A girl that asks to hold hands on a first date is feeling a romantic connection with you.
She is physically and emotionally comfortable enough with you to ask to hold hands.
This is a girl that is quick to express affection physically when she realizes that she is clicking with a guy she is out on a date with.
Think about what her behavior was like leading up to the moment she asked to hold hands with you.
Was she staring at you for sustained periods of time while smiling and laughing a lot?
Was she complimenting and teasing you, as she asked you a good amount of questions about yourself?
Some of this or all of this happened during your date.
These were strong signs that she was enjoying her time with you and was feeling romantic chemistry with you.
It’s vital to read a woman’s body language when you are out on a date with her.
Knowing how to read a woman’s body language lets you know whether she is connecting with you romantically or not.
When you observe body language from her that indicates that she is connecting with you romantically, it gives you a reason to keep doing what you had been doing.
Basically, you are doing it right and should keep it up.
When you observe that her body language is showing signs of a lack of romantic connection, that is your cue to pivot in a new direction to see whether you are capable of saving the date by getting her to feel a romantic connection.
The sooner you get a read on her body language, the better.
It literally makes or breaks a first date.
It’s much easier for a woman to leave a first date and have no intention to see a guy again, if she doesn’t feel a romantic connection or spark with him during the date.
To put it succinctly, a woman rarely gives a guy a second chance to determine whether a romantic connection is possible.
Meaning, no second date.
There are lots of guys who never make it to a second date who could have prevented that if they knew how to pick up on female romantic body language.
In your case, you did everything right on this first date.
You created a romantic spark, which is why she was ready to hold your hand during the course of the first date and asked to do it.
This is a good sign.
It means she wants to see you again.
She wants a second date.
Don’t take too long to ask her out on a second date.
Some guys are under the erroneous impression that they should wait a while to ask a girl out on a second date so that they don’t appear desperate.
This is completely wrong.
Going for a second date soon after a first date is the right approach, especially after a good first date where the girl asked to hold your hand.
Ask her out to a second date pronto.
If you decide to give it a week or so before asking her out on a second date, you risk losing the momentum you established with her on the first date, which jeopardizes the likelihood of her going out on any future dates with you.
When a girl has been waiting longer than she likes to get asked out on a second date, she overthinks.
She wonders whether there was a mutual romantic connection during the date or whether you are out dating a bunch of girls.
None of this bodes well for you, as it causes her to doubt the idea of going out on future dates with you.
Needless to say, it’s imperative you ask her out within a day or two of a good first date, while the energy remains high, so that a second date is all but assured.