Is There Something I Am Doing Wrong That Makes Him Insecure, Or Is The Problem With Him?

You are doing something wrong that makes him insecure, especially when you are constantly appeasing him or doing too much.

Is There Something I Am Doing Wrong That Makes Him Insecure, Or Is The Problem With Him?Some people in relationships are overbearing.

They burden their partner with the task of making them feel good, as though it is their partner’s mission.

The truth is, when people are so concerned about making their partner feel good, they forget about themselves.

Your partner becomes insecure, not knowing how to handle the amount of attention that you are giving them.

They question their worth, feeling the pressure to assume more than they are.

The expectations suddenly are a factor, as your partner contemplates how much exactly you expect of them.

After all, with this amount of attention, you must be expecting much out of them.

This makes them insecure, worrying that they don’t meet those expectations.

They are now fearful and to some extent abrasive.

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When you notice their abrasiveness, your natural response is to work harder to make them know just how much they mean to you.

By doing this, the situation is further exacerbated with you giving them more of what they are actually reacting against.

A continuous cycle develops that only gets worse.

To prevent this from happening, realize your value in the relationship.

A relationship is a partnership.

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For it to work, both partners must genuinely care about meeting each other’s needs equally.

This is something that has to be done with sincerity and truth, leading to less insecurity or abrasiveness on his part and more collaboration.

There is indeed danger in giving too much.

An equal amount of give and take is essential in building a relationship that doesn’t fall prey to insecurity.

Be conscious of this.

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A successful relationship doesn’t happen when it is one-sided, where you are doing all the giving.

He has to meet you in the middle, which means you don’t give in to the belief that by just doing a little bit more, he comes around.

That leads to you giving more and more and getting not much in return, while he takes all that giving for granted.

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