What Is Your Biggest Turnoff In A Person As Far As Dating Purposes Go?

What Is Your Biggest Turnoff In A Person As Far As Dating Purposes Go?

There are a plethora of turnoffs out there as far as dating purposes go, and turnoffs are generally similar from person to person.

The biggest turnoffs are far more cerebral in nature as opposed to irritating.

Yes, it’s annoying to sit across from a guy and listen to him at a date chewing with his mouth open.

That said, this is more so an irritating turnoff than a cerebral one.

It is fixable, with a little patience and training.

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A guy that chews with his mouth open has qualities that transcend his irritating habit.

He is kind, loving, financially responsible, affectionate, reliable, etc.

Irritating habits are overlooked when there are far better qualities present that usurp his irritating habits.

The same applies to an irritating habit such as dating a guy who keeps biting his fingernails.

Though irritating, you won’t overlook his better qualities such as his craftmanship, intelligence, and protective nature.

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These are all surface-level turnoffs that are manageable and fixable over time, and you endure them, knowing that he has good qualities that overshadow his irritating habits.

The biggest turnoffs are cerebral and deep.

These are turnoffs that mentally affect you much more profoundly than watching your date chewing with his mouth open.

These are turnoffs that pierce into your psyche, leaving you nauseous and filled with anxiety.

Unlike surface-level turnoffs such as a guy that thinks that he is funnier than he really is, or who boasts a bit too much, the biggest turnoffs get stuck to your psyche like gum.

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Whether he is present or not, you are thinking about it while you are working at the office, working out at the gym, having lunch with friends, walking your dog in the park, or putting gas in your car.

That cerebral effect stays with you and you aren’t shaking it no matter what activity you are doing.

A turnoff like this makes you believe that you are vulnerable and likely to get emotionally hurt by him in the foreseeable future.

These are turnoffs such as a dating a man who lies compulsively.

A man that lies compulsively isn’t trustworthy.

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As you develop stronger feelings for him as he dates you, it is but a matter of time before his compulsive lies contort your life into mental and emotional knots.

This is the one person in the world that you are supposed to trust the most, and he lies to you uncontrollably.

Before you know it, you aren’t confiding in him anymore.

There is no trust.

This distrust makes it impossible to build a healthy relationship.

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The women who have gone through this in past relationships have had to take time out to rebuild their trust in people before getting back into dating.

As much as a lying partner is one of the biggest turnoffs, a partner who is a compulsive cheat is equally as bad.

Yet again, this is a turnoff that is cerebral and affects your psyche deeply.

You worry about what he is doing when he isn’t physically with you.

When he is at work, you are thinking about whether he is hitting on his female coworker.

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When he is exercising at the gym, you are wondering whether he is chatting up the cute girl in her sexy gym gear who is using the pulldown machine next to him.

This anxiety stays with you wherever you are, no matter what you are doing.

As long as he isn’t physically with you, you question whether he is cheating on you yet again with someone else.

The biggest turnoffs are cerebral and affect your psyche deeply to such an extent you develop anxiety in your everyday life.