by merely becoming a part of one of these interest groups.