A Girl I Had A Date With Postponed It. Was She Just Being Polite Or Does She Really Want To See Me?

A Girl I Had A Date With Postponed It. Was She Just Being Polite Or Does She Really Want To See Me?

As long as she made solid plans to meet you on an alternate date, she really wants to see you.

If she postponed the date without making solid plans to meet you on an alternate date, she was just being polite and isn’t interested in seeing you.

Women postpone dates all the time.

Sometimes, there are valid reasons for the postponement, and other times, she is looking for an easy way out of having to go out on a date with you.

When you are someone who doesn’t postpone dates or has never postponed a date, it is unnerving to be at the receiving end of a postponement.

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You are thinking about why she did this, consumed with whether she really wants to see you.

It gets much harder to grapple with the postponement when it comes from a woman that you have been looking forward to going on a date with.

When you have spent a while getting to know a woman and the excitement culminates in you finally mustering the courage to ask her out on a date, it is that much harder to grapple with a postponement of said date.

All of this is normal and human.

This being said, you mustn’t overthink this.

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It is quite simple.

If she postponed the date, but made solid plans to see you on an alternate date, or gave you a number of days that she is available in the nearby future, she really wants to see you.

On the contrary, when she doesn’t make solid plans to see you on an alternate date, nor provide a number of days that she is available in the nearby future, she isn’t interested in seeing you.

It’s crucial that you don’t make any desperate moves at this time.

Assuming she didn’t make any solid plans to meet you on an alternate date, don’t let your emotions compel you to constantly call or text her desperate to get her to give you a date that she is available.

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Doing this makes you come off as completely unappealing to her.

Women aren’t attracted to desperate men.

She won’t take too kindly to you constantly calling or texting her, even if you aren’t outright asking or hounding her about when she is available to go out on a date.

She picks up on the fact that you are being desperate and you are hoping for any sign from her that she wants to see you.

Total turn off.

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Any chance that she would have changed her mind about going out on a date with you in the future, slim as it is, is completely lost when you conduct yourself in a desperate fashion.

A postponement without an alternate date given, is a strong sign that she doesn’t want to see you.

It’s alright.

Accept it and kindly wish her well.

A man that doesn’t grovel, keeps his pride.

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Although she doesn’t want to see you, it doesn’t mean that another woman won’t.

As long as you maintain a positive attitude, you are destined to meet a new woman who sincerely wants to go out on a date with you and follows through on it.

Considering that dating is a numbers game, never let a situation that doesn’t turn out the way you want to negatively impact how you approach dating moving forward.

As long as you put yourself out there and continually look to socialize with women you are interested in, a real date is in your future.