Women aren’t asking you about your dating experience as they socialize with you.
They are asking you about your interests and such.
The only reason why a woman would know that you have no dating experience at 31 is if you tell her.
Although you have no dating experience, there is no prerequisite for you to shout it to the rooftops as you are talking to a woman.
She is clueless as to what your dating experience is.
All she is doing in the early stages of talking to you is getting to know you, so as to see whether there are common interests and any romantic chemistry.
She isn’t inquiring about your past dating experience.
If anything, she is weary about asking you such questions when it is this early.
When you are so frightened at the prospect of a woman learning that you have no dating experience, it negatively affects how you socialize with her, causing you to demonstrate a lack of confidence.
This alone is a red flag.
A deficiency of confidence in a man is a turnoff to women.
Before you have said much of anything, she is already turned off by how much you are stuttering and shaking as you talk to her.
She doesn’t know for a fact that you have no dating experience at this stage.
Yet, you have already turned her off due to your insecurity about having no dating experience, which has manifested itself in how you are physically presenting yourself to her.
You don’t have to feel so hopeless about the prospect of dating women when you have no dating experience.
Demonstrating confidence in how you talk to her is the first step in remedying this fear.
Talking about topics that you are well-versed about helps in building your confidence, especially as you relate to her on a number of common interests.
It is this approach to conversation that creates a connection with her.
Once you realize there is this connection, ask her out.
Remember, she doesn’t know that you have no dating experience because you have been wise enough not to tell her.
Now that you have asked her out, don’t commit the frequent blunder that plenty of guys make in taking a girl out to extravagant dates too early.
This isn’t necessary.
You have a better chance at continuing to demonstrate that you are a confident guy by only taking her out to do activities that you are really familiar with.
What fun activities do you do obsessively whenever you have free time?
Let’s use bowling as a quick example, assuming that you have been out bowling with your mates plenty of times and love it.
Inviting her to go bowling with you allows you to put yourself in an environment and location that you are familiar with on a date.
This means that you have a natural confidence while you are in that location doing said activity.
This is a confidence that she picks up on and is impressed by.
If she isn’t particularly familiar with bowling, you gain further brownie points by showing her how it’s done, like an instructor would.
Yet, you are teasing and laughing and having fun with her in the process, not taking it too seriously.
It’s a date after all, not a bowling lesson.
This approach to the dates you go on with her early on does a lot to build your confidence and get her to look at you as a strong guy who’s in charge.
All of this bodes well for you.
By the time you have taken her out on a handful of dates to do activities you are good at and familiar with, the hopelessness that you have been carrying with you in regards to your dearth of experience in dating is a thing of the past.
You are more confident than you have ever been on dates.
And guess what?
You have gained something else.