How To Find A Boyfriend

How To Find A Boyfriend

Putting yourself in environments where men frequent in mass improves your chances of finding a boyfriend.

If you stay cooped up at home alone most days, or always hang out with your small circle of friends at their homes, you make it harder to find a boyfriend.

Get out of your comfort zone by attending a sports event.

Yes, I know that you aren’t the biggest fan of sports.

But, sports events are filled with men, several of whom are single.

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What sports events occur in your city or town?

Are there football, soccer, hockey, rugby, or basketball games constantly happening at the local stadium or arena?

It’s time to stop hanging out with your small circle of friends in your various homes on the weekends.

This weekend, you are taking them with you, kicking and screaming, to a public sports event.

Yes, force yourself out of your comfort zone, along with your friends.

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Attending a sports event all on your own is intimidating.

Which is why you are better off taking a few of your friends with you.

This gives you the courage to go to these sports events regularly and keeps you from feeling self-conscious while you are at the event.

While you are there, be animated and energetic as you watch the game.

In other words, look like you are having a good time.

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Men are drawn to women who look like they are having a good time.

He is drawn to the positive energy.

This is made that much more intense when he sees a woman having such a good time while watching a sports game in real time.

It sends the message that you are someone who is fun to talk to.

This impression alone is enough to get several men who happen to be watching the sports event around you to attempt to get your attention.

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The guy sitting beside you watching the sports game puts his hand up for you to give him a high five as you celebrate a goal scored by the home team.

The guy sitting behind you taps you on the shoulder and cheers with you as you celebrate yet another goal scored by the home team.

As long as you are responsive to the men who attempt to get your attention at sports events, they are encouraged to take things further by asking your name and engaging in small talk with you.

Just like that, you have captured his interest and all you had to do was attend a sports event and look like you were having a good time.

A few of these guys become good prospects for a future boyfriend as the conversation at the stadium or arena leads to a request for your phone number and consequent dates in the foreseeable future.

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Besides live sports events, you can find a boyfriend even closer to home.

You have girlfriends who have brothers.

When was the last time you had a conversation with the brother of one of your girlfriends that you think is cute.

Being that you are already the friend of his sister, he knows to be kind towards you, out of a respect for his sister.

When you repeatedly initiate conversation with the brothers of your girlfriends, you give them insight into your personality.

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Instead of thinking of you as a photocopy of his sister in personality, he realizes that you have a distinct and unique personality all of your own.

This opens him up to initiating conversations with you in future encounters whenever you happen to be present while hanging out with his sister.

When you leave, he is compelled to ask his sister, your friend, for more information about you out of newly found curiosity.

The brothers of your girlfriends are great prospects for boyfriends, as long as you stop ignoring them, but rather, consistently engage in conversation with them.