What’s The First Physical Feature Men Notice In Women?

What's The First Physical Feature Men Notice In Women?

Men are drawn to a woman’s face.

That is the first feature they notice in a woman.

A woman’s face is her identity.

There is so much that is captured by her face.

The size, color, and shape of her eyes gives him insight into who she is as a person.

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The shape and height of her cheeks gives him insight into how sophisticated she is.

The contours of her lips accentuates her sexuality.

The thickness and length of her hair further accentuates her sexuality, as well as her femininity.

So much is assumed from what her face looks like, that men are immediately drawn to a woman’s face before anything else.

It’s the first physical feature a man notices in a woman.

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In liking what he sees in her face, he proceeds to look at her other physical features.

When he knows that he likes her face, he becomes curious about what the rest of her looks like.

He isn’t expecting perfection per se.

He already knows that her face has completely captured his attention.

Rather, he is looking at the rest of her to determine whether she looks good enough in other areas.

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Her height doesn’t have to be perfect.

Her torso doesn’t have to be perfect.

Everything below the face passes his inspection as long as there are no extremes.

A woman that is height and weight proportionate is enough for him.

Her face is what he cares about the most and she has already passed that first test.

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Her other physical features are fine with him, as long as she isn’t too overweight or too underweight.

Those are the extremes.

A woman’s face is the first physical feature a man notices in a woman due to what the face conveys in both beauty and personality.

He gets to tell so much about the woman from merely observing her face.

Not only is he made privy to her physical beauty, he is made privy to what he perceives her personality to be.

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The initial impression of a woman’s personality is conveyed through her face.

This is why you mustn’t ignore what your face is doing.

A woman with a beautiful face can just as easily lose a man’s interest if he surmises that her face isn’t friendly and welcoming.

Although he is attracted to the contours of your beautiful lips, he is less likely to approach you if those lips are constantly rigid and taut.

You are scowling.

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This is a turn off.

The initial physical attraction he felt for those beautiful lips crater when he notices that you haven’t mustered a smile towards anyone since he first saw you from across the room.

Although you have beautiful eyes that quickly grabbed his attention, he doesn’t approach you when he realizes that those eyes are constantly looking down, captivated by a smartphone you are holding or something else, and rarely looking up and making eye contact with people.

Regardless of how much your face draws the eyes of men, they won’t make a move to approach you if your face isn’t relaxed and inviting.