What Makes A Woman Marriage Material?

What Makes A Woman Marriage Material?

A man takes a woman more seriously, and regards her as marriage material, when he believes she is trustworthy and loyal.

A loyal partner always has his back and is not prone to becoming judgmental should there be major bumps along the way in their relationship.

He knows that she is the type that continues to trust and respect him even when he is struggling to make ends meet during hard times.

Hard times such as those that come with the loss of a job, leaving him with next to no income coming in.

He knows that his woman won’t lose respect for him should these hard times occur, and that she is supporting him through it all.

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Being a strong man, he knows that hard times won’t persist, as he is never one to not work on remedying them as they arise.

He just wants to know that he has a woman that sticks by his side while he is in the process of fixing a hard time that has befallen him.

A wife that is trustworthy won’t go behind his back in difficult times and take comfort in the arms of another man.

She isn’t suddenly thinking about jumping ship and getting on a new boat by having an affair with a new man.

Rather, she sticks by her man’s side through thick and thin.

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This type of trustworthiness and loyalty makes a woman marriage material to a man.

Additionally, a man that knows a woman is destined to be a great mom to his future children with her, sees her as marriage material.

A man wants to know that while he is out in the world working hard to provide for his family, his wife is being an exemplary mom to their children.

She is nurturing and kind to them, but is astute at teaching them right from wrong.

After all, he doesn’t want to be embarrassed at church on Sunday, as his kids run through the crowded pews while the Father is conducting a sermon.

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A man’s children are a reflection of him.

When they misbehave or disrupt, people at large look to him with judgmental eyes.

They wonder whether he has a hold of his household, given that his children always look disheveled and are constantly running amok in public.

A man’s pride is a big part of who he is.

When he is getting dirty looks from people at large on account of his children, he takes that personally and his pride takes a massive hit.

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He never has to worry about this when he knows that he has a wife at home that keeps the children in line, while showing them motherly love and kindness in tandem.

A woman that bears these motherly instincts is marriage material to him.

While he is at work, he isn’t consumed with worry that the children are not being nurtured or disciplined properly.

He rests easy knowing that his wife has it handled.

A woman is marriage material when a man has shown her his worst and most vulnerable character traits and she continues to adore him.

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She has seen him when he is angry, sad, obnoxious, unintelligent, etc., and accepts him regardless.

This is a man that knows he can be himself around her and let his guard down without any fear of judgment or reprisal.

By the time he is at this stage with a woman he is dating, he is already envisioning what his wedding day with her looks like.