What’s A Long-Term Strategy To Get Her To Like Or Love Me?

Emphasizing on a long-term strategy to get her to like or love you, negatively influences everything.

What's A Long-Term Strategy To Get Her To Like Or Love Me?Everything you do from that point on would be all about achieving this goal.

Consequently, you come off as desperate and misrepresentative of who you really are.

Being that you like this girl so much, it’s difficult to comprehend this.

Every fiber of your being wants to do whatever you have to so as to get her to like or love you.

You have fantasized about what a life together with her looks like, over and over in your head.


Keep your desires and emotions in check.

People have a tendency to get too carried away when they want someone to like or love them.

They overcompensate for any shortcomings by doing everything in their power to please that person or make that person happy.

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This is where you are going out of your way to keep giving to her.

This is the wrong approach.

Getting anyone to like you or love you requires that either person gives of themselves equally.

There has to be a give and take in a relationship for it to work.

Give her the latitude to reciprocate, so that you get to value each other equally.

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When you are the one who is doing all the giving, you are not giving her the breathing room to return the favor.

Furthermore, you are giving her the impression that you don’t believe you are worthy of being loved in return.

This is where you lose her emotionally and mentally.

She hangs around for a little bit longer with you, but becomes so stifled by how much you are giving, she chooses to leave you.

Once she leaves you, you are broken, and all that giving was all for naught.

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This is why it is far more beneficial to stay in the moment and focus on building rapport with her.

This affords you the time and scope to show her a greater amount of your personality, as you learn about hers.

While this occurs, you are finding commonalities with her, and relating to her in a number of areas.

She does the same over time with you.

As she gets to know you, her comfort level with you soars.

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This gets her to feel safe around you, and as a consequence, she wants to be around you.

With this exposure to you, she naturally develops feelings for you.

These feelings lead to love.

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